Richard’s Plight

‘You know, when I found out you were cheating on me, I felt deeply hurt but what hurt me the most was seeing you happy that another woman was carrying your child. When I informed you about my pregnancy, you were not happy about it and even advised me to get an abortion. It’s funny, isn’t it?’, Sophia asked, looking at the direction of Richard who was already becoming restless.

‘You knew? When did you find out?’, Richard who was surprised of Sophia knowledge of his infidelity asked.

‘Let’s say two weeks ago. The night we saw Edward and the lady together at the club to be precise’, Sophia who was now holding a glass of wine, deriving a pleasure of goodness from each sip she took, responded.

‘Why didn’t you confront me?’, Richard asked with a shaky voice.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I wanted to be sure’, Sophia responded.

‘To be sure of what?’, Richard who was now confused asked.

‘To be sure whether you truly do not love me and that you are deceiving. You see, that night, I kept on denying that it’s true although I witnessed it myself. I thought maybe you were deceiving her and not me and so, I decided to put you through a test but alas, you failed’, Sophia said, giggling.

‘For two weeks, I intentionally cut off communication from you, hoping you would come seeking for me but you never did. Instead, you were busy enjoying yourself in her embrace’, Sophia said with hurt visible in her eyes.

‘I had even almost forgotten about your betrayal until I saw you too together in your car earlier today. I followed you until you reached her apartment and I watched as you were so happy being with her. I watched as you kissed her forehead and kissed her belly, expressing your love for her and her baby which you have never done for me and your child since I told you about my pregnancy. Sitting in my car and watching you two love birds displayed your love, I had thought: ‘That’s suppose to be us’ and so, I made up my mind that if I won’t have you, nobody else will. That’s a nice decision, isn’t it?’, Sophia who was now siting close to Richard and running her hand through his face asked.

‘What did you do to her?’, Richard asked in a scared voice, knowing fully well what Sophia was capable of.

‘I did nothing much, actually. I only paid her a visit. We spoke to length but do you know my favorite and the most pleasing statement she said? ‘Please, save my child’. She said that lying lifeless on the floor with pain in her eyes. That actually got me laughing and I enjoyed every bit of the scene’, Sophia said laughing in the most wild and devilish way. Her laughter showed the satisfaction she had gotten from the act she had carried out.

‘Did you harm her?’, Richard who was now standing up and anger built up in him, asked in a stern voice.

‘Harm her? No, baby. I wouldn’t do such’, Sophia who was holding Richard’s hand said. Hearing this, Richard felt relieved but he never expected the next statement that came out of Sophia’s mouth.

‘I only uprooted an unwanted weed. I killed her. It was fun doing that actually’, Sophia said laughing out loud, showing how happy she was. Upon hearing this, Richard broke down and he couldn’t help but fall on the ground due to the shock of what he had just heard.

‘You killed her? How could you? She was with a child!!!!!!’, Richard, whose eyes were now filled with tears yelled.

‘Killed her? Can we categorize that as me killing her? She missed her footing on the stairways making her lose her balance. She fell and was on her brink of death lying in the pool of blood. She was in pain and when she begged me to save her child, I decided to help her as I also couldn’t watched her suffer in pain anymore. So, I made it easy for her to pass on by strangling her to death. You can see that I actually helped her. You should be grateful’, Sophia said bending close Richard who was sitting on the ground and laughing right in his face.

Seeing she wasn’t remorseful for what she had done and with pain in his heart for losing his beloved, Richard placed his two hands on Sophia’s neck strangling her with all his strength.

‘Die die!!!!!!!!!!!!’, Richard kept on shouting and weeping while on the other hand, Sophia laughed, making Richard irater.

‘Your child ………, our child ………’, Sophia said, changing to a different personality within few seconds. She was now crying, with pain in her eyes, showing she was finding it difficult to breathe. On hearing her statement, Richard took his hands off her realizing what he had just done. Getting up from the floor, Sophia switched back to her other personality, laughing hysterically.

‘You see? You are just a weakling who can be easily controlled. You are nothing without me. Darling, take this as your punishment for cheating on me. We can start all over again since the unwanted weed has been uprooted. Don’t you believe in second chances?’, Sophia asked Richard.

‘You are evil. I will make sure I expose you. I never want to have anything to do with you again’, Richard who was now standing, facing Sophia said, moving towards the door.

‘Are you thinking of reporting me to the police? You think you have the courage to do that? Fine, you can go but let’s see who goes to jail instead. You killed her and I have the evidence’, Sophia said smiling.

‘Killed her? You just confessed that you killed me. Don’t try to play a game with me!!!!!!’, Richard yelled.

‘When did I say that? Do you have evidences that I killed her? Of course, you don’t. But I on the other hand, have thousands of evidences pointing at you to be the killer. Do you think I killed her without already having someone in mind to take the fall for that? No, baby. I am smarter than that’, Sophia said with Richard standing there dumbfounded.

‘You have two options: let this go like she never existed or make an issue out of it and take the fall. Do not forget about your mother too, you wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her. I know you are a smart boy and you will choose wisely’, Sophia said, patting Richard’s shoulder.

‘I would have love to have another special moment with you but I will leave you to go mourn your lost one. As for her body, it has been taken care of. Do reflect on what I had said and choose wisely’, Sophia said making her way to the exit.

‘I feel so good today’, Sophia said, laughing hysterically as she left the room, leaving Richard standing still, confused on the decision to take.

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