The Billionaire I Fell In Love With

Chapter 103

If Irish had known Olivia was a princess, it would have been concluded that that’s the reason she’s acting this way but she has no knowledge of her at all, yet she’s charmed by Olivia


Olivia sat on her bed, eating the slices of fruits she was served.

She has been checking her phone, waiting for Arusha’s call, she had even called him, he hadn’t picked nor had he returned the call.

Could it be that Irish does not want to speak to her.

Not when she had been so excited about having a big sister.

Jax strutted into her room and proceeded to greet her by licking her face but she stopped him. “Jax, I’m not in a good mood right now” she said unhappily and told Robbie to take the fruits away.

She was about sulking under her blanket when her phone rang, she picked it up immediately and she was filled with joy when she saw it was Arusha.

She sat up on the bed and received the call.

“Arusha, I’ve…” She was saying.

“Hi Olivia, it’s Irish” Olivia heard and it took all her might not to scream in joy.


“Don’t you think they’re siblings that got separated from childhood?” Arusha said jokingly to Ethan.

“I think so too” Ethan said, faking a suspecting brow. Arusha laughed.

Irish and Olivia had been talking on the phone for minutes.

Laughing, like they’ve known each other for ages.

“We should leave them to enjoy their new found ‘sistership’ have you and Jessica ever spoken to each other in class?” Ethan asked.

“Not really but i don’t think she likes me, she views me as other students do and not only that, i think she also sees me as a competition” Arusha smiled.

“Ohh .. I knew it was gonna happen” Ethan said.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me about Jessica? and it seems no one told her about me also” Arusha said.

“Yeah, we felt there was no need, besides Jessica was rude to Irish so i don’t think Irish would have liked you to know about her” Ethan said.

“Ohh… I wonder how she’s feeling now. Doc Luc said she’s pretty hurt” Arusha said and Ethan sighed.

“She’s so stubborn, She must be sleeping now, i’ll go check on her when she’s awake” He said.

“I need to apologise for hurting her also” Arusha said.

He has been feeling bad about it.

Arusha nodded, though he doubted if Jessica would allow him into her room.

“Mum said to give Arin a sweater, it’s in my room” Arusha said.

“Ohh…” Ethan smiled. “Say thank you to her for me and tell her i need one too”

“Okay Mr Ethan” Arusha smiled, he’s glad Ethan’s now so comfortable with his Mum.

Irish finally returned to Arusha and Ethan after the long call session ended.

She was grinning as she handed Arusha’s phone back to him.

“She’s a sweetheart ” Irisj said, elated.

“I need to go check on Arin” She said and quickly headed for the door.

“Won’t you tell me what you both talked about?” Arusha shouted after her.

“You don’t have to know” Irish shouted back.

“Please” Arusha shouted.

“Okay.. we talked about your black ass” Irish said and Ethan laughed.


“I think Olivia is gonna take Irish from me soon” Arusha panicked and Ethan laughed harder.


Arusha returned home late in the night and he wished his Mum would be asleep so she won’thave to see his plastered forehead and broken nose but she was fully awake, waiting for him in the living room.

She screamed and rushed to him as he walked in.

“What happened?” She asked, deeply worried and scared.

“Mum, I’m fine”Arusha sighed as she led him to the couch.

She made him sit and quickly went to get Ice cubes.

“Mum, i got treated already” Arusha said.

“It’ll help to further relieve the pain” She said.

“No, it’s gonna hurt. I feel cold already and i just want to sleep” Arusha said.

“I demand to know what happened, who hurt you?” Mrs Helen asked and Arusha knew he couldn’t escape it.

He groaned as he started his explanation…


Jessica didn’t allow anyone into her room.

She had locked herself in and only went downstairs for dinner.

Everyone was at the dining table already, waiting for her.

Her jaw was plastered, her palm also and she limped.

“Oh.. my..” Gabrielle kissed her as she sat down.

“Are you fine?” She asked and Jessica nodded.

She wouldn’t have come downstairs if she wasn’t starving.

She hated Arusha so much now.

She had tore the apology letter he told a maid to give to her.

Mrs Harlow examined her bruises worriedly, muttering sorry.

“How are you feeling now Jessy” Ethan asked.

“I’m fine!” She almost snapped.

“What happened to Jessica?” Arin asked worriedly.

“Home accident… i guess” Ethan said.

“I’m so sorry about that Jessica” Arin said and Jessica nodded, she has started eating. She wanted to eat fast and get back to her room.

Irish ate quietly, she had wanted to ask how Jessica was feeling but she decided it was better not to.

And if looks could kill, she would have been dead by now with the way Jessica glared at her. She’s glad she had made Arusha apologize to Mrs Gabrielle before he left and Mrs Harlow seems to be over it, she had patted his back and waved him bye.

“Your father is an asshole, i can’t believe he tricked me into believing he’s coming home tomorrow” Mrs Harlow said, crossed and Ethan laughed.

Mr Harlow had tricked her, he was coming home on Tuesday…

“I’m gonna kick his ass once he arrives in Tuesday” She said.

“Kiss you mean” Ethan teased and got stoned with fries by Mrs Harlow.

“I haven’t heard from Sarah, She doesn’t want to see me” Arin whined.

“Sarah had a business at hand. Hopefully she’ll come around with Grandpa” Mrs Harlow smiled.

“Okay then. She already called to wish me happy birthday without a gift” Arin said.

“Sarah had never forgotten to get you a gift no matter how late she is. So she will” Ethan said. “Okay dad” Arin said.


Jessica remained in her room the next day, her mum brought her breakfast and lunch.

She was still so pissed, she felt like killing someone.. Arusha of course.

She stood up and stood in front of her mirror which had been replaced by Ethan.

She examined her plastered jaw.

“Damn! I still can’t believe that motherfucker will make me have a scar on my jaw! My face was so perfect!” She groaned in great annoyance.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

A knock sounded on her door.

“I don’t want to see anyo…” She was saying.

“It’s Javad” She heard and wondered what he wants.

He’s Ethan’s personal bodyguard and they have never really had a serious conversation. She opened the door, thinking Ethan must have sent him to her.

“Hi” He said almost breathlessly, looking over his shoulders like he doesn’t want anyone to see him here.

“What do you want?” Jessica asked.

“Please let me come in, i have something to tell you” Javad said, still looking over his shoulders. Jessica was about slamming the door on his face.

“It’s about Arusha, Irish, their mum. Every freaking thing about them” Javad said and Jessica stared at him for a while before opening her door widely.

She allowed him in and quickly closed the door.


“I knew my brother is the one sponsoring his education, his sister nor his Mum could have afford Ivy Royals, they are wretched and everyone knows that” Jessica said after Javad told her Mr Ethan is the one sponsoring Arusha in Ivy Royals.

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