The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Josh’s Pov

I walked away without saying anything once the doctor handed me my files. I immediately flew to Cuba.

In high school, I had a friend who was a surgeon there. I hadn’t seen him since high school, but I ran

into him at a conference in Europe once and he gave me his card. He was the only Doctor I could trust

at the time.

Brandon and my father had no idea who he was, so I realized there was no way they knew him. I

hadn’t seen him in more than eight years, so neither of them could have known he existed or paid him


It was mid-day when I arrived in Cuba, and I had not slept for more than twenty-four hours. I needed

answers, not sleep, and Jessica was probably looking for me out of her mind, but I needed to clear her

name at the time.

I arrived at the Doctors hospital and he was shocked to see me. Cuba was the last place that he

expected to see me but when I explained my situation he understood why I flew miles away from home.

I handed him my file and he went through it, I could see his face turn into shock as he read it. He had

seen the pregnancy news all over the internet.

He pointed to a room and ordered me to go in it and change into a hospital gown for the tests.

I ordered him to do all the tests that were available in his book to confirm whether I had testicles or not.

He nodded and walked into the room after some minutes. He did not need a scan or tests but just from

a physical examination he could tell I had no testicles but I needed him to do all the tests, scans, and

even an assessment of whether I was capable of fathering a child.

After an hour he was done, I dressed up and followed him into his office. I could tell from his facial

expression that nothing was okay with me down there. I took a seat and he cleared his throat.

“Josh, I will get to the point straight, the accident you sustained in Canada was fatal and they had to do

an orchiectomy because your pelvic area got crushed under the weight of the helicopter. I noticed they

did constructive surgery,” he stated. But I only stared at him as he went on to explain how impossible it

was for me to ever have a child.

“But why did the doctors lie to you? You have to sue them and why did you not follow up after you

started experiencing the side effects?” he asked.

I swallowed hard, “My father paid the doctors to lie to me,” I replied.

“Oooh, I am so sorry, that’s… why would he do that?” he asked but I ignored his questions and asked

to look at the scans. I was still in denial, he showed me my scans then handed me a scan of a normal

male with testicles.

I could clearly see the difference and I just sank in my chair. He offered a free therapist for me and a

home for some days but I thanked him and walked out ignoring his pleas. I had a date with the devil

called my father. But first I needed to face my wife.

At the back of my head I thought I could process Jessica f*cking around, getting pregnant and leaving

me but why pin a baby on a man she knew would never impregnate her. Then it occurred to me, the

money, the shares.

Even if I had found out after splitting the shares she would still have a portion of her shares. She was

traping me to give her my shares by using a baby that was not mine. It never mattered if I found out or

not. Just the thought of it made my stomach turn.

I boarded the plane troubled, and when I arrived home it was already morning and I had not had sleep

for more than forty-eight hours. My own country seemed like a foreign country. I switched on my phone Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

and thousands of messages and missed calls popped up.

I ignored them and went straight into a liquor store. Alcohol was always my weakness when hit with a

brick but I was not going to drink myself to death. I just needed something strong while I drove home. I

recalled all the w*ores that I had to f*ck in an attempt to impregnate one when I thought she was the

one with a problem.

I practically made her see a gynecologist and she was probably laughing at me in that office. Was she

punishing me for all the s*it I put her through? I thought to myself as I drove into the driveway, a home I

had so many dreams for. I walked in and she immediately ran to me and hugged me with so much

worry on her face. “Ooh my G*d Josh where have you been?” she asked

“Canada,” I replied and moved her out of my way.

“What? Why didn’t you tell me? I am just from filing a missing person’s report.”

I looked into her eyes and said, “I went to relive our honeymoon.” She stared at me confused but I

could see the shock in her eyes. She began stuttering but I walked upstairs ignoring her. I went straight

to the bathroom, placed my briefcase and bottle of whiskey on the sink, and decided to take a bath.

I wanted cold water to wake me up from the hell that I was walloping in. I felt like crying but I had no

tears but I could feel a headache coming on and I was getting a bit of a temperature. I was burning

from the inside and without the cold water, I was going to burst into flames. Jessica kept banging on the

door, requesting me to open for her but I ignored her and found a way to filter out her voice.

I finished my bath and walked out ignoring her presence. “Josh, what’s going on? You are starting to

scare me?” she cried out. But I went on with my dressing. When I was done I went under the bed and

removed the trunk, roughly searching through it. I was very sure I had put it in there.

“Josh, what’s going on? What are you looking for?” She kept asking? “Maybe I should call Victor,” she

suggested and began searching for her phone but I found the gun just in time and pointed it at her.

“Make that call and I will blow your brains out!” I yelled at her.

She froze and quickly dropped the phone. “oooh my… G*d Josh! What… are… you doing?” She


“Move!” I yelled at her.

“What the f*ck are you doing!” she yelled back

I moved closer and held the gun to her head.

“Josh, you are starting to scare me, what’s going on!”

“I said move to the living room!” I yelled at her. She noted the seriousness in my tone and said,

“Okay…okay..okay, I am moving.” She began moving downstairs and I followed her from behind,

carefully pointing the gun at her.

“Whatever game you are playing, remember that I am pregnant Josh, I am pregnant with your child!”

“Shut your lying mouth or else am going to blow your f*cking brains,” I yelled on top of my lungs. I felt

like hitting her and opening her head open but that was a very easy way out.

We arrived in the living room and she turned to face me, she was scared quite alright but she was

trying to put on a brave face and kept touching her pregnancy like an attempt to gain sympathy from

me but it was not working.

“I’m going to pretend like this never happened and I’m going to assume that you are on drugs or


“Who is the father of the thing you are carrying inside of you?” I asked.

She began shaking, but quickly chuckled and put on an act. She was always a good actor and I was

not going to fall for it.

“Before you make up lies please be informed that I know that I do not have testicles, so tell me who the

father of the child is. Any lies and I will blow your head off and walk into a police station and hand

myself over,” I warned.

She looked at me with so much shame and knelt to the floor. Tears began rolling on her face. I could

only guess she had not planned to be caught so early.

“How did you find out?” she asked.

“Will it reverse the lies?”

“Does… your father… know that you know?” she looked up and wiped her tears.

“How does that make a b*oody difference!”

“Because you should be pointing a b*oody gun at him and not me! He came up with a s*upididea! You

should be holding the dumb gun to his face!”

“Shut! Shut! Shut up!” I yelled at her as she screamed in terror. “Everything is his dumb fault!” She cried

out. “It’s all his fault!”

“Did he force you to sleep with another man and pin the child on me!” I yelled at her. To my shock, she

burst out laughing like she had gone crazy and sat on the floor. She kept laughing over and over again

until I placed the gun to her head.

“You made me f*ck another man, you brought w*ores into our house and disrespected our marriage.

You went out there and f*cked every w*ore raw so that you could get them pregnant and tossed me

aside like I was some cheap s*ut. You pushed me into a tight corner!” She yelled at me.

Out of frustration I quickly grabbed her by her head and shoved the gun into her mouth. She began

fidgeting and trying to free herself but I pushed hard and asked, “Who is the b*oody father, else I brow

your head!”

She was literally trying to prevent herself from choking but I placed harder. She realized I was not

joking and stopped fidgeting and nodded her head like she was surrendering. I slowly removed the gun

and asked again, “Who is the father?”

“Why don’t you use your s*upidhead for once!” she replied while coughing out hard. “As I said earlier

your s*upidfather needs his head blown before you blow me!” She added.

I stared at her confused, “He said he was going to make sure I got the b*oody shares! Our marriage

was already a shum, you gave up on it and I had nothing. Brandon Fraser made sure I was blacklisted

in every modeling agency. I was going back to the streets!” she cried out but I only stared at her.

“What was I supposed to do with an alcoholic abusive gambler who always gave up on every rock

thrown at him. A coward who could not even protect his wife from the manipulation of his s*upidfather!”

She yelled.

“Jessica, I need the answer to my question, “I replied.

“You s*upidfool your father is the father of the b*stard that I’m carrying! I’m carrying your s*upid

brother!” She yelled with so much venom and without a care in the world.

At that moment I froze, I felt a nauseating feeling down my stomach and all the alcohol that I had for

breakfast came flashing out and landing on her. She screamed out in horror and tried wiping some of

the content off of her face.

She began sobbing uncontrollably as I recalled a conversation with my father when he asked him to

split the shares. At the time, I did not suspect or find it weird but now it began making sense. In his own

words, he requested I include; Child, wife, and sibling. I thought by sibling he meant my child’s sibling

but in actual fact, he meant my sibling. He was trying to replace me with his new child with Jessica.

He planned it all from the beginning, that’s the reason why he never told me about the operation

because he was going to groom a new child to run his s*upidcompany and money angry Jessica was

just a pawn in his s*upid plan. I wiped my mouth, while she kept crying on the floor covered in my

vomit. She looked like the filth that she was.

Yes, I might have pushed her into a tight corner but she was free to leave or ask for a job from my

s*upidfather but my wife was only capable of Jobs that required taking off her clothes. And because of

greed, she accepted to sleep with her father-in-law because he promised her some s*upidshares of a

company that was plummeting to the ground. She was dumber than Thalia.

I really had bad luck with marrying s*upidwomen but neither she nor my father was going to see any

drop of those shares. I was going to make sure that neither them, Thalia, or Brandon were ever going

to get the s*upidshares. I was going to burn the s*upid company to the ground. My life was a mess

because of that s*upidcompany! I walked out and went to the garage, taking a container of kerosene

with me and driving off.

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