The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret)

Chapter 9

The Billionaire’s Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband’s Regret) Chapter 9


You can do this, Cassie! You’ve been in other board meetings before. 

But this time, the board includes my ex–husband. 

“Today, we will announce to the board that your grandfather’s will has come into effect. You are here not only as his granddaughter 

but as the new Chairman of the Board.” 

As Attorney Magnus leads me to the boardroom, I see someone unexpected. 

My heart races, and I can feel my blood start to boil when I see my stepsister’s familiar face. She is talking to Tara, Kayden’s 


“Mr. Steele has another meeting at 4PM, and a dinner meeting at 7.” 

“So, you’re telling me that if I weren’t in this meeting. I won’t even get a chance to see him at all,” Megan asks in an irritated tone. 

“Miss Brown, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Attorney Magnus says. 

“Well, I’ve just recently bought a few shares of King’s Court. And I’m looking to buy more.” Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Let me introduce Mr. King’s granddaughter,” Attorney Magnus turns to me. “Miss Cassandra King.” 

Megan turns to me and instantly, her smile disappears, replaced by a look of shock and confusion. 

“Hello, Megan,” I say with a smirk. “Nice to see you again.” I bend my head to peak at an equally shocked Tara. “You, too, Tara.” 

“Wh–what are y–you doing here?” Megan stammers. 

“The same thing as you,” I reply. “Attending the shareholders‘ meeting.” 

“I mean… ho–how are you here?” 

“My grandfather was the Chairman of King’s Court. This hotel chain has been in our family for generations. Why shouldn’t I be here?” 

Didn’t Kayden tell her that he saw me last night? 

Kayden’s shocked expression when he saw me again was golden. But Megan’s shock and confusion now? Priceless! 

“But you… you were nothing!” Megan exclaims, “You’re just a graphic artist whose works didn’t make a mark! Your mother was a homemaker, who didn’t work a day in her life! You must have paid Attorney Magnus to make it seem like you’re related to the Kings!” 

“Miss Brown!” Attorney Magnus raises his voice. “One more word that slanders my client, and you will find yourself with a sorry 


Instead of being rattled, I give Megan a calm smile. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, stepsis,” I say. “It’s true that my mother didn’t work a day in her life. But that’s because she was an heiress of a billion–dollar hotel chain. And it’s not true that I have nothing to my name. I’m the owner of one of the most sought–after design firms in the country, Cassandra Designs. You might have 

heard about it. It’s quite famous.” 

Megan’s eyes widen, She opens her mouth to say something, but no words come out. 

Attorney Magnus clears his throat, breaking the tense silence. “Shall we go to the boardroom now? We have more important matters 

to discuss.” 

“Have a good day, you two.” I walk past them, leaving Megan with her mouth still hanging open. 

As we enter the boardroom, I can feel the tension in the air as the board members look at us with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. 

I catch Kayden’s eye briefly, and there’s a flicker of something in his expression. Is it surprise with a hint of admiration? I quickly dismiss the thought, focusing on the task at hand 

Good day, ladies and gentlemen,” Attorney Magnus starts. “The first order of business today is the introduction of Mister Gordon King’s granddaughter. Please, I’d like you all to welcome Miss Cassandra King Carlisle.” 

Whispers and sidelong glances fill the air, and I know that many are questioning my presence here. 

Attorney Magnus presses the remote and the screen lights up, showing a scanned copy of a handwritten document. 

“This is the handwritten will of Mr. King, naming Cassandra as his sole heiress, to take over not only his estates but also all his businesses, including King’s Court. Furthermore, he had chosen his granddaughter to succeed him as Chairman of the Board. 

I hear gasps of surprise among the members. As I look around, I can see looks of curiosity, shock, and even fury. 

My eyes meet Kayden’s, and I see a hint of turmoil in his gaze. He quickly masks it with a professional demeanor, but I know him well 


He won’t give this up without a fight. 

“Do we have proof that she really is Mr. King’s relative?” Of course, it is Megan who raised that question. 

Attorney Magnus flicks the remote and another document is flashed on the screen. It’s a DNA test result. 

Where and when did they get that

“Mister King is a very skeptical man,” Attorney Magnus replies. “He had confirmatory tests done just before his passing. There is no 

doubt that Cassandra is his flesh and blood.” 

There is silence as the members of the board stare at the screen. 

“If you are still in doubt,” I finally speak. “I still have a grandmother. We can perform another testo alleviate any doubts you may 


“There is no need for that,” Kayden says in a calm voice. “While the circumstances of Miss King’s sudden appearance may be surprising to some of us, we must acknowledge that she is Mr. King’s heiress.” 

Do I hear him right? Is he giving up the Chairmanship to me? 

“I second that,” a board member chimes in. “Mr. King is a brilliant man and he has his reasons and intentions, and we should respect 

his wishes.” 

More nods and agreements ripple through the room. Megan could do nothing but frown. She knows she doesn’t have power here. 


Attorney Magnus continues, “As the legal representative of Mr. Gordon King, I must emphasize that his decision is final and legally binding. I must ensure a smooth transition of power to Miss Cassandra King Carlisle.” 

The tension in the air starts to dissipate, and the meeting progresses smoothly. 

During the coffee break, I excuse myself to go to the ladies‘ room. 

I take a moment to compose myself, breathing in a sigh of relief. 

So far, so good, Cassie! 

Love I swing 

As I turn to open the door and am caught off guard when I see Kayden standing outside. 

“Christ! You scared me!” I say sternly. 

“Impressive performance in there,” he says, both his voice and his face lack expression. 

“What are you getting at, Mr. Steele?” 

“Why did you really come back here, Cassie?” he asks. “For power? For money? For revenge?” 

He takes a step closer to me. I take a step back until my back hits the door. 

“Revenge?” I echo. 

He leans forward. I can feel his minty breath against my skin. “Did you come back here to torment me? Punish me for what I did to you four years ago?” 

I smirk. “You’re delusional, Mr. Steele. I barely remember our time together. I was young and naive. I thought the world of you. But then I realized that you’re just another spineless pretty face who couldn’t even stand up for his wife.” 

His eyes narrow. I can see anger flickering there, but I cannot stop now. 

“I’m here to claim what is rightfully mine and to prevent my family’s legacy from going to the wrong hands!” I tell him in a confident voice. “I’m not here for revenge. I’m not even mad at you. You mean nothing to me.” 

Kayden’s jaw clenches, his eyes burning with fury and pain. “I meant nothing to you?” he echoes, his voice sober and dangerous. 

To my surprise, he raises his hand to touch my waist. He leans forward until I feel the tip of his nose against my neck. My heart starts pounding loudly in my ribcage. 

“Kayden… what are you doing?” 

“Ahh… finally! It’s been a while since I last heard my name from your lips,” he whispers. 

“Kayden, stop!” I say. My knees weaken and I lose my balance. Instinctively, I hold on to Kayden’s arms for support. 

You say one thing, but your body responds to me the same way it always does.” 

He snakes his arms around me, pulling me closer, holding me tighter. Then finally, his lips find mine as he gives me ravishing kisses. 

As much as I try to resist, I can’t deny the surge of emotions that Kayden’s touch elicits in me. The familiar warmth, the magnetic pull 


between us – it all comes rushing back with a force that leaves me breathless. 

This isn’t right! I’m not falling for this again! 

Conflicting emotions fill my mind. His lips bring back buried memories, his lips ignite a forgotten fire. As his hands roam around my 

body, I come to my senses. I push against him, breaking free from his grasp. 

He looks as disoriented as I am. 

“How dare you touch me?!” I hiss angrily. And without warning, I swing my arm and slap him across the face. 


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