The Billionaire’s Playmate

The Blessing

After the incredibly joyful intermission number by my family, Rozzean approached me, breathing heavily. He held my hand and hugged me, placing his lips near my ear and whispered.

“It’s embarrassing…”

I laughed again and patted his back.

“You’re embarrassed about that? You were so into it.”

I heard Rozzean’s hearty laughter. When he let go of me, I wiped the sweat from his face and neck. He was really sweaty, even though the reception was air-conditioned!

“It was Thes’ idea. She said you’d be thrilled if I danced the jumbo hotdog. And she was right.”

I glanced at Thes, who was focused on her cellphone screen, probably watching the video she took earlier, as she continued to laugh.

“And Luther? How did you convince him to dance?” I asked, smiling.

“I don’t know what happened. I think Thes talked to him. It seems like he was just forced; I don’t know what Thes said to get Luther to agree to dance with me. I was surprised that Luther agreed. I never thought he would do this. You can tell from his face that he’s not okay with it.”

I suddenly laughed and became curious about those two.

When everyone calmed down, the emcee announced that it was time for me to throw the bouquet. I almost forgot about it!

“Okay, all the single ladies, please come to the front!”

I stood up and positioned myself at the front.

“Okay! Ready!” said the emcee.

I turned around and threw my bouquet. When I faced forward again, it seemed like it was in slow motion, landing on Thes’ head. I covered my mouth because it didn’t fall; it slid onto her head! It was perfectly perched on her head!

“It looks like there’s no need to catch it!” the emcee said, approaching Thes, whose eyes widened as she looked at me. The emcee took the bouquet perched on her head, and she stared at it, as if in disbelief.

“What’s the name of the lady? You look like a celebrity! You’re so beautiful!”

“T-Therese Catalina Rivanez. I don’t have a boyfriend, and I have no plans of getting married. This is true.”

Many laughed at what Thes said, but on the side, my cousins, especially Maki, screamed in excitement. However, when my eyes went to Rozzean’s family side, I saw Luther’s eyes shooting daggers at my cousins.

Hmmm. I am getting suspicious of them.

“Okay, now for the garter! All the boys, come here to the front!” the emcee said. Some of my cousins were pushing each other. They’re such troublemakers!

Before Rozzean went to the front, I saw Luther whispering something to him, raising my eyebrows.

“Okay, we’re ready!”

When Rozzean threw the garter, it went far. The guys in the middle turned to see where it landed, and when they saw who caught it, they just clapped. I tried to contain my smile.

Luther was holding the garter, looking triumphant, and he grinned at the guys who raised their hands earlier.

“Rozzean…” my husband looked at me.

“What did Luther say to you?” I asked him with a smile.

“He mentioned that he’d be at the back, so I needed to throw the garter hard. He really wanted to catch it. I suspect something is going on between him and Thes.”

I clasped my hands together.

“Yeah, that’s right,” I replied, looking at Thes and Luther who were talking to the emcee.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Alright, we’re now at the exciting part!”

“Mr. Luther Valleje will perform a sexy dance for Ms. Rivanez and will remove the garter from her leg!”

People inside the reception cheered, and I clapped with joy. I even kicked my feet while sitting. But when Rozzean touched my thigh, I looked at her.

“Baby, be careful.”

I nodded at her and gave her a quick kiss. Then, I turned my gaze back to the two. Thes was seated in the middle, and Luther was at the end, unbuttoning his white shirt. He was smiling. It seemed like this was something he really wanted to do, not like earlier when he seemed forced.

“Music, please!”

I pulled Rozzean’s hand, and we went to the side to see my friend’s reaction. My husband was behind me, hands wrapped around my waist, holding me close. Now, I took a video, happily watching Luther and Thes.

When the song “Careless Whisper” played, Luther started dancing slowly, and the noise inside the reception grew. I looked at Thes. She’s blushing so hard! Well, this is a first!

“Damn, my son can really dance sexily! Earlier, he was like a statue!” I heard Uncle Royce say as he watched Luther swaying his hips to the sensual music.

I laughed a lot, along with Rozzean, especially when Luther took off his shirt and tossed it to Thes. My friend covered her face, and I saw that her ears were turning red. When Luther approached her and knelt down, the women inside screamed.

“Go, Luther!” I cheered.

Luther went inside Thes’ gown, and the crowd’s cheers got even louder. The garter was so high up! And Luther took his time there!

“Luther Rico!” Thes shouted, her face all red.

When Luther stood up, he had a triumphant smile, holding the garter. He glanced at us while smiling at my husband.

He gave a thumbs up, and Rozzean raised his hand to give his brother a thumbs up too.

I returned my gaze to my friend, who quickly stood up and just took a sip of water on the side.

“Should we announce your pregnancy now?” Rozzean whispered to me.

We walked towards the center.

“Sure,” I said, smiling.

Rozzean took the mic and handed it to me. Everyone there looked at us. Rozzean stood beside me, his hand on my waist.

“We are thankful that you all came here to witness the love Rozzean and I have for each other. Thank you so much, and before this beautiful day of ours ends, my husband and I wanted you all to know that…”

Rozzean and I looked at the projector on the side. The ultrasound image appeared there.

“We are expecting triplets!”

“O-Oh my god!” I heard Mommy and Mama Cynthia exclaim.

They, along with my siblings, stood up. They were so surprised that they approached us. Even Mama and Mommy were jumping up and down. Rozzean pulled out the ultrasound photo from his pocket and showed it to our family.

“T-Triplets! George!” Mommy exclaimed.

“Congratulations, sweetheart!” Daddy said to me.

Applause erupted from those present, and we heard others shouting congratulations.

“Great job, brother-in-law!” Griz said, patting my husband on the back.

“What position was that? I’d like to try; maybe we’ll have triplets too,” Grand asked, followed by a playful pinch from his wife.

Everyone was so happy, and this is what we wanted.

“I love you, wife…”

I held his cheeks and kissed his lips.

“And I love you too.”

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