The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 5 Conversing With Sexy Blue Eyes

“What’s got your panties in a twist today?” Kohl glances at me as we walk inside the school building doors. I merely look up at him and scowl.

“What, did I do something wrong?” he asks alarmed.

You know, I love having my brother back but sometimes I do wish I could kill him. I don’t ask for much, I never go out to parties or sneak out of the house. The one thing I value, other than Lucy, is my slumber. I love to sleep, who doesn’t?

That’s kind of hard when you have a brother that likes to wake up in the morning with the sole purpose of causing a ruckus.

“You fucking woke me up when you started singing along to Aerosmith’s Dude Look Like A Lady,” I glare at him. I don’t like to be disturbed in my sleep.

He says nothing, just stares at me in amazement.

“You cussed, maybe there is still hope for you,” he smiles while draping an arm over my shoulder.

“And where were you yesterday, you didn’t show up for art class, now I’m stuck with the, oh so obnoxious Adrian,” I scowl at just mentioning the wretched name.

“That’s great,” Kohl exclaims.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I really wish I had a book right now, that way I could beat him with it. See, this is not good, he’s turning me violent. We stop at our lockers that happen to be ‘coincidently’ right next to each other. It’s like I can’t get rid of him, Kohl’s like the plague.

We gather our books and head upstairs to our English class. I greet Mr. Pine with a smile which he returns. Kohl assumes his ‘too cool for school’ aura and greets him with the head nod. You know, the one that guys seem to always do, the wordless greeting.

I head to the back to my seat and do a double take when I notice Lucas is already in class. I raise my eyebrow in question but don’t expect him to answer, just mere curiosity. Kohl and I take our seats, I, of course being behind Lucas. I take my notebook out and begin taking my notes.

“Sup Kohl,” I snap my head up at Lucas greeting Kohl like they are the best of friends. You know what’s really messed up, when Kohl fist bumps him in return.

I’m going to kill him.

“So, Kohl, the guys and I are going to go out, you wanna come?” Lucas asks looking directly at Kohl. Nice to know I’m left out of everything.

I look at Kohl and send a message with my eyes. ‘Agree and I’ll kill you.’

He clearly didn’t get it or just straight up ignored me as he begins to nod his agreement. Okay, I think cyanide is one of the best ways for him to leave this earth, not many traces are left with that certain poison. Although plunging an empty syringe right on the vain on his neck will cause him to go into cardiac arrest, stopping his evil little heart’s beating.

“Yeah, can I bring Khloe around? You know I’m trying to get her to socialize more,” my soon to be late brother asks while completely ignoring my presence.

“I don’t know, I don’t think it’s her scene really,” Lucas looks at me uncertainly.

People really need to stop offending me as if I’m not right here. It hurts people, it hurts.

“Don’t worry, she can be quite the party animal once you get to know her,” Kohl retorts. I wonder what Khloe he’s talking about because I certainly do not like to party.

Sweaty bodies dancing around while intoxicating themselves with alcohol, only to get wasted and possibly spill your guts out. I missed the fun part. Well, at least that’s what it looked like on TV. Not like I have anything to go by on.

“I’ll have to ask Drew, if he gives the go ahead then yeah she can come,” Lucas finally answers.

You’ll be asking nothing of my mortal enemy, I wanted to blurt out saying with a deep British accent just to make it sound cool. But, of course I didn’t, I’m much more composed than that.

“Cool,” the person I thought was my brother responds.

Thankfully, the bell rings soon and I gather my things and hurry out of class. I don’t spare Kohl a second glance as we’re certainly not on the best terms now, oh, but he’ll certainly pay for this. In no time, I step into my most dreaded class, History. I love the subject, learning about times past and how things worked back then.

Unfortunately, he who shall not be named is in this class as well.


I plop down on my seat and gaze out the window. Dark clouds cover the sky and there’s a noticeable wind as the trees sway from side to side, as if they’re dancing to a beautiful melody. The chair to my side scrapes out causing that awful screeching sound until its owner plops down. I spare a glance out of the corner of my eye to see if it’s my brother. Sadly, it isn’t, it’s Drew.

And as usual his gaze is fixed on me. His eyes roam my body sending chills up my spine. How can he have such an affect without even physical contact? Why does he have an effect on me? Why does he stare intently my way?

I face the front of the class as the teacher walks in and begins his lecture. I try hard to keep my focus on the bald man in front of the room, but the blue eyed unwavering gaze is having certain effects on my body that I can’t quite explain.

“Now, I want you to get into partners, we have an upcoming project,” the teacher’s voice resonates through my mind.

What is it with these teachers and trying to get students to mix with their peers? I mean, is it so horrible if I don’t want to talk to anybody. More like nobody wants to talk to me, but whatever. I stay seated, I’m on strike. I refuse to partner up with anybody.

Drew sits on my side, immobile as usual.

I turn my head to glance out the window, ignoring the moving bodies roaming around the room looking for someone to partner up with. As usual, nobody dares to approach me. I wonder where Kohl’s at. I could sure use a freaking partner.

I jump as my desk is pulled to the side, screeching on the tiled floor causing many pairs of eyes to snap in my direction. They gape as Drew pulls my desk to his side until the wooden planes are touching side by side.

“You’re my partner,” he whispers close enough for me to hear. And I mean he’s seriously invading my space as he murmurs his words in my ear. I scoot my desk three inches away to give me some proper breathing space.

“I don’t want a partner,” I manage to squeak out in such an alluring presence. I hear a slight chuckle that has my body tingling right before he pulls my desk right next to his, once again.

“I didn’t ask, I said you are my partner,” his amused voice literally drifts through my ears. I hide a shiver as his warm breath hits my neck.

I try to scoot away again but he places his shoulder at the back of my desk, managing to hold it in place. Damn, just how strong is he? I inconspicuously try to measure his biceps, eh, I’ve seen better.

“Look Donald,” yeah, I went there, I know he knows that I know his name. “I don’t want a partner,” I shrug his arm off my chair.

“Cupcake, that’s not my name,” he whispers huskily in my ear. Can he get any closer?

“And my name’s Khloe,” I retort, trying to desperately ignore the feelings he may be evoking.

“I know your name, cupcake,” he finally pulls away. I take in a deep breath finally realizing that I’d stopped breathing altogether. He’s a walking, talking weapon.

Much like Klaus, he’s alluring but deadly.

“Miss Mason, nice to see you finally working with someone,” the bald man gives me a knowing smile. I want to know just what the hell he knows.

“Actually, I’m not-,”

“Yes, we’re very much working together,” Drew smiles politely towards the old man. We both watch as he continues to walk around the class checking on other students.

“I liked you better when you didn’t speak,” I glare at the blue eyed boy next to me.

“So you liked me?” he raises an eyebrow.

“No,” I answer flatly. Instead of looking insulted, like I just physically hurt his ego, he gives me a genuine smile. Not a smirk, a smile.

And as his pearly whites glint at me sunlight suddenly streams through the window on our side as the dark clouds part and birds flutter through the glorious skies, chirping at such an attribute. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating but it sure is a different feeling to have Drew smiling. Even weirder, when it’s me he’s smiling at.

I breathe out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding as a packet lands in front of me, anything to distract myself if only momentarily from the boy wreaking havoc on my life. My eyes scan the paper greedily and my eyes bulge out when I take in the fact that this will also be an out of school project.

This means there’s a slight possibility he’ll be coming home with me, the home Lucy now inhabits.

“I don’t think we should work together,” I state a bit more assertively. It’s as if the mere thought of Lucy gives me an air of confidence.

“If only life were that easy,” he states seriously.

What the heck?

Since when the bad boy get deep?

“I think I have a choice in whether if you’re my partner or not,” I ground out, not liking the thought of being controlled.

Hey, even nerds can’t be tamed. We like to party as well but back to the matter at hands.

“Look, we both hate the people around us and I don’t quite really hate you, so, this would be much more convenient,” he deadpans. Aw, he doesn’t completely hate me.

“Fine, but we’re not working together at my house. Either we go to yours or we’ll set up a meeting place,” I bargain.


“I’m a private person.”

“That’s weird, your brother invited us to your house today and I heard you wanted to go out with us,” he raises an eyebrow.

Forget cyanide, I want Kohl’s death to be as painful as possible.

“No, that’s just my idiot brother trying to get me to ‘socialize’,” I use air quotes on that last bit.

He surprises me by chuckling, a deep sound resonating from within his chest.

Don’t get drawn in by his sexiness, ignore it, I chant within my head.

“So we got a deal?” his voice snaps me out of my wild thoughts. I look down to see his calloused hand outstretched.

“Yeah,” I sigh taking his hand. I jolt at the feel of our hands intertwined. He gives me an odd look and I hastily remove my hand from his grasp.

He may have the looks of an angel but I think I just shook hands with the devil. I just hope this doesn’t come to bite me in my hinny later on.

“Oh, and before I forget, be ready by seven, we’re going out,” his words leave me breathless. No, not in the ‘do dirty things to me you sexy bastard’ way, but in the ‘I think I need my inhaler, quick’ hyperventilation mode.

Oh yeah, he’s definitely sinful and completely not magically delicious.

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