CHAPTER 32© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

When Marcus returned to the farm, Daniella reinforced the security around their home. fearful that someone evil enough to harm them might get entrance to their estate. No, she could not endanger her family’s safety, particularly her daughter's. Alexander tried to assuage her fears by requesting that some of his men stay watch 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

CCTV cameras were also placed to watch any intruders attempting to get entrance to their residence. Additionally, all roads leading to their residence were equipped with ccctv. Alexander Ortega was meticulous when it came to security matters, and Daniella adored his services. Apart from the closed-circuit television cameras used to monitor usage, there were trained personnel dressed in civilian attire placed across the property, and they fit in well with the surroundings and the residents.

Daniella's primary concern was the safety of everyone, and she couldn't care less if Ortega's services came at a steep price. He offered to do it for free, but she insisted on payment due to the fact that it was his company. Alexander also changed all of their door locks with a mechanism similar to the one used by the majority of Koreans. To summarize, Alexander transformed their home into a smart home.

Paloma stood outside her bedroom, knowing that her mother would chastise her about the odd guys on their property. She had previously told everything to Paloma, but the elderly woman was extremely traditional and believed in everyone's kindness, and she believed that paying someone to look over them was excessive. She hesitated at first, but after contemplating Paloma's sentiments, Daniella opened the door.

"What has brought you here, Ma?" She inquired immediately upon Paloma's entrance.

"Ella, at my age, I don't believe I require a bodyguard. I mean, I'm already old, so who in their right mind would want to harm an elderly woman?" Paloma attempted to persuade Daniella to release the security assigned to her. Since yesterday, she was unable to leave her apartment without the big man assigned to her, and she despised him!

"We have previously discussed it, Ma, and it is non-negotiable. Have you not been watching the news recently? There were more criminals than previously, so this is only a precautionary measure." She clarified.

"Be truthful to me, Ella. Have you received a threat of death?" Paloma couldn't think of an explanation for her recent obsession with their protection unless someone was threatening their life.

"At the present, there are none, but whe knows?" Daniella was not dismissive of the notion that someone was destined to detest them or had already done so. "I hope this is the only time we discuss it, Ma." She made it quite obvious to Paloma that her decision would remain unchanged!

Paloma finally succumbed to Daniella’s obstinacy and accepted her fate of being observed by the big guy. "All right, fine.” In answer to Daniella's warning, she stated. "By the way, is there an attractive bodyguard on the team?” She assumed that if the man was gorgeous, she would be able to withstand the inconvenience of someone continually following her about.

"I'm not certain, but I'll inquire with Alexander later.” Daniella responded, but as she looked at Paloma, she recalled something she had been yearning to know previously. "Ma, do you not recall Lilian's father's face?"

Paloma was taken aback by Daniella's query but was at a loss for an appropriate response without upsetting Gregory. It was surprising! Daniella's father was her first and genuine love, but Lilian's father was someone she couldn't forget despite the passage of time. Although she was dating Gregory, they did not engage in pre-marital sex, she ultimately yielded to a total stranger she met at a pub. "I do." she said, and her mind drifted back to that night when a lovely guy attempted to console her while she sulked at the pub over Gregory's loss.

"Do you have no intention of looking for him?” Daniella inquired since she was aware of Lilian’s desire to see her father, if only for a little moment

She never considered looking for that man! She stopped thinking about him once she gave birth to Lilian, and after she reconciled with Gregory, that guy had no place in her heart or thoughts. "I'll consider it,” she responded.

“All well, then, I'll see you later.” Daniella stood there watching her mother leave, and when she found herself alone again. she thought of Marcus. If only his phone had not been switched off, she would not have been concerned about him! His phone had been unreachable since the previous day, and she was terrified that something had happened to him. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she missed Au’s voice crying out to her, and she noticed the kid was awake only when she began tugging at her clothing.

Then, Daniella had difficulty sleeping the night before his anticipated arrival. Her pulse was thumping like a drum with anticipation of seeing him again. It was nearly 12 a.m. when she was compelled to close her eyes and sleep

She was nearly lost in forgetfulness when her phone rang. and despite her sleepiness, she answered. "Yes?" "Can you guess who?"

Her drowsiness vanished instantaneously, and she got up to speak with the caller. “What have you been doing?" I was unable to contact you for several days,” she inquired.

Daniella was forthright and candid, which were two characteristics Marcus admired about her. He never had to guess since she constantly communicated whether she was pleased, sad, or furious. "Would you be able to do something for me, sweetheart?” He directed Daniella to go to the massive acacia tree near the greenhouse and retrieve something he had mest likely dropped. He reasoned that the woman would be hesitant to leave her room because it was already late, but he was proven wrong when he spotted her approaching him in her pyjamas.

She had no clue what Marcus had fallen beside the acacia tree, but it appeared to be significant to him, and she didn't hesitate to seek for it. She surveyed the area with a flashlight in her hand and discovered...him! She refused to trust what her eyes were telling her and concluded that she was most likely dreaming

"Hello, Dani," he said. She was persuaded it was Marcus only after hearing him talk. "I believed I was dreaming!" She shouted, pinching her flesh for confirmation.

Even in the dim light, he could see her eyes gleaming as she realized he had arrived on time. He truly missed her! Marcus snatched her up and imprisoned her in his grip in one fast action. "I'm very sorry,” he murmured into her ears.

"I miss you as well," she replied, and Daniella was aware that he desired more than akiss, as his hands began toslide inside her pajamas -> For goodness sake, they were inan open location, and who knew ifthe cctythat Alexander had installed may film them as they attempted to make out. She should have stopped him, but instead let his hands to roam freely within her garments.

Because the woman was dressed in her nightgown, she was not wearing a bra, and his*ands were more than appy to cupher breasts and . squeeze and rub them. When he < kissed her ips, Daniella sighed > ently Her faint whimpers fueled his fervent need to take her there immediately. As he bent aver to suck on her breast and téased her nipples, his blood was on fire.

arcus shivered with excitement as he dropped her pajama to get access to his homebase. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org



He was engulfed by desire and need, but his hearing remained sharp, and when he heard some faint footfall approaching, he paused to caress Daniella and listened intently. Marcus motioned Daniella to be silent and assisted her in putting on her pajamas

When Marcus began to act as though someone was observing them or lurking around, Daniella became scared. They kept their respiration under control as they awaited the probable visitor.

When he attempted to disarm the invader and utilized the flashlight to determine who it was, his body was nimble and quick. "Simon?" Marcus was taken aback when he discovered he knew the man. Simon was a young investigator he met at Ortega's agency and he liked him, but if Simon came to harm Daniella, he would not hesitate to murder him!

Simon was taken aback by the abrupt onslaught and was easily overcome. He was embarrassed by his error, but when the stranger shouted his name, he used his flashlight to identify the stranger who disarmed him. "Are you Marcus Madrigal?" Simon was even more taken aback when he discovered he knew the man. "I had no idea you were with us," he said.

“How do you define ‘with us'?" Who is with you?" Marcus explored to ascertain the source of his perplexity.

"In fact, the majority of the squad." He respondeckand then became aware of a little movement behind the man. Hé couldn't see the woman he was searching for behind = Marcus,and he wondered what'she wasdoing outdoors. He was-tozing offvhen a control room opérator informed him that Daniela had exited her bedroom with a flashlight. “Are you Miss Reyes?" He called to confirm, but she did not respond.

Daniella refused to notice her bodyguara’s presence and secretly begged that Marcus would dismiss him so they could continue their work in peace.

Marcus observed Daniella become uneasy in Simon’s presence and surmised that she must have been afraid. "Did you come here in response to Daniella's death?" He inquired, and when Simon nodded, he gave the young guy a scowl. "Why?"

"Because, Marcus, I am her bodyguard.” He responded

"I see, but I'll defend her now that I'm here." Marcus stated. Simon was a decent man, but when it came to Daniella, he couldn't trust anyone, much less someone as gorgeous as Simon! "Return immediately," he instructed Simon to leave them alone.

"I figured he'd insist on remaining," Daniella stated when Simon disappeared from their view.

Marcus thought that it would be better if they simply followed Simon and returned home, as he had a lot of unanswered issues. “Would you like to describe how Simon became your bodyguard?" As they walked back towards the house, he inquired.

“It was unremarkable, Marcus. I only wanted to ensure our safety in here.” She reacted.

"Please, Dani, be candid with me. Have you recently received any death threats?" He was concerned that Alicia had not made hollow threats in response to his clarification of their supposed relationship status.

"None exist. When I hired Ortega's men to defend us, both you and Paloma believed the same thing.” As she stated. "Who are Ortega's men?" How many are there?" Then he recalled Simon informing him that the majority of the squad was present. "I believe twenty." She responded casually.

Marcus noted that the home had transformed into a modern-day reproduction of Alexander's residence in Guadalupe as they walked through the main door.

They proceeded directly to her bedroom, and Marcus promptly instructed Patty that she needed to return to her room. He kissed her sleeping baby again before confronting Daniella.

"What do you think, Sweetheart, about creating a sister or a brother for AJ?" Daniella's cheeks flushed as he joked.

"Then strip down to your underwear so we can begin,” she dared him, and Marcus gladly accepted.

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