The baby contract

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

He grinned wickedly " I'm gonna make you then " He mimicked her words and in few quick strides, went over to her. She looked a bit surprised at his agility but before she could utter a word, he scooped her in his arms effortlessly. She really needed to gain some weight for she was too frail and fragile, he thought

Her eyes widened in shock " What... What are you doing?! Put me down right now! "

But Liam ignored her and walked to the door.

" Put me down! " She repeated, more louder this time.

" You jerk..! " She shouted, her legs dangling helplessly from his hold.

He shut her up when his lips slammed down on hers. Her eyes widened in shock as the kiss was unexpected. He coaxed her to give him access into her mouth and she slowly responded to the kiss. Her hands went around his neck involuntarily and she pulled him closer to her, the action made Liam smile against her lips. She felt it and that jolted her back into reality. She pushed him away, which almost led him to lose his balance.

" Get away from me! " She shouted but he just grinned wolfishly.

" I won't, you have to eat anyways " He said, shrugging his wide shoulders.

" Please " She said quietly and he laughed.

His eyes widened slightly in mocking surprise " I didn't know the mighty Carla Reeds could come off her high chair and beg "

She managed to control the urge to roll her eyes again " I'll eat so please let me go, people can't see us like this " She begged.

His hand was on the door handle and he was on the verge of pulling it open " Who cares? You'll be my wife soon so they better get used to it "

She frowned " I thought you said I don't get to work here once we get married? "

His eyes twinkled with mischief and he tilted his head to a side " I didn't say you can't come here once in a while for a visit, did I? "

She did roll her eyes at that " I'll think about it "

He laughed " Who said it was your choice to make? "

" And who said it's yours? " She fired back.

" I get to decide that, not you, Liam Blake " She added.

" Imagine how good my name sounds together with yours, future Mrs Carla Blake " He said out of the blue with a wink.

She blushed, it did sound good but she would never admit it " Just let me go, please "

He looked at her for a full minute before he grudgingly set her down on her feet.

She heaved a sigh of relief " Thank you " She said quietly.

He humored her by nodding "You're welcome, I'm good at it you know and there will be more of it in the future "

She raised her eyebrows quizzically " Good at what? "

He feigned innocence " Didn't you just thanked me for the kiss? "

He watched her happily as color rushed up her cheeks in embarrassment.

" No I didn't! " She exclaimed in exasperation.

His eyes widened slightly in fake surprise " Oh you didn't? I thought that's what you thanked me for " He pouted.

She rolled her eyes " No sir, now shall we go? " She didn't wait for him and she opened the door. He followed her immediately after the locking the door.

" Where are we going anyway? " She asked, glancing sideways at him.

" Out " He said plainly and reached out to take her hand in his.

" What are you doing?! " She whispered harshly, trying to remove her hand from his but he had intertwined her fingers in his tightly so she found it difficult to break from his grip. She finally relented and tried not to mind the curious stares they were receiving from the other employees. She looked over to Liam but he didn't seem to mind as he walked confidently without a care in the world.

In minutes, they got to the restaurant he talked about and she almost turned back as she had never been to such an expensive restaurant before. But Liam drew her back with a glare.

" Are you trying to run away now, Bella? " He narrowed his eyes at her.

She shook her head quickly " No... No that's not true, let's go to a less expensive restaurant please "

" Why? " He asked, looking confused.

" It's not my place to be here, this is a restaurant for the high class people, not people like me. I can't afford to eat in a restaurant like this " She whined, begging him to let go of her. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

He sighed " Carla, you're eating with me here and that's final "

" Liam please, I can't afford to eat in a place like this " She begged.

He raised one eyebrow " And who said you'll pay for your meal? Come on Carla, don't be ridiculous "

She placed her hands on her hips and stared at him from under her long lashes " Even if you're paying, this is too much Liam. I'm not going in, you can go on without me "

His eyes darkened and she saw anger clouding his eyes " Do you want me to drag you in? " He asked softly.

Her eyes widened at that and she looked over his shoulders. Sure enough, the place was filled and she would only embarrass herself if she refused.

" Fine! " She huffed and started walking but stopped as though she remembered something.

" I'll go in on one condition " She said with a raised finger.

His eyebrows went up and he grimaced " You're almost in anyway but spit it out, what's the condition? "

" You better keep your hands to yourself or else...! " She warned threateningly and left her sentence hanging.

To her surprise, he bursted into laughter " That's hilarious! I can't do that, anything else? "

Carla sighed, she knew she couldn't win against him but gave it a try one last time " If you so much touch the hem of my shirt, I'll scream "

He laughed harder " I would like to see you try, kitten " He drawled, reaching out to brush a strand of her hair away from her face.

She slapped his hands away " Ugh, just keep your hands to yourself! I meant what I said Liam, I'll scream if you touch me in there "

His eyes gleamed and he smirked " And what did I say to that? I would like to see you try. Besides, almost everyone in there know me so they would just think you're trying to blackmail me or something " He scrunched up his nose in thought.

He continued with a shrug " I'm not sure what they'll think, all I know is, those people will definitely be on my side, I'm popular you know " He added with a wink.

She huffed " Oh! Don't be full of yourself! You're not so popular! At least I didn't know who Liam Blake was until I came to apply for a job in your company "

He looked annoyed " That's not true, what about the day we met at the bar? "

She looked away " I don't want to talk about that but believe me, I didn't know who you are back then too and even if I knew, it wouldn't have changed a thing as I would still haul insults at you over and over again "

His annoyed look disappeared and she saw raw hunger in them. He reached out and caressed her cheeks " You really are a spitfire, aren't you? "

She blushed and looked down at fingers. For once, he had finally succeeded in making her speechless.

" Just hold your head high and you'll be fine baby, this is where you belong all along, trust me " He said softly and for once, Carla decided to take to his words.

Together with their hands intertwined, they went in. Immediately, the place fell into silence as she felt all eyes on them. Unconsciously, she gripped his hands tightly and squeezed them to reassure her that everything was okay. She glanced at him and he gave her a half smile. So he knew she was anxious, she thought.

A short middle aged woman rushed over to them " Hi Liam, it's been a while. How have you been? " She asked, smiling up at him brightly. She looked rich, Carla thought as she took in her appearance.

Liam smiled back " I'm fine Marvel, how have you been too? " He pushed her forward as he spoke. She had cowered behind his large frame when the woman arrived.

Marvel looked at her curiously as she answered " I've been doing pretty good, sweetheart "

" Marvel, meet my fiancee, Carla. Carla, meet my friend, Marvel " He made the introduction with a charming smile.

Marvel clapped her hands in delight " Wow! Liam, you're getting married?! " She whispered in surprise, her eyes huge.

He nodded and glared at her playfully " I thought that's what you've always wanted "

She slapped him on the arm playfully " Of course! I'm just surprised you didn't tell me this beforehand, it's cool anyway. Now I have just one more person to work on, I must see him get married too "

Liam's eyes twinkled as he laughed " Who? Alex? "

" Of course! That boy is something else, really " She said, shaking her head.

" You know Alex enjoy bachelor's life more than anything else " Liam said in a light tone.

Marvel sighed " I know, right? " And she turned to Carla " Hi there, I'm Marvel, a very close friend of Liam, sorry he forgot to add that " She threw him a playful glare and he returned it with a roll of his eyes.

Carla smiled " I'm Carla, it's a pleasure to meet you here"

Marvel smiled back " Same here darling, come on " He placed a hand on her back and led her to Liam's usual table.

" So nice to see you guys have forgotten me " Liam muttered and pouted.

Marvel turned to look at him " Oh you're still here?! Sorry dear, come on "

Carla laughed, she already liked the woman. They passed by a table and heard some teen girls whispered " Isn't that Liam Blake?! Oh my God, he's gorgeous! "

Liam gave Carla a smirk and mouthed " See what you almost missed? "

Carla rolled her eyes but couldn't quite decipher what he meant by that.

They finally arrived at an empty table in a corner and Marvel motioned for them to have their seats.

She turned to Liam " The usual, right? "

He nodded " Yup, and she'll have the same too "

Carla raised her eyebrows quizzically as if to ask how he knew she would like the same food he liked. He gave her a lopsided smile and looked up questioningly when Marvel tapped him lightly by the shoulders.

" Why don't you let her decide that herself? How do you know she would like the same food? " She asked.

He smiled confidently " She's my fiancee, isn't she? She will like it, I'm sure "

She grinned " Whoa! It's so nice to be young and in love! "

" You're not old, Marvel. You're young and beautiful, I've told you this countless times " Liam said in a firm tone.

Marvel sighed " It feels so good to be in love then "

" You'll surely find your perfect match Marvel, you'll meet the love of your life one day, a day sooner " He said, squeezing her hands.

She smiled wistfully " You really think so? "

Right then, Carla knew they were more closer than she thought and she saw a new side of Liam which she liked very much.

" I know so, now go get us our meal please. My babygirl here is famished " He said in a playful tone.

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