The Billionaire’s Playmate

My Mole!

I suddenly woke up when I heard a loud noise. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, trying to locate the source of the sound. It wasn’t the same cellphone that Rozzean used to call me last night.

The sound resembled that of an alarm clock.

“Where is it?”

As I looked around, I spotted the source of the noise. I let out a sigh of relief and climbed onto the chair. The time was displayed clearly; it seemed like there was an alarm in each room, and it was already five o’clock.

It was earlier than my usual wake-up time. I usually woke up at six and then went to Tinatangi at eight to tend to the flowers.

I turned off the alarm clock, went to the bathroom, and washed my face. While I was drying my face, I couldn’t help but think about what happened last night.

I wonder how he’s doing now. Is he still sick?

“He looks pitiful when he’s sick, but when he’s not, he looks like a demon with that attitude.”

I took a deep breath and began brushing my teeth. I needed to get ready; Manang Selya was probably awake by now. I prepared my bath, and I checked my bag to see where my clothes were. I didn’t sort them out last night.

I didn’t even realize that I had fallen asleep as soon as I lay down on the bed.

“Should I go visit my boss in his room?” I wondered aloud. As I grabbed my towel, I noticed the cellphone. But if he needed something, he’d surely call me again.

I spent about thirty minutes getting ready, trying to hurry because Manang was probably waiting for me downstairs. It was 5:35 AM according to the time check. Once I was sure I looked presentable, I was about to head out, but I felt like something was missing.

I went back and looked at myself in the mirror.

I furrowed my brows, examining myself. I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and shoes. My fake bangs were in place, and my freckles were showing.

“What’s missing-”

I gasped as I realized what was absent.

“Damn it! My mole!”

In a state of anxiety, I frantically looked around for my mole. Where could it be? Did I even put it on last night when I went to Rozzean’s room? Did he notice?

“Where is it…”

I rushed to the bathroom and searched for my mole. I was shocked when I found it on the side, resting on the clothes I had changed out from last night.

“Oh… my… gosh.”

I panicked for a moment. It meant that I hadn’t actually put them on when I went to Rozzean’s room!

I quickly grabbed my super glue and stuck it back onto my cheek. Hopefully, my boss hadn’t noticed. After all, he was sick, and his vision was probably blurry last night. I was getting nervous just thinking about it.

“Relax, Tangi… just relax, okay? Rozzean was sick last night, so he probably didn’t notice your mole. Besides, you’ve only met a few times, and your mole is quite small, so…”

I tried to calm myself down, lying back on the bed.

“Reckless!! It’s so annoying! I shouldn’t let this happen again!”

I took a deep breath and stood up, facing the mirror.

“Nothing’s missing… stupid mole.”

I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. I saw Manang having coffee. I approached her and greeted her.

“Good morning, Manang.”

She looked up and smiled.

“Good morning, Tali. Did Sir eat last night? I went to the kitchen to get some water, and I noticed that the food was reduced.”

I went to the drawer where the milk was kept. I packed it and then sat across from Manang.

“Well, Manang, he called on the cellphone. He had a fever, so he sent for some water, but I thought it would be best to bring him some food and medicine too. Just from his voice, it was obvious he was unwell. And yesterday, I noticed his actions. He kept rubbing his throat and even coughed three times.”

Manang raised her eyebrows at me. She mixed her coffee with a spoon and then clasped her hands together.

“You noticed that? I didn’t. Well, that’s just Rozzean; he doesn’t say anything when he’s not feeling well. Thank you very much, Tali. On the very first day, you’re already doing great,” she said.

I felt my cheeks warming up. I scratched my nape. I got used to it because we had a big family, and Mom was caring. Whenever she noticed my siblings or me getting sick, she would take care of us right away.

Manang’s words made me feel a mix of pride and humility. I was glad to be of help, especially on my first day, but I didn’t want to draw too much attention to myself.

“It’s no problem, Manang. I just did what I thought was right,” I replied modestly.

She smiled warmly at me. “You have a kind heart, Tali. That’s something not everyone possesses. And you’ll find that it’ll serve you well in life.”

I appreciated her kind words but knew I had to keep my focus on my mission. I was here for a specific reason, and I couldn’t let myself forget that.

“Manang, does Sir Rozzean have any family living with him here?” I asked.

Manang bowed her head for a moment. She took a sip of her coffee and then looked at me.

“Rozzean has two siblings, Tali. His parents live in Manila. He’s the only one who moved here. I don’t know the exact reason, but that’s all I can tell you.”

I took a sip of the milk. So, he really is living alone in this huge house. My dad told me that I would meet Rozzean’s parents soon, as they already knew about me. My dad moved pretty quickly. I didn’t even realize he had the intention of finding a man for me. Also, he manipulated me with his words. Annoying.

But Manang’s revelation about Rozzean’s family situation made me pause and think. It seemed like he was the only one of his siblings who had moved away from their parents. I wondered what could have driven him to live alone in this large house, far from his family.

Daddy’s quick actions to arrange a meeting with Rozzean’s parents to discuss our potential wedding were indeed surprising. I felt a mix of gratitude and frustration towards him. Grateful because it showed he cared about my future, but frustrated because I had wanted to find my own path and make my own choices in life.

However, I couldn’t deny that Rozzean’s presence was affecting me more than I had anticipated. He was mysterious, and there was something about him that drew me in. I needed to remind myself that I was here for a reason, and getting too close to him could jeopardize my mission.

After Manang left to give coffee to the guards and open the windows, I continued with my morning routine. I decided to take charge of breakfast and prepared a hearty meal. I took some eggs, hotdogs, bacon, and the leftover rice from last night’s dinner. I also chopped some garlic and onions and grabbed a can of green peas and corn kernels.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

As I finished cooking, I couldn’t help but wonder whether Rozzean was already awake or still asleep, considering his condition last night. The house was unusually quiet, and I wasn’t sure if he’d come down for breakfast.

I placed the cooked dishes on the island counter, the same place Rozzean had his meal yesterday. It seemed he preferred eating there rather than at the dining table.

“Where’s Manang?”

“She’s outside, sir, bringing coffee to the guards.”

I closed my eyes tightly and placed my hand over my chest as I heard his voice suddenly. He was still wearing a black T-shirt and had changed into black sweatpants last night.

“She’s outside, sir, bringing coffee to the guards.”

I stared at him as he sipped the milk he had taken from the refrigerator. Rozzean faced me, his eyes fixed on me. When he raised his eyebrows and furrowed his thick brow, I winced in anticipation.

“Sir, why?” I asked.

He put down the milk and approached me. I instinctively moved back as he leaned in extremely close. He was inspecting my face!

“Do you…”


“Do you really have a mole there?” he asked, pointing to my cheek.

I gulped and suddenly felt nervous.


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