The Billionaire Hit Woman

Chapter 20


“CASSANDRA! Where have you been? I’ve been so worried about you. You just disappeared without telling us anything.” She yells in concern. “Do you know how worried I’ve been? I’ve been searching everywhere for you but to no avail, Frank also helped me in looking for you, but it just seemed as if you had ceased to exist-”

“-I called your line severally but it never went through and I swear I thought you were dead, and now, you just call me in the middle of the night with a new number acting like you didn’t just make us think you were dead. I cried because I couldn’t find you, you know? I even went to your workplace and they said you hadn’t been coming to work. How could you make us worry like that Cassy?”

“I’m sorry. I just had to leave town to clear my head and look for more opportunities.” I say weakly.

“Sorry? You had to leave town to clear your head? Does that seem like an excuse for making us worry unnecessarily? You could have informed us so we’d be aware of your leaving town, but you just left, and made us worry for no reason. We’re best friends and yet you couldn’t even let me know that you were planning on leaving town? And even when you got there, you couldn’t call to inform us that you were out of town?”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m so sorry Julian, I wasn’t really thinking straight when I left, and they stole my phone so I couldn’t call you. I just got a new one recently and arrived back from town, though I’m not at my house right now, and that’s why I’m calling you… at least part of the reason.”

“Okay, I can understand the fact that you were going through big shit so you left without informing us or saying goodbye, I can also understand that your phone was stolen so you couldn’t call Frank and I, but are you telling me there are no phone booths where you travelled to?”

“Julian, I’m so sorry, okay? I have no excuse for not telling you about my whereabouts… I’m sorry, and I really have something important to tell you.” I plead with her.

“Fine, I’ll forgive you since I can’t stay mad at you for too long, but you had better tell me you have something good to tell me since you are calling me so early.” She yawns.

“Julian…” I trail off with a sigh, not knowing where to start from, or what exactly to say.

“Okay, you don’t sound chirpy, what’s wrong?” She asks and I can tell she’s awake now.

“It’s not that big of a deal, okay?” I say with a sigh, getting up from the floor where I’m sitted to by bed after locking my door in case Nick comes banging on my door, demanding an explanation for the pocket knife on his bed.

“Really? It’s not a big deal and yet, here you are, calling me at an odd hour after disappearing for weeks, and sighing every second. Start speaking right now, Cassy, or I will curse you so hard you will have nightmares till you drop dead… Wait, that makes no sense.” She says humorously and I can’t help but laugh out. Julian will never stop being a crazy person and that’s why I love her so much.

“It’s about how I feel about a guy.” I start, blushing at how weird I sound.

“A guy? Wait a minute, so my best friend, Cassandra, wants to talk to about a guy… the same Cassandra that doesn’t want anything except sex from any hot guy is asking me for advice on the issues of the heart… Interesting.” She laughs out, “But, who is this guy? Because, you never mentioned anything about a guy before and don’t tell me that it’s because of this guy that you haven’t been visiting Frank and I at the bar, and suddenly disappeared from the surface of the earth.” She says.

“The man is someone I am not sure about that’s why you haven’t heard anything about him till now, and about the bar, I have just been busy looking for new job offers, and my phone got stolen so I couldn’t contact you till now, especially since I didn’t want you guys to start contributing money to help me.” I lie, feeling extremely guilty.

“Why are you looking for job offers?… Don’t tell me you quit your job right before your pay day and why am I just hearing of this? We are supposed to be best friends Cassy, but you aren’t treating me like one.” She says.

“I’m sorry okay there has just been a lot on my mind.” I say tiredly.

“Like the man. Whatever, just please tell me he is handsome and rich too, because you are better than a thug.”

“Calm down! I said there is a man but I never said that he and I have something going.” I say immediately.

“Your words, I never said that too. I just asked if he was rich or handsome” She says and I frown at myself for overthinking her words.

“Let’s go about it one by one. I quit my job a few weeks ago and also got fired” I start. “He was being his usual perverted self so I couldn’t take it anymore.” I say half truthfully, not wanting to go into details of how he almost raped me, because I know Julian will barge into his office, beat him up, strip him naked and pour hot wax on his dick. I know, that’s crazy but she did it once to her ex who was obsessed with her and tried to rape her.

“You finally treated him like the crap he is, I’m proud of you baby.” She says. “But what have you been doing then? You should have at least come over to the club to celebrate the progress?” She adds

“I’m sorry, I will try to drop in and check on you and Frank soon. I hope he isn’t too mad at me though?” I ask.

“Oh! Not really. You know frank can’t get angry at you.” She says and I nod even if she can’t see me. “So, about this man you say you like?” She asks expectantly.

“I didn’t say I like him.” I counter with a smile, and I can feel her roll her eyes because she always does that.

“Oh! Come on. You don’t like him, but you call me so early in the morning to talk about him. Face it princess, you are in love and it’s too much to take it all in.” She says. Do I actually love Nick? I mean, we haven’t even talked about it and she already said so.

“Quit jumping to conclusions and let me explain why I called you, which is because I don’t understand how I feel towards him.” I confess.

“Good, now we are getting somewhere. First things first, is he handsome and rich?” She asks.

“Yes, he is beyond rich, he is a billionaire and talking about looks, he’s a total babe.” I say with a dreamy smile.

“See, you sound so happy talking about him Cassy. I think you know how you feel, you are just confused because it’s all new to you, you do not want to feel this way about someone, but it’s okay to love Cassy. It’s okay to want to feel pampered and taken care of, and open your heart to someone.” She says.

“But, what if we can’t be together? I mean, have you seen me?” I say.

“I can literally slap you through the phone right now Cassy. You have a pretty face, beautiful features, beautiful hair, curves at the right places, and several men are dying to be with you, so don’t you dare thing you are not enough and if he cares about you, he’ll know that you are more than enough. Why are you being insecure? I mean, you’re always complimenting yourself so don’t tell me stupid shit.” She says and I sigh.

“So, stop being stubborn and just do what you want. Run into his arms, hug him, kiss him and have… Wait, have you guys had sex?” She asks and I laugh.

“You have such a dirty mind. No, we haven’t had sex.” I answer.

“I see. Don’t worry, after you have sex, you won’t be this unsure unless he has a small dick because I hate small dicks.” She says.

“This is about me, not you, and No, I do not know if he has a small dick or a large one because I haven’t gotten that close with him yet, but we have shared a kiss.” I say, no going into details.

“And what did you feel while you guys were kissing?” She asks.

I think for a while, thinking about the sizzling kiss he and I had shared in his kitchen. “I felt like ripping his clothes off. Is this meant to help me know if I love him?” I ask

“Nah! We’ve already concluded on that part. You are in love with whoever this dude is and you know it, but you’re trying to fight it, which you should stop, because it will only cause you pain and you will end up regretting it and hating yourself, and I just wanted to know how you felt while you were kissing him.” She says, making me roll my eyes. “Okay, thanks.” I say.

“Why’re you thanking me? We’re besties and I am always going to be here for you. Remember to love him as much as you possibly can, and hold on to him tightly since he’s a full package. Also, next time you call me to talk about something, please let it be about the best sex of your life.” She says, and I can feel her grinning.

“Will you please stop?” I say laughing.

“You guys are staying together, right?” She asks.

“Yeah! Why?”

“So I can tell you to go to him right now, and give him a taste of heaven.” She says.

“Bye crazy.” I laugh.

“Finally I can go to bed now and please don’t call me again till when it’s time for my shift… Just come over to the club today, pay us a visit, drink with us and stuffs. It gets a little lonely without you… Just a little.” She yawns.

“Will do, I love you.” I say.

“Love you too babe.” She says and the line goes dead.

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