With Marcus and Daniella, everything went smoothly. They never quarrelled about anything and were overjoyed to be together; nonetheless, Marcus was required to return to Hacienda Velasquez to legally quit his employment.

The village of Oslob has grown in popularity as a result of the whale sharks, and he discussed with Daniella a prospective business endeavour that would cater to the influx of tourists. They might form a partnership in which he would cover all construction costs and Daniella would allow him to utilize their beach and vineyard. It was still an idea that needed to be properly studied when he resigned from the farm

"You are welcome to accompany me to the farm, and I will present you to my buddy and his wife," Marcus urged Daniella to accompany him

I'd love to, but perhaps another time.” She declined, believing that his acquaintances would be surprised to see her and that she did not wish to impose on his job. "How about extending your stay here and returning there next week?" She was already accustomed to his presence, and it would feel strange and lonely without him.

"I wish I could, but I can no longer postpone my resignation; at the very least, now that the farm is not in peak season, it will be simpler for Samuel to find a successor." "I'm going to miss you, Dani.” he said. As a result, I will make every effort to return as soon as possible,” he pledged. Inwardly, he was relieved that Daniella would not accompany him back to the farm, since he feared Samuel may accidently leak information about the fifty million at stake in their game, and there was also Alicia.

"Do you believe you can finish in a week?" She enquired.

"Certainly! Additionally, Samuel employs a large number of farmhands at Hacienda Velasquez. Are you certain you will not accompany me?” He checked twice in case she changed her mind.

"I am certain. You stated that you would return in a week.” she reminded him to hurry his agricultural business. "Marcus, I'm going to miss you so much.” Even if they were in a public area, she said and held him passionately. She was no longer concerned because she would be unable to see him for several days.

“Identical here," he murmured into her ear. "If only this thing does not need to be resalved, I will not abandon you.” He stated, but when Alexander and Lilian approached, he waved. "Ortega," he welcomed his friend, who was shouldering Vanessa. He had no idea what was going on between Lilian and Alexander, but the man appeared to be perpetually sleep deprived, as seen by his eyebags.

"Marcus, Lilian informed me that you're returning to the farm. “Are you leaving today?" Alexander enquired.

Marcus nodded and asked Lilian for permission to talk alone with Ortega. When she consented, the males withdrew to find a private space to converse.

"How are you and Alexander doing?” Daniella inquired of Lilian immediately upon their separation. It's implausible that nothing was going on between them when Lilian came dangerously close to breaking her neck in an attempt to capture a glimpse of the man who fled with Marcus. "You're still in lave with him," she said, which elicited a strong response from Lilian.

"No, I'm not, and it's never going to happen!" She raised her voice as she stated her case, and Daniella’s smile only served to make her sound less believable. However, she would never again let her heart to fall for that man!

Daniella smiled at Lilian's forceful comment about Alexander Ortega, but to be fair to the guy, he appeared to be a kind man, and she could tell he loved Lilian with all his heart; otherwise, he would not have stayed just to serve Lilian. "There is no such thing as a never, Lil. Consider me: for the second time, I'm over over heels in love with Marcus, and you know what? "Love is sweeter the second time around.” Daniella teased Lilian so relentlessly that she missed Marcus's presence.All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

"Could it be that we are destined to be together?” Marcus interjected himself into their discussion, and Daniella frowned at him.

"Are you going to propose to marry me?" She joked, but Marcus took a serious tone, and as he nodded, her eyes widened in surprise. "Are you certain?" she inquired

"Yes, I am embarrassed that I am unable to call you right now.” He discussed his intended proposal to Daniella with Ortega, but as was customary. he was discovered by her.

"It makes no difference since I am wearing the grin you give me,” she knew it was corny but it was the truth.

Daniella deserved nothing less than the finest as a lady who gave her husband a second opportunity to be happy and to be a father to their lovely kid. He will soon inform her of his first family. "I appreciate your understanding, Dani.”

Marcus drove away from lunch to the city in her car, but he returned a few minutes later, and she worried what was wrong. She inquired as to why he returned

"I already miss you,” Marcus murmured as he hugged her. "Ah, that's quite flattering, inded," Daniella remarked, pinching a skin on his arm. He chuckled when he was apprehended and inquired, "Have you seen a black wallet?” He found his wallet was missing while at the petrol station.

"I'm not sure, but allow me to check upstairs.” she said, sprinting up the stairwell.

She searched every drawer and corner in her bedroom but was unable to logate his wallet. She stopped stating and walked over tox the doortto go, but not before = scanning the entire room one more, whichis when she discovered something dark beneath thebed. "Gotcha!" She cried out and knelt to get it. It must have slipped from his pocket during their previous sexual encounter.

Daniella was not meant to open the object in her hand since it was not hers, but she succumbed to temptation and rationalized her actions by persuading herself that she owed it to her sanity.

Whoever stated that what you don’t know won't damage you may have been correct or incorrect, but after snooping on his wallet, she immediately regretted it

If she had refrained from checking on it, she woud have been unaware that he was married. When he stated it previously, she either didn't believe him or was in denial at the time. She clenched her jaw as she lockecher gazeon the family photograph. How maeh of his background didshe ffBricate? She felt taken advantage of and deceived! For a little period, Daniella was immobile and simply let her tears fall from her eyes.

Dani..." he yelled her name, but the woman was oblivious. Marcus only azed at thewvoman who stood still as tears steamed from her eyes, nd he wished Daniella had S screamed and yelled at him, butshe did net. She simply sobbed sh lently, whieh made it much more agonizing fG? him to witness. He approached

Daniella and tightly held her. "I'm very sorry.’ He continuously murmured his sorry into her ears.


~“ NS SS


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