The Billionaire’s Bride: Our Vows Do Not Matter

His to play with

Cathleen’s pulse hammered, a frenzied drumbeat in her temples as the click of each cuff echoed through the room. Bound. Immobilized on the bench, her body splayed open, vulnerable. Xavier’s hands were meticulous, ensuring no slack in the chains, no hope of escape. Flashbacks to that club scene invaded her thoughts-the woman cuffed and spanked, pleasure contorting her face. That girl had reveled in it. Cathleen? She braced for humiliation.

“Damn,” Xavier murmured, circling like a predator. “You are sexy like this, Cat.” His voice was laced with a smug satisfaction that made her skin crawl. “Perfectly fucking presented… just for me.”

His hand glided down her spine; involuntarily, she shivered. The metal links clicked-a mocking chorus to her unease. “Pleasing sight, seeing you displayed, Cat.”

She rolled her eyes, a silent protest. Control your breaths, she coached herself. Don’t let him see you flinch.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

A sudden touch jolted her-his hand on her ass. The thin fabric of her underwear might as well have been nonexistent. He kneaded her flesh, fingers pressing deep. Each squeeze on her ass was a test, a challenge. She bit back any sound and refused to give him the satisfaction.

“Cat, you’re fucking amazing,” he praised, or taunted-it was hard to tell. His finger traced her slit, sending involuntary tremors through her. “Pretending doesn’t suit you,” he taunted.

“I’m not,” she hissed back, met only with his derisive laughter.

“Always in control, aren’t you, little wife?” Xavier’s tone shifted, dipped into something darker. “Time to learn… submission has its own rewards.”

His hand lifted-and struck. The slap to her bare ass reverberated, a harsh sting that morphed slowly into a spreading warmth. It gnawed at her resolve, stirring something primal within. He alternated cheeks, delivering pain, and then… something else. A curious alchemy that twisted inside her, awakening a throbbing need she despised herself for feeling.

Xavier’s hand was a metronome of unpredictable rhythm, each smacking a sharp note that resonated through her body. Sometimes it landed with a thud, soft, almost caressing. Then, without warning, it would crack against her skin, hard and commanding, leaving a sting that bloomed into an insistent heat.

“Ah!” The cry slipped from Cathleen’s lips more than once, betraying her surprise rather than pain.

“Sensitive, aren’t we?” Xavier’s voice dripped with mockery as he observed her squirming form. His palm cupped her ass gently, then squeezed-a possessive grip that made her flesh quake.

“Shut up,” she spat, her words coming out breathless, more plea than command.

“Can’t even admit when you’re turned on, Cat.” He chuckled, his finger sliding over the damp fabric between her thighs. “You’re drenched. So wet for me.”

She clenched her eyes shut, denying the truth spoken aloud, but her body betrayed her, pushing back against his teasing touch. Desire pooled, hot, and relentless. When his hand vanished, leaving a void, she nearly whimpered. But before she could protest, his palm came down again, harder this time, a slap that echoed off the walls.

“Fuck!” Her restraint crumbled, the word torn from her lips as she writhed against her restraints, chains clanking in a frenzied dance.

“Music to my ears,” Xavier taunted, a shadow looming over her vulnerability. She felt him shift, heard the ominous whisper of his hand slicing through the air, and braced for impact.

The strike was direct, targeting the tender flesh at the apex of her thighs. Cathleen jolted, the coarse lace offering no protection from the sting. Another hit, and another-her groans filled the room, low and guttural, a symphony of pained pleasure.

“Such lovely noises, Cat,” Xavier praised, his laugh a dark melody. “Fuck you,” she gasped, defiance flashing hot within her chest.

“Respect,” he warned, his hand descending again with force. She yelled, the sound muffled by the intensity of the sensation.

Circling to face her, Xavier gripped her hair, pulling her gaze to meet his. There was a flicker of playfulness in his eyes, but it was quickly overshadowed by the steely resolve etched onto his features.

“Listen carefully,” he commanded, his voice smooth and dangerous. “I am in charge here, Cat. You will beg for my cock, and you will never have it; until you submit to me fully, I’m in control,” he said, his voice low and serious, almost touchable like velvet as he spoke.

“If you want to get off tonight, Cat, you’re going to be a good little slut and do what I say. Otherwise, I’ll shove a gag in your mouth and leave you bound here with that dripping pussy of yours,” he says, and then yanked her hair so she could look at him once more. “Understand?” Cathleen just looked at him, mouth slightly open. It was the first time he’d really turned the dominance on, and she didn’t know she was supposed to be scared, turned on, or amused. Xavier shook her a little, and she focused on him again; her pulse hammered, her mind racing. Fear? Excitement? Humor? Emotions clashed, leaving her adrift in his dominating presence.

“Answer me, Cat,” Xavier demanded, giving her hair a sharp tug and snapping her focus back to him. “Beg, and maybe I’ll give you what you need. Defy me, and you’ll be left wanting, gagged, and bound.”

“I understand,” she whispered, the admission laced with reluctance and something else-an edge of curiosity.

“Good girl,” he murmured, releasing her hair to stride towards the dresser, his intentions shrouded in mystery.

Cathleen’s skin burned where he touched her, anticipation clawing at her insides. What would come next? Her imagination ran wild, every possibility more provocative than the last. She hated this power he wielded, and yet, her body yearned for its next command.

Cathleen’s chest heaved, each breath a ragged battle. Her pulse was a frenzied drumbeat against her temples, echoing the turmoil churning within. She wasn’t used to this-being so exposed, so fucking desperate. But she ached for him, for the brutal satisfaction only he could deliver.

Xavier turned, his figure an imposing silhouette against the dim light. In his hand, a monstrous imitation of manhood, veined and daunting. Cathleen’s eyes widened-the size, the girth-it threatened to eclipse her sense of reason. How?

“Seems you need a lesson in patience, Cat,” Xavier taunted, the dildo catching the light as he sauntered towards her. Each of his steps was deliberate, a predator closing in on vulnerable prey.

She watched, transfixed, as he uncapped the lube with a slick pop. His fingers worked the bottle, coating the silicone shaft until it glistened obscenely. Every squelch and every glide of his hand sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire that clawed at her insides with greedy fingers.

“Can’t wait to see you swallow it whole,” he murmured, his voice a velvety threat that wrapped around her like a vice.

He traced his hands on her; his touch was a spark to tinder. He brushed against her, fingers teasing the damp heat between her thighs. It was cruel, how he played her-brief touches interspersed with silence, leaving her gasping, begging silently for more.

“Fuck!” she cursed under her breath as he withdrew once again, the ache within her growing unbearable.

With a sudden move, Xavier gripped her tattered underwear, the fabric stretching to its limit before giving way with a violent rip. The sound of it, the raw display of strength-it was intoxicating. Nakedness enveloped her, vulnerability and arousal mingling in a dangerous dance.

“Want my cock?” He prodded, his words lined with mockery. She nodded, beyond caring about pride or control.

His hand landed on her ass-a sharp, punishing slap-and she flinched, her skin singing with the sting. “But you’re not getting it. Not yet.”

“Please,” she breathed, her voice broken by need. She bit down on her lip, tasting blood. “Please, Xavier.”

“Please what, Baby?” His tone was soft, almost gentle, but laced with the power to unravel her completely.

“Tell me what you want,” he coaxed, leaning close enough for her to feel the heat radiating from his body.

“I want it in me.” The admission tore from her throat, raw and unfettered. She craved the fullness, the relentless pounding that would finally quench the thirst raging inside her.

“Good girl.” Xavier’s approval washed over her, a whisper against the storm. She could almost imagine the smirk playing on his lips, knowing he had brought her to her knees without even touching her.

“Let’s see if you can take it all,” he said with a dark promise, positioning the tip of the dildo at her entrance. The heady mix of fear and anticipation twisted inside her, a knot tightening with every second that passed.

“Ready?” he asked, but she knew it wasn’t a question. It was a command, one she had no choice but to obey.

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