The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

Day One of the Alpha King’s Summit

Arabella Pov Sam and I are getting our stuff ready for the summit. The summit lasts for three days. The first day consists of a meet-and-greet for everyone. The second day consists of business reports as well as discussing possible alliances, etc. The last day is the royal masquerade ball. We have had a few masquerade balls here at the palace.

“Be in my limo in 25 minutes,” King Damon’s mind links me.

“Yes, Alpha,” I link back. I hardly doubt he will even be there in 25 minutes. Sam and I don’t have much to pack. As for Omegas, we are only allowed to wear white t-shirts and black pants. It is the signature Omega look. It will also signify that we are not only omegas but servants as well. The lowest of the lows.

Sam is riding with the other omegas, so we part ways once we get to the car lots. There are many cars lined up. One for the king, which is the one I will be in. The next is for the queen. The next few are alphas and lunas from the state that have decided to join. The rest are omegas and trained pack members for combat. Knowing King Damon, he probably has at least 10 cars full of soldiers, as he loves to show off.

Once I got in the limo, I knew I was right. He isn’t even in the limo. I mindlink Sam. Regular Omegas are not able to link with other Omegas, but my special wolf allows me to access that ability. I don’t converse with anyone else, though, so I’m not sure if I can even do it with a higher rank, such as gammas, betas, or alphas. Not that I want to anyway. I have grown to hate them all anyway.

2 hours later, the king gets in the limo dressed in an orange suit with a white shirt and a black tie. He looks like a fucking pumpkin. The smell of his usual aftershave is strong, and it always makes me gag. Once he is in, the door closes, and I know we will be pulling off soon.

“Come here,” he commands, and I do as he says. He sat me on his lap.

“Drive,” he tells the driver. The limo driver gave me a sad look before pulling off. He knows of the king’s perversions toward me. King Damon pulls out some wine and pours himself a glass. He also pulls out a Toro (650) cigar and lights it. I hate the smell of any smoke in general. He seemed lost in his head while we were riding, and thankfully, he was. I’m still sitting on his lap, and we have 3 hours until we get to South Carolina.

The car seems to jerk a little, and the king snaps out of his daze, finally noticing me on his lap. I keep looking out the window, but I can tell he is staring at me. It’s an annoying habit he has, as if I’m a fucking photo or something. After a few minutes, he puts his hands on my inner thighs and unzips my pants. I should have fucking known he would try some shit, and it looks like we still have 2 hours before we get there.

I force myself to concentrate on the other cars on the road. He slips his hands inside my underwear and, at once, finds my clitoral area, squeezing it. I gasped from the sudden pinch. He takes that moment to nudge his head at my neck and starts nipping on it. I try not to give in. His mere touch disgusts me, but I know my body will say differently. He puts two fingers inside me and starts fucking me. I close my eyes, and I just wait for the perversion to be done. After my body betrays me with an orgasm, he pushes me off and unbuckles his pants.

“Make me nut omega,” he commands.

I got on my hands and knees and took his dick in my mouth. He starts to grunt in pleasure, and I am focusing on the sounds of music in the limo, trying to put my mind off it. After a while, he went nuts, and I’m thankful that it’s over. He usually leaves me alone for a while. I’m not sure what is up with him, but that isn’t the case right now. He turns me around and bends me over the seat. I grip the seat, trying not to puke as I await the torture. He nudges the front of my flower, using my orgasm juice to coat his tip.

Suddenly, I felt his violation shove inside me hard. Each time for him was like a first as he slapped my ass, enjoying himself getting off. I hate him inside me. After a few more pumps and grunts from him, he spills his seed on me and collapses on the other seat, instantly falling asleep. I take some wipes that are inside the limo to clean myself off. The driver keeps wipes in there for me as a way of telling me he is sorry for what the king does. I am thankful to them. We have at least 1 hour now until we get to the Black Alder pack lands, and I pray to the moon goddess that he stays asleep the entire time.

Thankfully, she answered my prayers because, once we finally arrived, he jolted awake and started fixing himself up. I’ve never been to the Black Alder Pack Lands. To say it’s beautiful doesn’t do it any justice. It is so much bigger than the land of the palace. I see the huts of what I assume are those with mates. Security seems to stretch all across the land. I can see the forest behind what I can only assume is the palace of these lands, but some call it a packhouse as well. As we get closer, I see a huge tent on the side that looks like it’s filling up with people. We are parking in the area we are led to. Before we get out, the king sprays me with the usual mist. The mist prevents wolves from recognizing me as their mate, and vice versa.

The loophole to the mist is that the stronger their wolf is, the less likely it will work as well. He does this so that I may never meet my mate. For all I know, I may have met him already.

Not yet, but I feel strange right now, Royal tells me.

What do you mean you feel strange? What’s wrong? I asked her.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

There is so much power in the air here, and I feel like it’s calling for me. I can’t explain it. I’ll let you know when I figure it out. She tells me this before retreating into my mind. I’ve heard stories of wolves here. How there is a royal Lycan family, bread straight from the moon goddess herself, to a girl who can harvest the powers of the sun, to witches who speak in prophecy and can see the past. It is said the current pack alphas of the land are the most vicious, and they kill without a second thought. I think Royal can feel power because of our powers. She has yet to let me begin to channel.

Once we’re out, we are directed to the tent, where day 1 activities seem to be going on. More Alpha Kings and Queens and their allies are approaching as the days go by, and by nighttime, the place is crawling with wolves.

Suddenly, a powerful growl was heard, and it looked like it was coming from a lady with silver-white hair and blue eyes. She looks exactly like the photos we have in the palace of the moon goddess, so I guess what people have said is true. I don’t usually feel my wolf cowering, but I can feel her inch back. I can even feel the power that comes from it. Everyone stops talking to listen to her. A lady was next to her. She has black hair with a colorful streak in it that is long, and she has green eyes. The white-haired lady is dressed in a blue dress that flows beautifully behind him. The lady next to her is dressed in a dress just like it, except hers is black.

“Welcome all to my home. I am the mother of the Alpha Kings, Ethan and Aiden Black. My name is Elena Black. Beside me are the Alpha Queen, Kayla Black, and my son’s mate. The Kings of South Carolina will not be present for this summit as they are attending to a pressing issue. In place of them, my grandsons, the current Alphas of the Black Alder Pack She explains. Suddenly, three very attractive triplets approach the stage, and I feel Royal walking back and forth in my head. I ask what’s wrong, but she doesn’t say anything. One of the men began to speak.

“My name is Ares Black. Beside me are my brothers, Adonis and Ash Black. It’s a pleasure to host this year’s Alpha Kings Summit. Please feel free to explore the packlands and engage with each other. Tomorrow we will all meet in the hall to go over reports, and the day after that there will be the ball. Our servants will escort you to the visitor’s section. Enjoy the meet-and-greet. Today is the time to make new allies and forge alliances. Make sure any issues arising in your pack are handled in your pack and that they don’t cause an issue on our land, or we will be forced to handle them ourselves,” he says with a smirk, and I giggle lowly at the hidden meaning.

It was low enough that no one would hear it, but he seemed to because his eyes found mine, and suddenly, I felt strange, almost warm. I can’t explain it, and Royal hasn’t stopped pacing in my head, so I don’t know. After a second, but what felt like forever, he continued with his speech, and then there was applause. Once he looked away from me, I no longer felt warm. I don’t know what that was, but I just want to get out of here now. After his speech, everyone started the meet-and-greet. King Damon, his Queen Liza, and those who came with us were directed to the visitor’s area. Queen Liza requested her room, which was fine with King Damon because he wanted his room as well.

Servants directed the rest of us Omegas to the visitor’s servant quarters next to the visitor’s homes. I wasn’t surprised when I found out my room was directly in view of King Damon’s window. He is as possessive as fuck. Thankfully, I was sharing the room with Sam. We are also sharing a room with an omega named Cassie, who tells us she is a half-witch. She seems cool. We spent the rest of the day in our room getting to know her until King Damon linked me to join his. After he finished with me, I went back to my room, washed up, and cried the rest of the night with Cassie and Sam holding me.


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