The Billionaire’s Surrogate Wife

The Truth

“Mom, Ariana has carried out all of Mama’s orders. She even managed to convince Pakuwon to continue working with Palma. So, why was Ariana still separated from Samuel in the end?”

Arabella grinned sinisterly at Ariana. Even though it was clear that her daughter-in-law was showing a sad expression, she didn’t care in the least let alone turn to pity. Arabella’s decision was unanimous. He wanted his son and daughter-in-law to be punished as a consequence of the cheating they had previously committed.

“Choose temporary separation, or separate forever? The decision is in your own hands, Ariana.”

Ariana immediately shook her head hard. Carrying his hand, then grabbing Arabella’s wrist, trying to seduce her mother-in-law.

“No, Ma. Ariana, please don’t separate Ariana and Samuel forever.”

“In that case, just do what you’ve been told. Don’t argue too much. I don’t really like people who protest a lot even though they have big mistakes.”

Ariana looked down. Arabella’s words that were so late he could no longer deny. The only thing he could do right now was obey what his father-in-law had ordered him to do.

“F-fine, Ma,” Ariana squeaked nervously. “Ariana will obey all orders, Mama.”

Arabella smiled victoriously seeing her son-in-law’s face turn resigned. This was what he had hoped for all along.

“When you stay tonight with Samuel. If you ever tell me about this punishment, or when you have the courage to let Samuel know where you are, I can assure you the two of you will never see each other again.”

Throughout the flight, Ariana kept remembering Arabella Walters’s words. It really hurts to have to leave quietly like this.

Ariana was sure, Samuel must be currently looking for her whereabouts. She also believes her husband must be sad or maybe confused. But, there was nothing he could do but surrender while waiting for the time to come to meet again.

Hours in the air, in the end the plane that Ariana was traveling on landed at its destination at exactly seven in the evening, local time. As soon as he left the airport, he was immediately greeted specifically by several bodyguards dressed in black. They all then accompanied, then took Ariana to immediately go to the residence that had been provided.

Only a few kilometers away, the black Velfire car that Ariana was driving slowly entered and then stopped right in the courtyard of one of the luxurious, modern minimalist style houses.

Ariana, that second was also led to immediately go down. Entering the house, there was a woman dressed neatly and very distinctively, immediately approached and greeted her with great enthusiasm.

“Welcome madam Ariana. Have a nice trip beforehand.”

The woman gave a friendly smile. Looks so polite. Act like someone who is assigned to serve Ariana seriously.

“Before that, let me introduce myself Rachel Ishikawa. I am an assistant assigned by Mrs. Arabella Walters to accompany you temporarily here. So, in the future if you need and want something, don’t hesitate to ask or give orders to me.”

Ariana chuckled. Smiling a bland smile, the woman replied as she pleased. Sick of actually being greeted with pleasantries like this.

“If I ask for help to be sent home again, what can I do?”

Rachel smiled back. He understood what the woman in front of him felt. Instead of trying to adapt immediately, there must have been a big question mark that had arisen within his new employer. Rachel believed Ariana must be wondering why it had to be sent this far.

“For that one, I can’t grant it, madam. That is the full power of your mother-in-law.

Ariana sighed. It seems that he really has to surrender himself to accept the fate of being exiled so far away for an uncertain time.

“Yes, then. Just show me a room I can stay in while I’m here. I’m tired and need to rest soon.

The smile never faded from Rachel’s lips. Pushing her hand, the woman directed and then led Ariana immediately up the stairs to move to the second floor.

Once in front of the room which is located not far from the balcony, Rachel opened one of the main bedroom which is very spacious. Turning to Ariana, the time was immediately asked to enter immediately.

“This is the madam’s room while you’re here. Please rest in peace. If you need anything, once again, never hesitate to call or give orders. Everyone in this house is assigned the task of serving madam.”

Ariana just nodded. But, before letting his new assistant back down to the first floor, he tried to hold back once more. Like there was something he wanted to ask right then and there.

“By the way, may I have a cellphone and other items that were confiscated?” asked Ariana carefully.

Earlier, as soon as he left the airport, the bodyguard in black who picked him up asked for all of his belongings including his cell phone. And until this moment, the object has not the slightest intention to be returned.

In fact, even though he promised not to contact Samuel, he still wanted his cell phone. Who knows, he might be stalking or watching Samuel’s movements, who are far away.

“Sorry, madam. I can’t give you what you asked for. To avoid unwanted things, while you’re here, you’re not allowed to use gadgets of any kind.”

“Gosh, I’m not terories,” Ariana argued.

“I’m only carrying out orders. If you want to submit a rebuttal or protest, I can pass it on to Mother Arabella.”

Ariana’s guts immediately shrank. When he heard his father-in-law’s name, his courage suddenly faded.

Ending the debate, Ariana chose to enter immediately. Had stretched his muscles for a moment, a few moments after, he chose to clean himself then change clothes.

Just drying her hair, the room heard a knock again. A little lazy, Ariana dragged her feet. Opening the door, he again found Rachel’s figure there.

“What else?” Ariana asked in a cold voice. It’s too lazy to be pretentious to people who don’t even want to cooperate.

“Sorry to interrupt again. But a guest wants to see you right now.”

Ariana frowned in surprise. Wondering to myself, who else is visiting at this time of night, even wanting to meet him in the middle of nowhere where he himself doesn’t have friends or acquaintances here.

“Guest? Are you sure it’s my guest?”

She nodded. As before, the woman flashed a friendly smile.

“He is waiting for you in the living room.”

With a cold expression, Ariana only responded to Rachel’s words with a slow nod. As soon as the assistant left, he immediately threw the towel that had been wrapped around his neck. Refresh hair sufficiently, then walk carefully to the first floor. Down the stairs, Ariana directed her feet towards the living room.


When they got there, Ariana reflexively stopped walking. His net at that time caught a figure of a man who was so familiar. Especially when the man reprimanded and immediately smiled. I don’t know if this is an exaggeration or not, but Ariana felt very happy to be able to meet this figure.


Samuel had already lost count of how many times she had massaged her forehead, which seemed to be throbbing in pain. Maybe, his blood pressure is currently dropping because last night he didn’t sleep at all or just rested.

All the time that Samuel had she put into looking for Ariana. Last night, he tried to contact Chacha and several other friends. And today, Samuel has been around since morning, even stopping at the orphanage to check on his wife’s whereabouts, but still to no avail.

“There’s no Ariana here, Mr. Samuel. She even last stopped by about a week ago. That was only for a moment,” said Mother Clara when Samuel visited her at the orphanage. “What’s wrong, sir? Is Ariana missing? Or what?”

Samuel shook her head. Instead of getting an answer, he made Clara suddenly panic and worry. If so, he’s totally wrong.

“Ariana isn’t missing, Mother. Samuel is just making sure whether she will stop by in a few days or not.”

In fact, the orphanage is the last place and Samuel’s hope to find his wife. However, after checking directly there, his wife’s whereabouts were still nowhere to be found. Samuel was sure that Clara was not lying about the confession she gave.

“Where else can I find Ariana, Ran?” Samuel asked in a sad tone.

That afternoon, after arriving home, and coincidentally after work, Randa chose to stop by. The oriental-looking man said he was worried. Just afraid that something bad will happen to his cousin.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

After seeing Samuel’s condition for herself, she was also concerned. It was clear in Randa’s eyes how her energetic cousin was like someone who had no passion for life.

“I swear to anything, I don’t know where Ariana is, Samuel. I didn’t even expect Aunt Arabella to give all the punishment to both of you.”

To be honest, Randa also thought about it. As soon as Samuel was informed about Ariana’s whereabouts who had suddenly disappeared, he had time to think and try to help find her.

“Why don’t you just ask Axton,” suggested Randa. As Arabella’s right-hand man, Randa believes that the man who also has the status of Samuel’s assistant must know where Ariana is.

“Axton has sworn that he will not interfere in this matter.”

Randa and Samuel both fell silent. Back to thinking all the possibilities that could have happened.

“In fact, I’ve also apologized, Ran,” Samuel muttered with despair. “I don’t know what demon has possessed Mama. Everything has been punished. Where are they separated like this. Then I was told to look for it myself. It felt like playing hide-and-seek but it was not clear where it was.”

Randy couldn’t help but laugh. Even though he was seriously sad. If I may, I will shed tears. But, hearing Samuel’s careless words, he could no longer hold himself back from laughing at his cousin.

“Yes, if the position is clear, maybe Ariana has already been found, Ken. It seems that your mother deliberately hid Ariana in a faraway place where it was difficult for you to reach.”

Samuel closed her eyes dramatically. Long sigh as if really feel hopeless anymore. He had thought of all the possibilities. And now? His brain went blank for a moment.

“It would be crazy if I separated for too long,” the man complained later.

Randy shifted slightly in his sitting position. Fold both hands in front of the chest. The man relaxed as if he wanted to make a suggestion.

“When I think about it, you better go take a shower right now. Continue to dress neatly and don’t forget to wear good perfume. As soon as you leave the house, stop by the cake shop and flower shop first.”

Samuel’s brow furrowed deeply. Still dizzy looking for his wife, his cousin instead asked him to dress up and get ready. He thought, where are you going?

“Why do you dress up and buy all kinds of flowers? You already know the partner isn’t there anymore!”

Randa chuckled at Samuel’s scolding. Maybe because he was too stressed looking for his wife’s whereabouts, every time he was spoken to, Samuel always answered or responded with emotion.

“No need to grumble.”

“Yes you are not clear!”

“It’s not obvious,” Randa said hastily. “But you haven’t finished talking, you’ve just been playing cut.”

“What do you want to say?”

In the end, Samuel became curious and impatient at the same time. Just hate it when you have to serve people who talk around the bush like Randa at this time.

“I told you to dress up and buy the cake and flowers on purpose, so they can be brought and handed over directly to Aunt Arabella. Think of it as being cute to melt her heart. Who knows, after being given flowers, your mother’s heart will melt and she will immediately tell you where she is. Ariana.”

Samuel chuckled loudly. As the only son who was so close to his mother, he memorized all the characteristics of Empress Palma.

“Impossible. Whatever you give me, I’m sure Mama won’t tell you.”

“Have you tried it? Don’t just use knowledge if you haven’t proven it that way.”

“Gosh, Randa. I memorized my mother’s behavior.”

Once again Samuel argued. But still, Randa didn’t care one bit and just kept pushing her cousin.

“Try first, there’s nothing wrong with Samuel Walters. Who knows, maybe this time your luck will be good and successful.

Samuel let out a long sigh. Lazy to argue, the man just nodded.

“Okay, I’ll get ready first. After that, I’ll go straight to Mama’s house.”

According to Randa’s suggestion, Samuel got ready then went to Arabella’s house with cake and flowers. Luckily, when she arrived at her parents’ house, Arabella was the first to welcome her son.

Arabella didn’t seem the least bit surprised when Samuel came and brought her some gifts. He knew very well, his son must be trying to bribe him.

“What do you want to do at Mama’s house?”

Samuel, who was in a standing position at that time, could only scratch the nape of her neck which didn’t itch. The man’s face grimaced when he saw Arabella’s expression which seemed unable to be bribed let alone negotiated after this.

“For God’s sake, Ma. Please tell Samuel, where is Ariana. Poor thing, she must be confused when she’s not beside Samuel.”

Instead of being pitied, Arabella laughed instead. Was amused to hear the ridiculous excuses made by his son.

“Pity Ariana? Or are you the one asking for pity?”

“Yes, Samuel admits, Samuel is the only one who is dizzy when Ariana isn’t around. So, please, Ma. Show me where Samuel’s wife is currently in.”

Arabella shrugged her shoulders. As if very reluctant to help let alone tell his son where the whereabouts of his son-in-law. As if giving punishment to them looks so fun.

“You just look for yourself where your wife is. Why even ask Mama.”

“Obviously Samuel asked Mama. It was Mama who took and kidnapped Ariana. Then she told me to look for it herself but she was not given any clues or instructions.”

Arabella didn’t care one bit. He remained in his stance to hide Ariana’s current whereabouts.

“If you are really in love. Or, if you are really a real married couple, you must have chemistry, a hunch, or a hint in your heart where your partner might be.”

“Samuel is not a shaman, Ma! Besides, this has nothing to do with chemistry or gut feelings. Is it difficult for Mama to tell Ariana’s position? In that instant, Samuel will immediately follow.”

“If you do it that way, you won’t have any business, Samuel. After all, Mama is doing this for the good of both of you.”

“Where is there a good purpose but separating the child from his son-in-law like this,” said Samuel, not accepting it.

“It’s up to you what you want to say. What’s certain, Mama won’t tell you where Ariana is. Please find out for yourself where your wife is.”

Arabella then left. He just left Samuel without even wanting to give a hint let alone help.

With unsteady steps and increasing despair, Samuel decided to go home immediately. Luckily he was able to get home safely. Because along the way, do not focus on driving. His head was getting dizzy thinking while guessing the whereabouts of his wife.

Changing into her nightgown, Samuel decided to quickly crawl onto the bed. Laying down, he grabbed his cell phone and checked everything there, including social media. Who knows he might get a hint or a bright spot from the difficulties he is feeling.

Engrossed in browsing the Instagram page, Samuel’s eyes suddenly fixated on one of the pictures that appeared on her timeline. Straightening up, the man decided to open the photo, so he could take a closer look at it.

Making sure that one of the photos there was really, Samuel’s eyes widened. He was sure of what he had just seen. There is a photo that was taken whether intentionally or not, which is definitely Ariana’s figure in the photo.

As if getting a breath of fresh air, Samuel smiled broadly. At that moment, he immediately contacted Randa. Give the latest news and want to ask for help. Because according to him, only his cousin can help him at this time.

“Wait for my arrival, Ariana. I swear, no matter what happens, I will pick you up as soon as possible and we can get back together in the near future.”

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