The billionaire’s true love


Part 10

My eyes felt heavy as I walked to the studio, every cell in my body was telling me to go back to my apartment and sleep, but no, I refused my bodily needs because of Trent fucking Benson. The man was a nuisance and I needed to do something to bring his dominating personality down a notch; I just wished I knew what it was that made him tick.

Upon entering the studio, the first thing I noticed was the dim lights that bathed the studio in a warm glow. I wasn’t sure if anyone was present if the absolute silence was anything to go by. I swear if Trent had told me to come here under false pretenses then I was resigning, breach of contract be damned!

I looked around for a sign of another living soul but there was no one. No sounds of soft footsteps let alone laughter; I actually wished a mouse would scurry away just so I knew that life existed over here. But there was nothing.

By now, my eyes were wide open, any residual sleep gone the moment I stepped inside the studio. And since my senses were on hyper alert now, I was cursing Trent with all my heart.

“Fuck you, Trent. I swear if I don’t see your stupid face in the next five minutes I’m leaving your stupid agency.” Right then, I didn’t even care that by leaving the agency I would be killing my career, I just wanted to sleep and not let Trent’s threats and curiosity bother me.

However, when I saw Trent emerging from his office, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I cursed under my breath. Even when I was fully alert this man managed to surprise me. He gave me a soft smile and I cursed again, simply because the smile made him look breathtaking. Assholes should never be good looking!

“Good, you’re on time. Come, we have to finish this before the sun rises.” Trent turned and strode in the same room where I had my first photography session. With a groan, I followed him. What was so important that he called me here at four in the morning?

As soon as I entered the room, my eyes landed on the clothing rack, and my jaw dropped in shock. The clothing rack did not have the usual outfits, no, it was housing a significant amount of lingerie; and not just any lingerie, the sexy kind that had women blushing.

“Don’t tell me I have to model those.” I pointed at the lingerie in disbelief.

“Yes, you do. That’s why I called you here so early. I want this to be done with the least amount of people present. Now go, we only have two hours,” Trent instructed.

Okay, I was wrong. I was wide awake after Trent told me all this. “Uh no. I don’t want to model lingerie for you, and nobody told me I would have to be photographed half naked! Forget it, I’m not doing it! First yoga and now this, I’m not doing it,” I stated.

I yelped in surprise as Trent took a hold of my wrist and dragged me inside the changing room. He threw me the first set of lingerie before slamming the door shut. “Put this on, you have two minutes. And if I don’t see you wearing this when I open the door, trust me shady, I’ll make you wear it myself, so don’t push me,” Trent ordered from the other side.

Cursing him to hell and back and then back to hell again, I removed my clothes and put on the sexy lingerie that had me sighing in bliss and cursing at the same time as I eyed myself in the full length mirror. The bra and panties were so comfortable it felt unreal, and on top of that, they were fucking beautiful. The whole thing was made of sheer lace with silk underneath. It was beautiful and comfortable, I wasn’t sure if it was practical.

“Are you done?” Trent asked, knocking on the door.

“I’m not coming out like this in front of you.” I told him.

“I’m going to see you anyways, so you might as well come out,” he replied.

“No. I’m not coming out like this,” I said firmly.

I heard Trent sigh. “Fine.” After a pause he said, “Take this.” He opened the door and threw a silk robe inside before closing the door again.

Wow, that was considerate of him. I wasn’t expecting him to be so nice.

Trying not to dwell on Trent’s unsual kindness, I quickly slipped on the cerulean robe before taking a deep breath and stepping out. Relief washed over me when I saw Madigan standing next to Trent with a bright smile on her face.

“Hi Amanda! How are you?!” She asked enthusiastically, which had me frowning. How was this girl so energetic at four in the fucking morning?

“I’m fine, why are you not yawning right now?” I enquired, eyeing her bright smile and glittering eyes.

“Why would I yawn?” She asked, a cute frown marring her forehead.

“Because your boss called you here at four in the morning,” I said.

“Oh! No, no, I’m not tired at all. I don’t feel sleepy much,” she replied.

“Why not? Do you consume a lot of coffee?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

“Kind of, not really. It’s just that, I sleep all the time, I mean, after I’m done taking your photographs I have the rest of the day to do whatever I want, so I’ll sleep then,” she responded.

“I see.” I wished Trent gave me the day off, I would like to sleep right now.

“Ladies, if you’re done chatting, let’s get started,” Trent ordered, causing Madigan to spring into action.


Right now, I really wished for a cloak, something to hide me away from Trent’s penetrating gaze. I was posing for the camera-half naked-and all I could focus on were the eyes that refused to leave me since the moment I first took off my robe. And now, five lingerie sets and three hundred photographs later, Trent’s eyes didn’t leave me.

“Can you lower your eyes a little, give me sultry yet submissive,” Madi stated.

I did as she requested and tried my best to look sultry, although I had no idea if I succeeded, but judging by the constant clicking of Madigan’s camera, I’d say that I got the look about right.

“Try and push your hair back a little, expose your neck,” she instructed.

The moment I pushed my hair back, I could feel Trent’s gaze searing me. He was standing a few feet away, but it felt to me like he was sitting next to me, touching me, imprinting his touch on my soul. And no matter how much I tired to shake off the feeling, I couldn’t; Trent’s gaze felt as real to me as Madigan and her camera.

Madi sighed before pulling the camera from her face. “All right, I think that’s about it, what do you say, Trent?” She looked at Trent, waiting for his word.

“Yes. That is enough for now. People will be coming in now. Amanda, you can go and change back into your clothes.” Trent told me.

Sighing in relief, I all but dashed inside the changing room. I quickly removed the bra and panties and put on my clothes. It was the first time I actually realized the value of clothes, and the role they play in protecting you from the world. When I had fastened the last button of my shirt, I felt like the safest girl on the planet. Finally, I wouldn’t feel so vulnerable anymore in front of my boss.

By the time I stepped out, Madigan was nowhere to be seen. However, when I saw Trent standing a few feet away, I panicked slightly. I didn’t why, but I wanted to run as far away from him as possible. He had seen me naked-almost naked, and that unnerved me. He had seen me at my most vulnerable, and I doubt I could face him.

“If there is nothing else, can I leave now?” I didn’t look at him as I asked. I was afraid if I looked at him, I’d lose my mind.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“Look at me when you speak to me,” he ordered.

“I doubt looking at you is important,” I responded tartly.

“No, but you’re suppose to show me some respect. So look me in the eyes when you speak to me,” he stated.

I sighed in frustration before focusing my gaze on him. “Can I go now, sir?” I asked, letting the frustration I was feeling seep into my words.

Trent strode towards me until stood just a couple of centimeters from me. Due to the close proximity, I felt even more vulnerable, and I even had my clothes on! He cupped my chin gently before lifting my face to meet his eyes, and the intensity I saw in those charcoal gray eyes had goosebumps forming on my skin.

“Don’t ever disboey me, understand?” He murmured loud enough for me to hear.

My fury sparked. The nerve of this man. I released my chin from his grip before fixing him with a glare. “You don’t deserve an ounce of respect. The only reason I even bother showing you respect is because you’re my boss,” I seethed.

Trent gripped my bicep before fixing me with a glare of his own. “Listen to me, you dare disobey me, I’m going to ruin your life, so think before you act, bumblebee, because if I retaliated, you won’t like it,” he threatened.

I should’ve been scared. Trent’s words should’ve incited fear in me, but they only fuelled my ire. The look I threw at him should’ve either frozen him or turned him to ash.

“Fuck you and fuck your threats! I am a free human being not a slave who is suppose to obey you! And you better watch what you say to me, Mr. Benson, because I don’t like it when people piss me off. And if you tell me to obey you one more time, I’m quitting this job,” I said firmly.

“You do know if you quit, your whole life will be fucked, right?” Trent arched his eyebrow.

“I don’t care. I rather live on the streets than work for an arrogant man!” I spat.

“Big words. Are you sure you’ll be able to go through with this?” He gave me a challenging look.

“You continue with this, and I am going to ruin your life.” I told him with conviction. And I meant every word of it. If Trent drove me over the edge, I would do something rash, that would clearly ruin his life and his reputation.

“Don’t threaten me,” Trent gritted out.

“Well don’t make me do lingerie shoots. I don’t like them,” I shot back.

“You are getting paid for it, you ungrateful woman,” Trent hissed.

“I wish I got paid for slapping you, because you clearly need one,” I snapped.

“Shut your mouth before I do it for you,” he warned.

“Let me go and you won’t have to do anything,” I retorted.

Trent barked out a laugh causing me to frown in confusion. What was so funny that had him laughing so hysterically? I didn’t crack a joke, I was sure of that! Had he finally lost his mind? Maybe all the power and wealth finally got to his brain and now he was fit to be locked in an asylum…

“It’s cute how you think you’re getting out of here,” Trent said after he had stopped laughing.

I frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“You are not leaving the studio today,” he answered.

“Why not?!” My voice rose.

“I’m your boss, remember. And I say, you’re not leaving, bumblebee,” Trent stated.

“Yeah right! As if. I’m calling Jose right now, he’ll come and pick me up.” Before I could reach my phone which was sitting on the table, Trent grabbed it before me.

“No you’re not. I have a few clients coming in, you’ll stay here until I’m done with my work,” he said.

“Trent, for God’s sake let me go. I am tired and I want to sleep, stop acting like a bloody child!” The lack of sleep was getting to me, and I needed the comfort and safety of my bed.

Taking a hold of my hand, Trent dragged me out of the room and all the way into another room. I love the shade of beige that dominated the walls of the room, and the flowy curtains and expensive furniture only added to the allure.

“See that bed.” Trent pointed at the bed that was tempting me to lie on it. “Lie down and go to sleep,” he said.

“What? Here?!” He was not serious. Oh God, please don’t let him be serious.

“Yes. You sleep while I deal with some clients,” Trent replied.

“Uh no thanks. I’ll just go home on my own.” I didn’t want to sleep here, but that bed was calling to me.

“I just said you’re not going home. You’ll sleep here,” he stated.

“Why?” I questioned.

“Because I said so,” he deadpanned.

“Can you please give me a straight answer for once in your life?” This man was so irritating.

“No. Go to sleep.” He told me.

“I can do that in my own apartment as well,” I said.

“Can you not argue with me for once in your life?” Trent gave me an amused smile.

“No. Because you never make sense,” I responded.

Trent chuckled. “Cute. Now go to sleep. I don’t want dark circles under your eyes, let alone you be sleep deprived.”

“I’ll only ever be sleep deprived because of you,” I retorted.

“Yes, you will,” he whispered huskily. My eyes widened at the tone of his words. What in the world did he mean by that? Why did I get the feeling that his words carried a double meaning? Maybe the lack of sleep was messing up with my mind.

“Whatever. You’re annoying and I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you. I am going to bed.” Yes, I had finally given in to temptation, I would sleep here, in that amazing bed.

“You do that. Sleep tight, bumblebee.” Giving my shoulder a warm squeeze, Trent sauntered out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

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