The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 88: Michael

Chapter 88: Michael

I kept checking the phone time after time expecting Nina to return any of my calls but nothing yet and I

have dialled her number like sixty times already. I'm so scared right now. What could have happened to Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

her? She hadn't done this before? Or did Deborah get to her already?

“ Are you even listening to us, sir?”

I came out of my thoughts to see my newly appointed managers looking at me with shock on their


I have forgotten that I was in a Zoom meeting with my managers. Actually, it was supposed to be a live

meeting but that stupid secretary of mine has forgotten to send a message to them last night to be here

in New York today.

“ I am, what were you saying?” I asked them as I dropped the phone in my hands. I was tempted to

check her at home but my schedule was jam-packed. I can't leave...

“ Hotel Italia's account isn't balanced and I'm scared of taking over and being accused of embezzling

the company's fund” Mr Alonzo replied, he was the newly appointed manager who would manage

Thompson's Hotels in Italy.

“ Damn! Not again. Why is that hotel's account not always balanced? First was with Leonardo now it's

Alexander” I cursed into the laptop which was in front of me. I don't want to deal with any of these right

now. I just want to find my wife! I shouted in my mind.

“ I'll have the financial department look into it, any other problem?” I asked them already, signalling to

my secretary who stood in front of my table taking note of the meeting to call the head of the financial

department for me.

“ Nothing at the moment,” Mr Alonzo replied, shaking his head as he glanced through the paper in his


“ Speak for yourself, Alonzo” Mr Damien retorted angrily at Alonzo. I nodded at him to ask his question,

he was the new Director of Thompson's Hospitals.

“ Sir, most of the equipment in the hospitals are outdated, we need newer fashion to aid surgery and


“ What is the estimated budget or didn't you do that?” I asked him, cutting him off from his babbling.

Any other day, I would have patiently waited for him but today, I just wanted to round everything up and

go home to my wife.

“ It is a hundred million dollars” Mr Damien replied as he pulled his white coat nearer to his body in fear

while others shouted at him in anger trying to tell him that the money was too much

Any other time I would have questioned that money but right now, I was in a hurry which was why I just

approved the budget without thinking “ That's okay. I will have the accounting department forward the

money to the company's account by tomorrow. Have a nice day gentlemen”

They were about to protest but I didn't give them the chance to, I slammed the laptop shut just as my

door opened, ushering in my secretary. Another thing I hated her for, she doesn't knock before coming

in. She enters anywhere like she owned the fucking place and I don't like that.

“ I have given them the file, sir,” She told me as she came to stand in front of me going through her

notepad in her hands.

I nodded at her as I picked up my phone and dial Nina's number again, it rang and rang before going

to voicemail.

“ Sir, you have a meeting now with your father and the investors. They are waiting in the conference

room” My secretary told me, I couldn't help glaring at her. Can't she see that I'm in no mood for the

meeting? But I needed to go seeing that my father was around, I wouldn't want him to think that I'm

slacking on my responsibility because of Nina.

“ Okay, let's go,” I told her reluctantly, already getting off my chair. I buttoned up my jacket and walked

out of my office while she followed behind me with my briefcase in her hands.


I walked into the conference room to see my dad and two other men I assume as the investors already

seated. I took my seat at the head of the table and turned to look at the large screen ahead of me

where the projector was mounted and Chris, who was in charge of the new contract. He was already

there preparing to start the meeting.

“ Let's have it, Chris,” I told him motioning to him to start after I was through greeting my fathers and

the investors.

“ Casinos are the biggest and richest business in the country right now especially when it's in______”

“ Casinos? Really, dad” I turned to dad in shock, cutting Chris off as he was already showing the

different casino games and their various places with the estimated income one would make.

“ Just listen to the presentation, Michael. I guarantee you that you'll love it” Dad told me, motioning to

Chris to go on.

“ Las Vegas is one of the biggest cities with numerous players and________”

I tuned out of their presentation and secretly dial Nina's number again but just like always it rang before

going into voicemail. What could have possibly happened to her? Is she alright?

“ That's all with the meeting. What do you think about the idea, Mr Thompson?” Chris asked me, about

thirty minutes later when he was through with his presentation.

I turned my eyes away from the screen in front of me to the man who stood on the podium with a smile

on his face awaiting my praise for a job well done.

My face went blank for a few minutes as I tried to recognize the man in front of me. A flicker of

recognition passed through my eyes, I smiled as I stood up clapping my hands excitedly.

“ Wow!! Good job, Chris” I complimented him with a smile as I shook his hands. I can't believe I was so

caught up in my thoughts about Nina that I forgot everything and everyone. Dad was right, the casino

business is a must go into for us.

“Let's have the office in Las Vegas then,” I told dad who nodded before turning to communicate

something to the investors. I checked the time to see that it was nearly two p.m.

We signed the contract after both parties reached a compromise. The investor both shook each of our

hands before turning to walk out of the conference room. Chris also excused himself leaving Dad and

me alone.

“ Dad, don't you think the companies under our empire are getting too much? I can't handle all of them

alone” I complained to my father. If we get to sign a new contract every day I'm afraid I might break

down like the computer in my office which had stopped working this morning.

“ Relax, Michael. You worry too much” Dad told me patting me on the shoulder lightly. I wanted to tell

him that I was married now and needed more time with my family but I refrain from telling him that

“ I have everything sorted out already” Dad continued gently as he smiled at me. I nodded at him and

waited for him to continue.

“ Vino will handle Thompson's Art. Victor will handle Thompson's Entertainment while you are to take

care of Thompson's Hotels, Hospitals and the newly launched Casino” Dad continued, already dividing

his inheritance among us.

“ That's great dad, I love it. Now the workload wouldn't be too much for me______”

“ That's not all. Nina will handle Lush Beauty and Thompson's Media. How's that?” Dad asked me

looking up at me with a smile on his face already going to the door.

“ But dad, Nina's my wife. Don't you think that will be too much for her to handle” I protested angrily at

him? I wouldn't want anything that will slow her down. I cherish her health more than anything

“ And she's my daughter-in-law too. Goodbye son” Dad told me, already walking out of the door. I stood

glaring at his retreating back, too tired to say anything.

I turned to my secretary who had witnessed everything in the room“ Go print out that note. I want them

on my table by tomorrow” I told her pointing to the notepad in her hands.

“ I didn't take down any note sir,” She told me, causing me to pause on my way out of the door.

“ You didn't do what? You are fired!!” I screamed at her before stepping out of the conference room. Her

being fired was long overdue, I was only giving her a chance to change but that won't be happening


I took out my phone to call my administrative office downstairs as I walked into the elevator that will

take me to my car“ Have Aurora reinstated back to her former position” I called to them. I heard a faint‘

Okay, sir’ before I hung up.

Mark opened the car door for me as I sat down at the back. He took the steering wheel with John

beside him“ Did you know where Nina is?” I asked John who turned to stare at me at the back.

“ She left for her parent's house this morning,” John replied, raising his eyebrows at me like I ought to

know where my wife was.

“ Take me to the club,” I told Mark and relaxed in the back seat, closing my eyes, glad to know that

Nina was fine. Maybe she's busy with her parents that's why she couldn't pick my call, I said in my

mind making up excuses for her


“ I needed that” I exclaimed after our last match of golfing at the clubhouse. I collected my water from

John and gulped it down at a go before turning to wipe the sweat off my brows with the white towel on

my neck.

“ I second that. We all needed that” Andrea replied as he settled himself beside Mika who was already

opening the bottle of water for him. They will be getting married in a month's time. I'm so happy for


“ So, Michael. What's this news that I'm hearing

around town that you don't want kids yet?” Danny asked me as he fixed his gaze on me.

I scoffed at him, not in any way surprised by his question “ I know mom told you about it, right?”

“ Just answer the damn question!” Danny screamed at me. I was shocked. That was the first time in

ages I saw him angry. What was this about?

I gulped nervously. I can't have my friend hating me because of one stupid idea I told mom“ I didn't say

I don't want kids just not yet” I told them defensively.

“ So, you want her to abort the baby in her womb, right? You bastard”

We all turned to the voice which had caused shivers down my spine. Lillian stood with her arms folded

across her chest glaring down at me.

“ What are you doing here? I thought I told you that I will handle it” I heard Danny say to her but my

brain was trying to comprehend the meaning behind her words.

“ Answer me. Do you want her to abort the baby that you bastard put in her?” Lillian screamed at me

ignoring Danny's protest. I always knew she hated me ever since I was pretending to hate Nina.

“ Nina is pregnant?” I asked her in shock as I finally decipher the meaning behind her words.

Everything came back to me since last night. From the white envelope to her strange questions.

“ Oh My God, Michael. You are so naive” I scolded myself. I can't believe I say all of that to her last

night without knowing that she was already carrying my baby.

“ I didn't know. I swear. I want babies, many of them. I want them with her” I told all of them, already

scolding myself for hurting the woman I love more than my life.

“ I have to go. I need to beg her to forgive me” I told them, already walking out of the club, I could see

Lillian's eyes already softening as soon as she heard that I wanted to go begged Nina.

I got into the car and commanded Mark to drive fast as he drove us to the Miller's house. I couldn't help

praying and wishing that Nina would accept my apology.

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