The billionaire’s true love


Part 12

“Get out of the car, bumblebee,” Trent ordered.

I shook my head furiously. “No way. I’m not going in there. No way. Nuh uh.” I told him, eyeing the magnificant castle with trepidation. His parents?! He wanted me to meet his parents?! What the hell was wrong with this man?! Why would he want me to meet his parents; I already met them during the family dinner once, though we barely said two words to each other, but still!

“Why not?” He asked, looking confused.

“Are you kidding?! You just told me you brought me here to meet your parents and you’re asking me why I’m not getting out of the car.” This man was unbeliveable.

“So?” He arched an eyebrow.

“Oh my God, and you call me stupid!” I took a deep breath to calm myself. “Look. I am not going to meet your parents,” I stated.

“Why would you want me to meet your parents?!” I shrieked.

“Because.” He deadpanned.

“Because?! That’s it?! That’s your reason?!” Now I really needed to call Jose so he could come rescue me.

“I am your boss,” Trent added.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply. “Trent or Mr. Benson, whatever you prefer. I want to go home. Now. I don’t want to meet your parents. So start driving,” I ordered.

“And I say. You shut your mouth, get out of the car and meet my parents. Plus my brother is here,” he stated.

“I don’t care if the president is here. I don’t want to meet your parents. Don’t you get it, I’m not good with parents or important people. I am super awkward around them,” I confessed.

“You worry too much, shady. Now come on, my parents are expecting us and I am not going to disappoint them.” Saying that, Trent slid out of the car and came around to my side and opened the door for me to get out.

“No.” I stared at the windshield.

“Get out of the car,” Trent said firmly.

“No.” I turned to look the other way.

“Amanda, don’t make me do something you’ll regret later,” he warned.

“I regret coming here with you. Stupid curiosity about the castle,” I muttered the last part under my breath.

“I am going to count to ten, and if you’re not out of this car by the end of it, I am going to drag you out.” He told me.

I scoffed. “Oh come on! Not again!” This man was infuriating.


“Oh for the love of all that’s holy, stop counting!” I nearly shouted.

Trent ignored me. “Nine.”

“I said stop it.”


“Trent. If you don’t stop counting…”

“Seven.” Damn it, he was fucking serious.

“You can’t do this all the time.” I tried saying, but my words had no effect on him.

“Six.” I yelped when Trent gripped my wrist in a tight hold.

“Trent!” I screamed so loud, I was afraid his parents had heard me.

“Five. You don’t have much time left, sleeping beauty.”

“You are despicable.” I shot him my most vicious glare.

“Four.” The hardness in his eyes changed to full fledged victory, and even though I was pissed as hell, the arrogance oozing off of him was making my heart flutter. I hated to admit it, but Trent looked sexy when he was arrogant…which was strange.

“I’m warning you.” I tried one last time, but Trent and I both knew that I had lost.

“Three.” He gave my hand a warning squeeze.

“Alright fine!” I acquised and reluctantly stepped out of the car.

“See, now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” The victorious smirk reminded me why I despised him in the first place.

“You’ll pay for that. And I am going to make you regret this countdown method you have going on,” I threatened him. I really wanted to make him pay, and it looked like I would have to start searching.

“You can threaten me all you want, but first, you are going to meet my parents.” Turning around, Trent dragged me all the way to the giant front doors and threw the brass knocker against the door.

“Oh you can count on it,” I replied.

The door opened as soon as Trent blessed me with his irritating yet beautiful smile. I saw the same guy who I had seen in the club working with Trent. An involutary smile curved my lips as I eyed Jordan. He looked just like I remembered him; the same hair, the same dark eyes that resembled Trent’s; these Bensons were blessed with excellent genes. I wish I had some of their genes.

“Hello,” I greeted Jordan. I decided to behave myself in front of Trent’s family, because no matter how much I wanted to make him suffer, embarrassing Trent in front of his family would effect me as well. I did not want Trent’s parents to think I was an ill mannered girl who did not know how to behave in public.

“Hi.” Jordan smiled before stepping aside to let us enter. “You guys are just in time.”

“What is mom making?” Trent asked, while Jordan closed the door softly.

“Everything that you requested,” Jordan answered, walking us further inside the castle.

I tried. I really tried not to appear affected in front of Jordan, but the bloody castle still had my jaw dropping in awe. Everywhere I turned, I only saw wealth. From the curtains, to the wall paintings, to the giant chandalier that hung from the ceiling, it took my breath away.

“So Amanda, do you like my home?” Jordan asked, a soft smile on his face. Seeing Jordan’s happy face made me want to slap myself; I thought I was crazy because that smile was so friendly, Jordan felt like a brother to me.

Wait. How does he know your name? Ask him. Ask him. My subconscience nagged.

“It’s amazing,” I replied truthfully.

“Thank you. My mom designed it. You’ll meet her soon.”

My heart jolted in terror as I pictured myself meeting Trent’s mother, and once again cursed him for bringing me here. Why couldn’t he behave like a normal human being?! And he didn’t even tell me why he brought me here.

“Wh-Where is your mom?” It would be perfect if Trent’s mom was so busy that she would not have time to meet me.

“She is in the kitchen, cooking,” Jordan answered, gesturing for Trent and I to sit on the expensive looking sofa.

When Trent plopped on the sofa, I winced. It wasn’t even my sofa and I was worried about Trent sitting so casually on it. Sofas like this were meant for royals, who sat with their backs ramrod straight and their butts lightly touching the cushion.

“Sit down,” Trent instructed, but I was too afraid to ruin the sofa.

“Uh, I’m okay, thanks,” I responded, wondering if I was ruining the floor by standing on it. This castle was not fit for living-it had way too many expensive things.

Sighing, Trent stood up and before I register what he was doing, he grabbed my shoulders, turned me around slightly, and gently pushed me down on the sofa. I scowled at him and all I got in return was another smile. Damn it! These Bensons smiled a lot.

“I was fine while standing,” I muttered to him so Jordan would not hear.

“Stop being so formal,” Trent muttered.

“Uh, I’m here too,” Jordan spoke up. Both of us turned to see Jordan standing with his hand raised in mid air.

“Sorry. Please sit,” I said, throwing one final glare at my boss.

“Thank you. By the way, forgive me for not saying this earlier, but you look beautiful Amanda,” Jordan complimented, sincereity shining in his eyes.

I felt my cheeks heating up. “Thank you so much. If you don’t mind me asking, how do you know my name?” I questioned.

“Trent told me about you,” Jordan answered.

I threw a suspicious glance at Trent who ignored me. “What did he say?” I enquired.

“Well…a lot of things.”

“Care to tell me some?” I gave him a reassuring smile.

“He said-”

“Jordan. Don’t you have something to do?” Trent intervened, causing me to scowl at him.

“Uh no.” Jordan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Yeah. So tell me what did your brother say about me,” I requested.

“He likes your eyes.” Jordan told me.

My eyes widened and my heart fluttered with pleasure. No way. Trent said that? He liked my eyes? But why didn’t he ever tell me that himself? Trent always told me how stupid I was, or how I was too stiff, that I needed to eat healthy and do yoga; now that I thought about it, Trent hardly ever said something nice to me. And I couldn’t remember a time when he actually complimented me. Except for earlier when he told me my hair looked perfect; but that was it.

“Are you serious?” I asked Jordan, glancing at Trent to see him swiping on his phone, acting like he was totally oblivious to our conversation.

“Yes. He talks about your eyes a lot. I actually thought you only had eyes on your face and nothing else,” Jordan joked.

“Trent, is that true?” I finally mustered up the courage to ask him, and this way, he couldn’t even dodge the question.

“Hmm? What is true?” Trent queried, finally looking at me.

“Do you like my eyes?” I had to force myself not to grin like an idiot.

“Who told you that?”

“Oh come on, bro, don’t act so innocent. We all know how you have pictures of her-”

“One more word out of your mouth and you’ll lose your tongue,” Trent warned, eyes narrowed at Jordan.

“Hey! Don’t talk like that to your brother,” I admonished my boss.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

“It’s alright Amanda, Trent’s like that,” Jordan explained, smiling.

“Yeah. But still, it’s kind of harsh,” I argued.

“Don’t worry about it, but thank you for sticking up for me,” Jordan responded.

“Anytime. So he had pictures of who?” I went back to the topic at hand.

“No one.” Jordan rubbed the back of his head a little. “You know, Trent is leaving the country for two years.”

My eyes widened in surprise. “What? Really?! When? Where? Why?” I fired off my questions at Jordan, not bothering to ask the person directly.

“World tour. He needs to expand his company, so he’s leaving. And he’ll leave after this month is over and the first magazine comes out,” Jordan informed me.

I turned to gaze at my boss. “You didn’t tell me you were leaving for two years.”

“I leave at the end of this month, there is plenty of time for me to tell you,” Trent replied.

“When is the magazine coming out?” I asked. I was so excited to see myself inside a magazine.

“In a couple of weeks. You’ll get a copy of it, so no need to worry,” my boss answered.

“But what are you going to do for two years?” I enquired.

“Work,” Trent stated.

“Yeah, but hopping from one place to another…isn’t that exhausting…won’t you miss your home?” If I had to choose between home and being away from home for two years in order to expand my business, I would pick home.

“It’s sweet to see you being worried for my brother, but don’t worry, Amanda, Trent is a big boy, he won’t cry for mommy if he’s away from home for awhile.” Jordan chuckled but into full blown laughter when Trent shot him a glare.

“I see my sons are at it again.” A feminine voice sounded from the corner. I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw an elegant woman walking towards us.

She was about 5’5 with dark hair tied up in a bun and a smile that had me wishing for my mother, on her radiant face. She was wearing an emerald green dress and her ring finger supported a large diamond ring. The diamond was so big, I was wondering how she was wearing that.

“Mom, look who’s here.” Jordan stood up. “Mom meet Amanda. Amanda, my mom,” Jordan introduced.

I stood up. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Benson.” I held out my hand for her to take.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amanda. Trent has told us a lot about you,” she said.

“Can someone please not tell her that!” Trent complained.

“Mom, where is dad?” Jordan asked, ignoring Trent who was sulking.

“Your father should be here in a little while. He had a meeting.” Mrs. Benson told us.

“Oh right, I forgot. When will dinner be ready, I am starving,” Jordan stated.

“Dinner will be ready soon, but let me talk to Amanda right now.” Taking my hand, Mrs. Benson led me back to the sofa, and even though I was sitting there just a little while ago, I tried my best to sit carefully, afraid that I would damage the expensive material.

“Did Jordan tell you that Trent is leaving for two years?” Mrs. Benson queried, a warm smile on her face.

“Yes. He just mentioned that a while ago,” I answered.

“Why don’t you accompany him on his trip?” She suggested.

“What?! She can’t do that,” Trent stated, finally finding a reason to speak.

“And why not?” Enquired Mrs. Benson.

“Because she is a model. She is under contract, so she has to do her job and not tour the world,” Trent answered.

“She can do both of those things at the same time. Maybe she can model in other countries and you can go about your business. That way you won’t be alone and I wouldn’t worry about you,” she said.

“It’s alright. Trent is right. I have a commitment over here, so I can’t go.” I told her. Truth was, I had a feeling that if Mrs. Benson persisted, then Trent would’ve told me to come along, but I did not want that. I did not want to be a burden on him. If he didn’t want to take me with him, then I wouldn’t go.

“But I’ll feel better knowing my son has someone,” Mrs. Benson stated.

“Mom, he is not a baby anymore. I mean, I am the younger son and you don’t worry about me,” Jordan said.

“Well yeah, that is because you are always here, mom wants to get rid of you,” Trent shot back.

“That’s enough you two,” Mrs. Benson said before the sound of door closing was heard. “Oh that’s great. Now my husband is here and we can finally eat.”

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