The Billionaire’s Son Chose Me!

Chapter 58_ Messy situation

Arya stood up from the bed and walked past Chloe, she stood in front of a mirror and crossed her arm beneath her bossom..

“No I don’t..”

Chloe rolled her eyes and walked slowly towards Arya with a teasing smile..

“Are you really sure Arya? not even a teeny weeny feeling for him?”

Arya turned to Chloe and tilted her neck to the side..

“Are you really my friend? i told you no already” Arya murmured in irritation which made Chloe giggle..


Ethan paced around Kyle’s living room worriedly, just after everything was going great with the company another scandal popped up..

Ethan turned to his grandson who was rather quiet about this whole incident, he watched Kyle pick up his mug of black coffee and took a sip out of it like nothing mattered to him..

“Kyle! you’re not just going to sit here and drink coffee all day, have you thought of how you are gonna clear up your name?”

Kyle raised his head to his grandfather, he could almost see the invisible smoke coming out of his old man’s ears and nostrils..

“What do you suggest? I wasn’t the one who kissed her, she kissed me in front of the whole guests” Kyle defended himself which earned a grunt from his grandfather..

“And as far as I know you didn’t push her away.. it looked more like you enjoyed whatever she was doing”

Kyle stroked his chin in deep thought, was that really the case?

“I was too surprised to do anything.. how was I supposed to know that she would take such a bold step?” Kyle argued..

“Well you should have thought about all these when you chose to bring her out to the public, you’ve already started this.. make sure you finish it just the same way kid”


Mia stroked Ray’s back, the kid has been upset ever since last night’s incident and he even refused to go back home with his dad last night.

But something about this scandal seemed to give her an indescribable joy..

“Come on Ray, I’m sure Arya doesn’t want to see you this upset”

Ray stirred on the bed and sat up with his brows drawn together in anger..

“Daddy ruined everything.. Arya left because of him too”

Mia giggled and pulled him into her arms even though he protested about the embrace..

“Relax baby.. in a way this is great news to us”

Ray looked up to his aunt in surprise, how could this be a great news? Arya and his dad had a fight last night which turned out pretty bad between them…

“why aunt?”

Mia sat up on the bed “everyone is asking your daddy who Arya is to him and why you addressed her as your mum last night, do you know what this mean?”

Mia looked around her room and leaned forward to his ear and whispered a few words into his ear..

Ray’s eyes rounded in shock and a smile radiated on his adorable face..

“Really aunt?” Ray asked to see Mia nod at him with a smile..


Lora massaged her forehead on seeing the state of Vanessa’s room, last night her poor dear friend was publicly humiliated and shamed..

She had watched Vanessa drink to a stupor last night before she finally fell asleep..

“So pitiful, when are you ever going to learn? how much more will you tolerate before you accept that Kyle will never see you the same way you see him?”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Vanessa who was currently cuddled up in a duvet groaned out in pain, she touched her head that was banging really hard..

“I’ve learned Lora.. I was humiliated by him last night, I let things slide when he jeopardized my career because of Arya.. I gave my body to Mr Wales just so he could finalize his dream project..” she paused and looked up to Lora who was worriedly staring back at her..

“But what did I get in return?… humiliation and more humiliation! I can’t take it anymore!”

Lora was taken aback by the ferocity in her tone, she gulped down when she saw the different waves of emotions that crossed Vanessa’s eyes..

“I’ll make sure I make them pay ten folds of what they did to me.. especially Arya, that lady has proven to be a thorn in my flesh! there’s no other choice than to bring in their biggest enemy into the picture!” She growled out and stepped out of the bed..

“What are you going to do?” Lora asked worriedly, she hoped Vanessa doesn’t do anything crazy and get into the bad books of Kyle even if she’s already in it..

“I’m going to search for a long time friend”


Arya stepped out of the cab with Chloe, she was currently putting on a black face cap and sunglasses..

After last night’s incident all news channel must be gossiping about her, she couldn’t bring herself to go to Arya’s delight today because she was sure the paparazzi must be flocking around..

“Arya where are we?” Chloe asked staring keenly at her surroundings..

Arya settled the fare before the car vanished down the street, she turned to her curious friend and smiled..

“This is my late mum’s home.. I recently found out about it when I was going through some of my dad’s belongings.. no one stays here”

Chloe stared at the white bungalow which looked too neat for a house said to be abandoned for years..

“Don’t fret.. I hired a lady to keep it in check”

Chloe blew the invisible sweat on her forehead, her silly mind already cooked up several reasons why the house was neat, one of which was probably because a ghost resides in the building..

Her thought was drifted away when Arya nudged her back before moving ahead of her..

“So what do you have to say concerning your appearance at the party last night with Mr Alexander?”

Chloe’s face reddened, she hasn’t told Arya of the deal she had with Bryan..

“Let’s just say.. he’s my fake boyfriend”


Kyle threw his phone on the couch in anger, he has been calling Arya’s phone for over an hour and she has been declining..

He turned to Mia who was doing her best to hold back in the laughter that was threatening to burst out..

“You find this amusing?!”

Mia’s smile suddenly vanished the moment he growled at her..

Kyle faced her once more, he stretched his hand towards her..


He snatched her phone from her hand and went through it and just as he thought, her last call was from Arya.. twenty minutes ago..

He dialed her number once more and in seconds it was answered..

“Hey Mia.. is Ray still troubling you? please pacify him he’s just like his unbearable dad..


Arya’s eyes widened when she heard Kyle’s voice instead of Mia’s..

“Where are you? we need to talk..”

Arya pulled her phone off her ear and disconnected the call afterwards with a crook smile..

“Arya come and take a look at this” Chloe’s voice reached her ears..


Kyle was startled when his sister bursted out laughing hard at him..

Telling from the expression on his face, Arya must have said something he didn’t like or she hanged up on him.

“Big bro.. I must say you’ve really sinked deep into a messy situation.. congratulations your son and wife are both mad at you.. you’re such a dad and husband” mia said accompanied by giggles..

Kyle turned his gaze away from her, a scandal was circulating online that could ruin the family’s image but here she was laughing her guts out..

He ruffled his hair with his hands, the situation he was in was so bad that there was only one way out of this mess..


Arya’s eyes landed on the trunk Chloe found underneath a cupboard in the basement of the house..

She crotched down and opened the dusty trunk and coughed out when the dust flew up into her face..

“Easy” Chloe cautioned and sat on her heels..

Arya’s brows creased by the amount of toys in it, she figured out that none of it belonged to her as far as she recalled..

She ransacked the trunk until her gaze landed on an old photo…

“How cool.. you don’t look like one who played with toys like this” Chloe gasped and picked one of the toy sword in it..

“That’s because I never did” Arya replied and flipped the photo over..

A sigh escaped her lips when her gaze fell on her parents with a little girl in their midst.. surprisingly she wasn’t the little girl in the photo..

“Who’s she?” Chloe asked taking a peek at the old photo..

Arya’s brows furrowed confusedly, she would also like to know who the little girl was..

“She has some of your features Arya.. do you think she’s your sister?”

Arya stood up to her feet and shook her head in denial, her parents never mentioned anything to her about her having an older sister..

And why does this little girl look like someone she might have seen before?

“She kinda look like someone.. I’m not really sure but she looks a bit familiar to me”

“But who?” Chloe asked

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