The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 69: Michael

Chapter 69: Michael

I walked out of the shower as I dreaded the meeting I was supposed to have with my parents earlier

today. I can't believe that tomorrow it's my wedding and it doesn't even seem like it to me.

If not for the nuptial agreement, I would have broken off the engagement as soon as possible.

My two brothers were lying down on my bed waiting for me, they stood up as soon as they saw me

coming out from the bathroom.

“What's going on here?” I asked them, they knew how I dislike someone lying on my bed. It is only Nina

who I can permit to do that because she's the woman I'm in love with.

“ We came to talk to you, ” Vino replied. I nodded for him to continue even though I knew what he

wanted to talk about. I walked to sit down on the couch opposite the bed, with my legs crossed I gave

them my full attention.

“ Go on, I'm listening ” I urged them on when I saw that none of them was making any effort to say


I was about to give up and stood up to get dressed when Vino finally said “ What are you going to do

now? Tomorrow is the wedding ” Vino asked me.

“To be candid, I don't know either. I'm thinking of speaking to Mom and dad about the evidence but I'm

afraid that they might brush it off as nothing” I replied, I've been thinking about this ever since the

wedding was three days to go and since then I haven't found any solution.

“ I have a suggestion ” Victor said, Vino and I both urge him to go on. No advice was little at times like


“Why don't Vino and I go and check over the cabin again, who knows we might find the pen or necklace

lying somewhere idle ” Victor replied as I nodded to Vino to go with Victor to search the cabin again.

Though, I wasn't hopeful of them finding anything there seeing that the police had searched all

everywhere including the bushes but nothing was found.

Vino and Victor both stood up to leave my room. I went to the closest to pick out my dress just as I

heard the knock on my door. I quickly dressed up and went to open the door.

Maria stood at the door holding a suit bag in her hands. She handed it to me “ Signora asked me to

give it to you. She said to tell you that your tuxedo has arrived ” I collected it from her and deposited it

angrily on the bed without opening it.

Mom sure knows how to spoil my mood very early in the morning. I double checked my outfit to see

that I was okay as I will be going over to check Nina at the hospital after my meeting with my parents.

I walked down the stairs to see that they were both at the breakfast table. Both Vino and Victor were

nowhere to be found. I guessed they had left earlier for the assignment I had given them.

“ Good morning Mom and dad ” I greeted the both of them before taking my seat across from Mom but

beside Dad.

Dad was going through the morning papers just as he always did before breakfast “ Michael how are

you? I trust you like your tuxedo, right?”

I forced myself not to roll my eyes at her. Can't she see that I'm not in the mood to discuss whether my

tuxedo is fine or not?.

I ignored her as I grabbed a piece of bread from the plate across from her, I placed the egg on it and

munch on it slowly with no care in the world.

Dad dropped the newspaper and turned to look at me seriously. “ Are you okay son?” He asked me

also, turning to take bread from the table.

“ Yes dad ” I replied shrugging. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be okay seeing that Nina was

safe and sound.

“ Are you sure because you don't look like someone who's getting married tomorrow ?” Dad continued,

I was tempted to tell them about the evidence but knowing my father he's going to call the Meltons out

and that wouldn't be good for me.

I want Deborah to be apprehended in front of millions of people and most especially in front of the


“ I'm okay, dad just stressed out from the events of these past few days. ” I replied, shrugging. My

phone ringing caused me to excuse myself from the breakfast table as I went out to receive the call.

I accepted the call just as I got into the car “ Yes tell me ” I commanded into the phone seeing that it

was Andrea calling. I wasn't in the mood to exchange peasantries with anyone.

“ Michael ” Nina's gentle voice called from the side of the phone. My hands froze as I wanted to put the

key in the ignition. My heart beat escalated as I let her voice calm me down.

“ Nina, How are you ?” I asked her, surprised that she was even calling me. I guess her father is not in

the hospital.

“ I'm okay, where are you? We need to talk ” Nina told me from the other end of the line. I could hear

Lilian arguing with Danny over the phone but my heart couldn't stop beating, wondering what she

wanted to talk to me about?.

“ I'm on my way to the hospital now.” I replied just as the phone went dead in my hands. I dropped the

phone onto the dashboard and pulled out of my parents' driveways. I took the fastest route to the

hospital, while also thinking about what Nina wanted to talk about?.

I pulled the car into the hospital's parking lot, I ran down the corridor to the elevator , I got into it and

rested my back against the wall after punching in the number to the third floor which was the private


I stepped out of the elevator to see Don guarding the door just as I had commanded him. I nodded at

him and opened the door, I paused a bit to gather my thoughts before opening the door to go in.

Nina was asleep on the bed and no one was in the room with her. My heart immediately went out to her Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

as I ran my hands gently down the bruises which were just starting to fade. I can't believe that psycho

beat my woman up like trash.

Nina stirred from my gentle touch, she smiled up at me as soon as she opened her eyes. She sat up

and motioned me to the chair beside her bedside.

“ What did you want to talk to me about? ” I asked her, going immediately to the point as I couldn't bring

myself to imagine what she wanted to talk about.

I heard you'll be getting married to Deborah tomorrow” Nina said after some time. Her voice sounded

hoarsely like she was trying to fight back tears.

“ I hope I won't be able to, I hope we'll be able to find the evidence before tomorrow ” I replied as I

reached out to take her hands in mine trying to reassure her.

“ Why can't you just break up with her. Everyone knows she was with Austin on my kidnapping , I saw

her there too ” Nina protested trying to make me see reasons in her suggestion.

“ I can't do that, my hands are tied because of the prenuptial agreement we signed. And about her

being the mastermind, I spoke to inspector Peller about that he said it won't be advisable, we need

concrete evidence. If only we could find the pen or the necklace ” I told her.

Nina sobbed into my hand causing my heart to shatter a million pieces. I wish there was something I

could do to break up with Deborah and also have her arrested but none.

My parents are not helping me either as they are both after what they and company we will gain after

the wedding.

Lilian and Danny both came back into the room with Andrea following closely behind him. Lilian went

over to comfort Nina after she had greeted me. Danny, I and Andrea all stepped out of the ward to talk


“ Are you still pushing on with the wedding tomorrow?”. Danny asked me after some time. He was still

going to be my best man tomorrow.

“ Yes, I had no choice, else the Meltons will take over my parents' properties. They had worked so hard

to gather all of that ” I replied shrugging gazing down the hospital floor to see some people in the

garden helping their sick ones to walk or feeding them.

I've had enough of hospitals that could last for a lifetime. I hope I won't see any need to come back

here, even though I will, it shouldn't be because of Nina.

“ How's Nina taking it?” Andrea asked after sometime, he had been quiet merely observing us.

I shrugged as I tried to fight back the embarrassment that overcame me.

Embarrassment that I couldn't fight for the woman I love. “She's not taking it lightly. I mean I understand

after everything she had to go through because of me. I wished her happiness ”

Even as I say that word my heart breaks and shatters into a million pieces. I can't imagine Nina with

anyone else but me. She belongs in my arms and with me. If only there's a way I could annul the

prenuptial agreement Damn! Mr. Melton, that Sly fox.

We could use the picture of Deborah and Austin having sex in the hospital to annual the prenup ”

Danny suddenly said after sometime causing both Andrea and I to smile excitedly.

“Wow ! That's true. Why didn't I think about that?” I exclaimed happily.

“That's because you are focused on making sure that Deborah is arrested to worry about annulling the

prenup or not ” Andrea replied, causing me to nod in agreement. I was blinded by my urge to see

Deborah given justice than the possible ideas of breaking off the wedding.

I rushed back into the ward to give Nina the good news “ There's a way to annual the prenup ” I told her

as she smiled and gasped at me.

“ Really? What way?” She asked me as I went on to explain everything to both Nina and Lilian, they

both nodded in agreement.

I took out my phone to call John to get the pictures ready as I walked down the hospital corridor to my


” Yes Boss ” John called from the other line sounding tired. I was sorry I was over using him but he was

the only one I could trust right now. I had sent him to follow Vino and Victor to the cabin to search for

the evidence.

“ Is the picture of Austin and Deborah taken at the hospital still intact ?” I asked him, pulling out of the

hospital parking lot.

“ Yes sir. May I ask why?” He asked me wondering why I would be needing that.

“I've found a way to annul the prenup. Bring it to me as soon as you arrive ” I told him as I hung up. I

smiled to myself as I drove home to prepare for tomorrow.

Just wait Deborah Melton, I will give you a taste of your medicine tomorrow.....

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