The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 11 Mishaps In The Love Club

I head into my room after a tiring day, and into my bathroom to change and take care of my business. Once clean and in my pajamas I head over to my very comfortable bed. I notice my phone blinking and grab it to read two texts.

“What do I tell Drew?” Adrian asks me on Friday as he hands me a calm Lucy before grabbing his bag. His stay here has become customary due to the fact that he now seems to be a permanent fixture in the Mason household. Not that I mind, this place is so big and solitary sometimes.

“Why do you have to tell Drew anything?” I scowl at Adrian’s suggestion.

“Because he’s going to want to know where you’re at or would you rather have him come to check on you himself in the house, where Lucy’s at?” Adrian’s sarcasm is not appreciated. He’s referring to the fact that I won’t be in school today. It’s a half day for me anyways but Lucy has a checkup with the doctor and then we’ll be spending the rest of the day together.

“Just tell him I had plans or something,” I wave him off. It’s not like Drew will seriously care if I’m there or not.

“Look, Drew is my boss per se, I’m his information source, and I’m supposed to know this shit. I’m covering for your ass so come up with a lie because if Drew bitches at me, I’ll bitch at you,” Adrian scowls at me.

So, he doesn’t bitch at me already?

Wow, I feel so special.

“Tell him I had a meeting with my parent’s lawyers, you know since our eighteenth birthday is coming up, that should be plausible,” I come up with this lie.

Because I’m a pretty little liar, no, I’m kidding.

“Wow, finally I’m not the only brains here,” I think Adrian compliments me. You just never know with him.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Bye baby,” he leans in to kiss Lucy on the forehead.

“Call me if anything happens and please be careful, don’t talk to strangers, I’ll meet you later to make sure everything’s fine,” Adrian warns before heading out the door and climbing into the car with Kohl. They’ve been dropped off a block from the school so that the others don’t get suspicious.

“Uncle Adrian is so grouchy, right Lucy?” I coo down at the little girl in my arms who just looks up at me with a beaming smile.

“Come on Lucy, we have to get ready,” I pass a smiling Claire as I head up the familiar winding staircase and into her room, the lilac color on the walls having a strange calming effect as I walk in. I head into the bathroom after I grab her baby shampoo, in order to give my baby a bath.

“Do you like bubbles?” I coo in my baby voice as she splashes the soap in the bit of water around her. She should be turning one pretty soon, I’ll ask Adrian later today her real birthdate. That way a true celebration can be set in place, the best for my baby.

“Da, da,” she babbles, I smile down at her. You’ll be with your dad soon, sweetie. Even though she’s not speaking yet and nowhere near close, she’s started to babble small words lately. I take her back out into the warm room in a small, fluffy, purple blanket. I place her on the changing station where Claire has already laid everything I need out, I smile at the thought of my makeshift mother.

I put on a new diaper on the baby’s tushy all the while laughing at her baby nonsense, after powdering her behind of course, never forget the powder. I put a cute little mauve dress on my baby with a lilac bow to match, we love purple. I check her bag to make sure everything’s in there before heading into the kitchen and handing her to Claire as I head back up to get ready.

I quickly step into the shower and getting cleaned before drying my hair and getting dressed. Black jeans, purple sweater and a black leather jacket, and my outfit is complete with my black boots. My baby and I match, I smile at the thought. I put some light make up before heading back down to the kitchen just as Roger steps in, cheerily whistling an old tune.

Show off.

“Aren’t you going to eat something?” Claire’s motherly instincts kick in.

“No time, you ready Roger?” I ask in haste as I head over to place a kiss on Claire’s cheek before grabbing Lucy and following Roger out the door. I bounce Lucy as we walk out into our private driveway. Roger opens the door for me and helps me strap Lucy in, double checking it before declaring us ready to leave.

“Are you okay?” Roger gives me a quick glance from the driver’s side as I sit in the back next to Lucy, seeming to jump in place.

“I’m nervous,” I admit sheepishly.

“Just like your parents every time they took you guys to the doctor’s office, especially your mother. I’ll tell you what I told them, you’re a good caretaker, mom, Lucy’s fine and she’s lucky to have you,” the old man has never been so talkative before. I smile in gratitude as we pull up into the dreaded office. He helps me out of the car and into the office where the receptionist greets me brightly.

“Hello Khloe, hello Lucy,” she coos at the baby. She motions for me to follow her into an empty room to wait for the private doctor. Roger gives me a nod of encouragement before heading out into the waiting room. I have to do this myself.

I huff as the door closes and Lucy and I are left alone in the white sterile room. I look around, reading the instructions on how to wash your freaking hands three times. The cotton balls look fun, Lucy has the same idea as she bounces and claps in their direction. I smile down at her and continue to bounce her on my lap, praying to god that everything’s okay with my baby.

Is this how all parents feel when they go to the doctor’s, even for just a routine checkup?

A faint beep makes me jump before I realize it’s an incoming text. I fish my phone out of my pocket before reading the screen.

Where are you at? – Adrian

I don’t even have to ask how he got my phone number. The guy beats a freaking search engine. He’s like a walking Google.

Doctor’s office, I reply simply.

I’ll be with you soon. Drew almost went bat shit crazy with your absence, his reply comes a moment later. I can see the smirk as he sent this text. I was about to respond when a pretty older woman walks into the room gracefully. She smiles at me as she heads to her chair with a file in her hands.

“Lucy Mason, alright, let’s make sure everything’s fine,” she chirps as she motions for me to take the baby closer. I answer all the questions asked efficiently and hold Lucy tight during her checkup. After a while, more like an eternity, we’re dismissed with a perfect score. Lucy’s good and healthy.

When I head back out into the front of the small clinic, Roger’s been replaced in the waiting room by a silent Adrian, leather jacket and all.

“Where’s Roger?” I ask.

“I told him I’d take it from here,” he shrugs.

“Where’s the car?”

“I gave him mine so we could drive Lucy in his,” Adrian answers. Good thing we won’t have to drive Lucy in his sports car. He stands up and takes the bag from my hand as we walk out into the small, quiet parking lot. He helps me strap Lucy, double checking it again, before he gets behind the wheel and I next to the baby.

“Where do we go now?” Adrian glances back at me from the rearview mirror.

“Can we go get something to eat for us? I’m starving and just go to the park to eat there?” I ask as I make funny faces at a giddy Lucy.

“Sure, what do you want to eat?”

“Whatever,” I respond without taking my eyes from the baby girl. Her blue eyes shine in amusement as her laughter rings inside the car. We continue to drive in peace as I play with Lucy.

“Okay, we’re here. What do you want me to order for you?” I scowl as I look up and notice the smirk on his face.

“I hear you liked McDonald’s, Big Mac?” he asks teasingly.

“Who told you about that disaster?” I ask as I recall that ‘date’ with Drew.

“Kohl was laughing his ass off at you,” Adrian chuckles as we wait in the drive thru lane.

“Watch your language,” I glare at him.

“Oops, my bad,” he smiles sheepishly and actually looks sorry.

“I’ll have a chicken club sandwich and a mocha frappe,” I list off as we pull up into the speaker box. He nods as he puts the order in along with his before moving down the lane. Finally, we’re on our way to the park.

“Come on,” I giggle as I carry Lucy to one of the picnic tables under a nice shade, leaving Adrian to carry all the bags by himself.

“You could’ve helped,” he grumbles as he sets the things down on the wooden table.

“I’m with baby,” I point to Lucy as I dig in the baby bag for her packed food. I finally dig it out and begin to feed her, making little airplane motions that cause her to laugh.

“Here, you eat too,” I look to see Adrian has set my food up before taking the baby food out and feeding her himself.

“So, how was the check up?” he asks without looking at me.

“She’s perfectly healthy,” I answer after I swallow a round of fries. I sip the heaven that is my frozen coffee.

“She’s lucky to have you,” he surprises me. I give him an incredulous look.

“What? It’s the truth, I’ve see how you take care of her, you really do care about her,” he elaborates. He gives me a small smile before giving all of his attention to a pampered Lucy. My little girl loves the attention.

“Now you eat,” I wipe my lips with a napkin before taking the food out of his hands and finishing the task myself.

“How was school?” I surprise myself by asking, but I find myself wanting to ask, how was Drew?

“School was school, come on, just ask what you want to?” Adrian smirks as if reading my thoughts.

“How were the guys?” I ask referring to our whole group. I smile as I realize I’m part of a group now, if only temporarily.

“Lucas, Sammy, and Ruby were all fine, you already know how Kohl was doing,” he shrugs, that stupid smirk ever present on his face.

“And Drew?” I murmur lowly looking away.

“What, I couldn’t hear you,” Adrian cups his ear. He’s having a little too much fun at my expense.

“How was Drew?” I finally snap.

“Devastated that you weren’t there,” Adrian places a hand over his chest in mock hurt.

“Whatever,” I laugh as I throw my dirty napkin at his face.

“He was murderous, thought you were avoiding him. He was a bit suspicious about Kohl not attending the supposed meeting, but your brother came through. Said he didn’t like the boring meeting so he left it all to you and Roger,” Adrian explains.

“He’s weird,” I mutter as I continue to sip my frappe.

“He likes you,” Adrian shrugs.

“I don’t think so,” I contradict quickly.

“Think what you want,” he shrugs.

“What about Sammy, you like her?” I ask curiously, Adrian has never been this open, mine as well take advantage.

“She’s my girlfriend, of course I like her,” he looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Oh, I thought you liked her from afar or something. You know, with her being one of your best friends’ sisters,” I ramble.

“No, I liked her so I went for it and took the brutal beating from Drew,” he explains as he drinks his soda.

“You guys just didn’t seem so cozy at lunch yesterday,” I explain.

“Do I look like the cozy type of guy to you?” he raises an eyebrow in amusement as I blush in embarrassment.

“Wait, so Drew beat you up when he found out about his sister and you?”

“Yeah, he went ballistic, he’s very overprotective of his family,” Adrian chuckles at the memory.

“He seems scary, I just can’t picture him doing that to you,” I cock my head to the side trying to picture the scenario.

“That’s because he treats you like a fucking princess, no one’s ever seen him act like that with anybody,” Adrian leans in so Lucy won’t hear his profanity. I glare at him nevertheless.

“Well, that won’t last long when he finds out about Lucy,” I mutter.

“Don’t count yourself out yet, you might just last,” Adrian states before mentioning that it’s time for us to leave. I help him dispose of the trash and strap Lucy in before heading home. I head upstairs to place a tired Lucy into her crib, as I was pulling the blanket over her something silver catches my attention. I pick up the small beautiful object, a bejeweled silver cradle, and the sapphires do not look fake. This must be what Adrian placed in the crib that night he came.

“It was given to each of the Collins’ kids, Drew, Sammy and of course Lucy,” Adrian explains from the doorway. I look at him in confusion before he pushes off the doorway he was leaning against and stepping closer.

“It’s a family heirloom, Drew’s father had it custom made due to the hereditary blue eyes, gene they get from their mom,” he continues.

“Isn’t Drew, Lucy’s father?”

“No, he’s her caretaker, she’s his youngest sister and his responsibility,” Adrian smiles as he strokes the sleeping baby’s head. I now remeber Drew saying his mother died, obviously leaving Lucy to him.

“And the cradle?” I hold up the beautiful ornament.

“Drew’s father fell in love with a blue eyed, brunette. They got married, had children, all of them taking after their mother. Brown hair and blue eyes, not one has had their father’s green eyes. He loved her eyes so much that he had this cradle made, the sapphires resembling the eyes he fell in love with. Giving it to his other loves, his kids,” Adrian tells the beautiful tale.

“That’s so sweet,” I whisper.

It was such a beautiful gesture.

“He used to be,” Adrian looks away.

“There’s more, isn’t there?” I ask.

“Nothing I’ll tell you now,” he answers as I place the cradle close to Lucy. He walks me outside the room and to the door of mine.

“Kohl and I have agreed to take care of Lucy tomorrow while you hang out with Ruby,” he tells me.

“Are you sure, I could get Claire so you could be with Sammy,” I offer.

“Nah, Sammy’s going with you guys, they’ll probably tell you later,” he smiles and waves before heading into his now bedroom. Maybe it’s not so bad having him around the house, but too much testosterone can be quite suffocating.

Sammy’s coming tomorrow, yey, girls’ day out. – Ruby

I smile and send a quick reply before looking at the unknown number and reading it.

Sweet dreams, cupcake. – Drew

I stare at the screen for a long while trying to figure out if it’s a joke from maybe Adrian. I decide to send a reply.

Adrian, stop fucking around.

I wait before the little ding goes off again.

Why would Adrian be texting you?

I can feel the underlying anger emanating from the text.

And just like the bad bed joke goes my mind uttered two words fitting the situation.

Oh sheet.

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