The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 58 Punch Someone

Nathan’s POV

I thought I was going to travel to Paris the next day, that was the actual plan that I had, I wanted to retrieve the company’s shares from that French guy. But Ray got a call from the guy he sent to monitor him and it turns out that he has been informed of my return and he has gone into hiding. I’m sure he didn’t get that information from my dad because my father would never advise him to run like that. If he had gotten the information from my dad, he would not be trying to run away, No. Rather, he would have boarded the next flight to New York City and he would hand over those documents to me without thinking twice about it. I’m guessing he got the information from the guy he had sent over to the company. The guy must have told him about my sudden presence in the boardroom and how I ruined the bidding for the company today. I really don’t know what he told him and I really don’t care, but I know that he has been left his previous location and he is hiding out in an unknown location, trying to evade me.

I decided to let him hide out for as long as he wants, he can choose to hide in the ocean for all I care, I’ll just let him keep believing that he has gotten away from me. I have other important matters to attend to, I need to restore our family company to what it used to be and I need to put my life back in order because my life has been in chaos since I got back here. So I decided to let him be for now while I focus all my attention on renovating and rebranding the company. I never thought that it would be so difficult to get this company up and running again. Travis did not just ruin our companies from within, he also killed our credentials and ruined our reputation in this city and abroad. I spent months trying to restore this company back to the way it used to be. It took a lot to convince our clients that we are back in business. It’s been eight months and I haven’t had a chance to visit Paris as I planned to, I have completely forgotten about Lawrence Delaney. His name did cross my mind once in a while, but I have been so engaged and I couldn’t find the time to pay him a visit.

Ray never stopped searching for his new location though. Two months after I took over the company, Ray found out that Lawrence Delaney had not left the country like I thought he did. We checked every flight manifesto, but his name never popped up in any which means that he never left town, he only changed his location. From the reports I got from Ray, I found out that he is facing a series of attacks from an unknown person or people, I really can’t say but that he messed with the wrong people and now he is paying for his mistakes. If only he knows that what he is facing now is little compared to what he will face from me when I finally catch up with him. His assailant only burned a part of his house, and his company and did a little damage to his properties, but when I finally get to him, I’ll make him regret everything he has ever done wrong, he’ll regret crossing paths with me.

I did not spend time on his reports because I have a company to run and I have some other cases to investigate. I still need to find the girl that my grandfather kidnapped from his friends, we seem to have hit a dead end on her case and it’s giving me cause for concern. I promised her grandparents that I would find her and they are counting on me to bring her back home whether she is dead or alive, but I’ve not been able to find her and it’s so fucking frustrating and annoying. One time, I got a call from some guy who claimed to be the son-in-law of uncle Conor and Auntie Elsa. They told him that I offered to help search for his daughter and he called to find out if I have any leads on her, but I had nothing to offer him and he sounded a bit disappointed when he hung up on me. He had high hopes before calling, but when I told him that I seem to have hit a dead end on her case, he hung up in disappointment.

Sometimes, I think that Raymond is not searching too hard for her. It would almost seem like he doesn’t want me to find her or something like that. I have no idea what he has against the poor girl, or maybe he doesn’t want to make his grandfather look stupid and incompetent. He had been the one in charge of this case and he had failed to find her, if Raymond succeeds in finding her, it would only mean that he never did his job well, that would not be good for his reputation and I think that is the reason why Ray has not found he yet. I have no other explanation for the several negative reports that I keep getting from him. I have contacted Costello in secret and I told him about her case, he sent me a private investigator that could do the job for me. I gave him the files I have on her that contains all the information that Ray had given me on her case. I also gave him the files on Hillary as well because it seems like Ray has also hit a dead end on Hillary’s case as well. From the report he had on Hillary, you would think that she suddenly fell off the surface of the earth, it just makes no fucking sense. If it’s the case of one of these traitors that want to steal what rightfully belongs to me and get rid of me, it takes him little or no time to get to the bottom of the issue and give me all the information I need. He is always so efficient on his job and that is why I think that he simply doesn’t want to find these girls because his reports are just too mediocre, I just can’t believe that he is not able to find two girls in the whole of New York and it’s surrounding cities. He has all the resources he needs, even if their trail leads him to any other country, he can follow it up and give me what I want. But for some weird reason, he seems to have hit a dead end and he is not even ready to move on with the case, which could only mean that he has decided to give up on the two cases and that is so unacceptable.

Eight months after I took over the company, I finally found time to go to Paris. I would have postponed it once more, but I am trying to get another huge contract with the government, I need those documents in my portfolio before I can be considered. It is really not a good time for me to be traveling abroad because I still have a lot of things to take care of here in New York, besides I just finished my new house, and I’m still in the process of moving into the house fully. It’s been so hectic for me and I have no time for this, but I had to do it anyway. It’s high time that I get this over with, I need those documents and I can’t let them remain in his hands anymore. I instructed Caitlyn to help me move all my things to my new house, it would save me a lot of stress because I really don’t have time for myself these days, my life is just messed up and chaotic. But when I get back from Paris and secure that contract, I would be relieved a bit because securing this contract will go a long way in regarding our honor and credibility in the eyes of our clients.

We hopped into my private plane, heading to Paris. I noticed that Raymond is a little nervous about this trip, he tried talking me out of it and he offered to handle it for me, but I just refused to back down. These days, I don’t hide behind my guards anymore, I get things done myself and it is quite satisfying when I see the fear in their eyes whenever they set eyes on me. I declined his offer and we boarded the plane to Paris. We left New York by 6:00 am and we arrived in Paris by 2:00 pm. I could tell that Ray was extremely uncomfortable about this trip. He has been so nervous all through this trip and It borders me to see him this way but I chose not to ask him about it because I was hoping that he would tell me what it is if it is truly important. We have been through a lot together, I don’t believe that he would be able to hide anything from me, it’s just kind of impossible.

He was surprised to see that I have already made arrangements for some cars to pick us up from the airport. I guess he was hoping to handle it all by himself. Trust me, I would have liked to let him handle it because he is so good at his job, but some things just don’t check out in his reports, besides I have a guy here already. The private investigator that I got from Costello is here in Paris. His investigations brought him here to Paris and he assured me that he is so close to closing this case. There is absolutely no way that I would have told Ray about this because he never told me that he will be investigating anything here in Paris, besides, with the way he is behaving right now, it is so obvious that he is hiding something from me. I don’t know what he could be hiding from me, but I’m sure that I will not let him anywhere near this case while we are here in Paris. I made up my mind to keep him in the dark and that is exactly what I did.

We boarded the cars that my new private investigator, Brian got for us and we headed straight to the address that Ray had provided, the home address of Lawrence Delaney. We parked a few miles away and I asked my tech guy, Fred, to hack into his security cameras so we can know if he is in there right now. It was a bit hard to hack his cameras because of his heavy coding and passwords, but we got in after some minutes and I saw inside and outside his building. I saw the bastard, he was right there in his house, and he has a bunch of security guards on the premises that are way too much for just a residential area. I guess it was true when they said that he was facing some kind of issue or something. We would have gone in immediately, but I noticed that he is getting ready for a meeting at his house. I know this because I saw him ordering the maids to put everything in order and I saw them preparing a sumptuous lunch for his visitors. We decided to hold on until his visitors arrive so we don’t get taken unawares. We don’t know who he is expecting so we stayed out there and waited to see how many visitors he was expecting, then we would know how to coordinate our attack so we won’t be defeated.

We waited for almost an hour before a red Range Rover drove past our location, heading to his house. I watched as the Range Rover drove through his gates and parked in his parking lot. The door swung open and a lady stepped out of the car and headed straight to the door. She looks so beautiful and so damn familiar, that flawless skin, that curvy body, it looks so familiar. I had to zoom the screen to see her face clearly. My heart was beating so fast as my hand went to my laptop to zoom the screen. In my heart, I already know that it is her but I still needed to confirm it to be sure. And I did, I saw her and she looked so beautiful that it made me want to kiss her. I thought I would hate her when I finally see her, but I don’t hate her, No. I love her even more and I want her, I fucking want her back. The shock on my face is evident, but when I turned to face Raymond, I noticed that he is not as shocked as I was, he was still nervous and a little bit scared. I had no idea what was wrong with him but I intend to find out pretty soon. I would have asked him what his problem is, but I got distracted by the sight of Hillary kissing that bastard. I watched in horror as my woman, my wife was kissing another man right in front of me.

“I’ll kill him… I’ll kill that fucking bastard!” I yelled in anger as I smashed the iPad that I was using to watch it. While I was stranded on that island, I always imagined what our first meeting would be like, never in my wildest imagination would I have imagined that I would see her kissing a guy that wants to steal from me. I was so fucking furious, I want to punch someone, I just can’t take it.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“We are moving in guys, take out all the guards, but leave Lawrence and his lady friend to me, I want to handle it myself.” I ordered my boys fiercely. We all stepped down from the cars and walked down to his house. Brian was trying to tell me something but I had no time to listen to anything he has to say, I need to punch someone right now and since he is not offering himself to be punched, then anything he has to say will have to wait. We sneaked around the building and sneaked into the premises, taking out his guards one after the other. I left some guards to keep watch of the premises while I went in with some guards.

I was so furious when I saw my woman making out with this dude in his dining. I wanted to shoot the bastard in the fucking head, but I was too furious to react in any way. She was shocked, too shocked to say anything reasonable. I watched her fly out of the house in horror, she doesn’t look scared like someone that ran away with my money, she simply looked dumbfounded. I let her leave, I did not make any move to stop her because this whole thing is too disturbing, I just can’t handle it right now because I’m not thinking straight. I mean, I should be punching that bastard for touching my wife, but all I can think of is her bare body that I can’t a glimpse of before she shielded it with her clothes. Damn, She is so beautiful.

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