The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

The Fall of King Damon

Arabella Pov

As soon as I woke up, I felt my mate’s distress. I needed to get to them. I sat up and took in my surroundings. I’m in a red room that looks like it’s being guarded by warriors. The door to the room has multiple locks on it. Sam is sleeping on a bed in the room. The doctor in the room noticed I was awake.

“How are you feeling, Luna?” she asks.

“I feel fine; what’s going on?” I asked.

“The pack was invaded. Everyone is fighting. The woman and children are in the lower room beneath the packhouse. Your mates had you, and Sam moved here for your protection,” she says. I snatched the needles and tubes from me.

“I need to join my mates,” I tell her, but she tries to get me to lay back on the bed.

“You have just awoken Luna. You need to get your strength back. If you join the fight, you will likely exhaust yourself, possibly falling into a coma.” She warns, but I know how I feel. My wolf is pushing to fight beside our mates. If she thinks we can manage it, then we can handle it.

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” I told her, pushing past her. I get dressed out of the hospital gown as everyone turns away to give me privacy with some clothes that were laid out. A black long-sleeved t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black boots. I put my blonde hair into a ponytail. The guards stand in front of me, not wanting to let me out, and this pisses me off. I feel royal coming forward.

“YOU WILL LET US PASS.” Royal commands, and the soldiers bear their necks to us, stepping aside. One of them unlocks the locks on the doors. I turned to the doctor and pointed at Sam.

“She is pregnant. Keep watch over her,” I tell her, and she nods. The guards try to come with me, but I make them stay with Sam.

I followed the stress of my mates and ended up coming outside, only to see the bodies, the fighting, and the smell of blood. My eyes roam to my friends, who are on the ground. I can feel their pain slightly, and I see a woman floating above them, with Damon punching them around. He will die soon, but I need to help with the pain my friends are in. I quickly realized she was a witch. I bend down and touch the ground, channeling my powers to conjure rocks and aiming them at the witch, but it misses. She follows the direction of the rocks I’m throwing, and her angry eyes meet mine as I run to my mates.

She tries to blast me with some of her power, but I dodge it easily, stopping in my tracks for defense. I conjure fire and blast the witch with it, and she falls out of the sky dead. I feel the pain my friends are facing going down. My eyes zoom in on Damon beating on Ares, punching him, and tossing him around. Royal is thoroughly pissed, and she merges with me. I feel my power increase 10 times. Some vamps and wolves had started to advance towards me. I create a sphere of wind around me as a shield. My other powers are generated at the same time as a ring of rocks, fire, and water circles around my sphere.

This draws the attention of everyone on the field, including Damon, who stops beating on my mates and makes his way towards me. I draw power and focus on creating my signature weapon, my fire whips. I jump out of my sphere, landing on the ground, and it disappears. With my whip in hand, I wrap it around two wolves who approached me first and dissolve them quickly. The other wolves who were advancing turned back, afraid, but my mates fought them. I was glad to see them back up again. Damon and a few vamps kept advancing.

Before the first vamp reached me, I tossed out my whip, wrapped it around its hand, and it burned clean through. The vamp screamed, and I was in front of him quickly, ripping his heart out. Watching this. Damon slowed his pace toward me, and I could see the fear in his eyes. Good. Another vamp closed in on me, but it never reached me as a flaming arrow landed in its chest. I saw Camilla leaping from the trees, making her way towards me through wolves to help.

Three other vamps came closer. I threw aside my whips and kneeled, planting my hands in the earth. Vines shot up and grabbed the vamps in place before they could reach me. I channeled some of the vines to wrap around their necks and rip them off. It was just Damon and me as he slowly approached me before stopping before me.

“Little Omega, you will be coming with me,” he taunts. I prepare myself in a defensive position in case he tries to attack. Two rocks were lifted beside me, and I set fire around them, preparing to throw them at Damon.

“All of this to get me, Damon; you are pathetic,” I spat at him. His face turned to anger, as he didn’t expect me to talk back to him.

“How dare you speak to me this way after I’ve raised your bratty ass and even given you a place by my side?” he sneered.

“You motherfucker. You raped and abused me for years. I hated you for every minute of it. Did you think you could please me with your pathetic excuse of a dick? You’re nothing compared to my three friends. They make me feel things you never could have.” I taunted him, and I let out a chuckle. I know it will piss him off more, making it more likely for him to attack first.

“I’m going to fucking kill you for that,” he yelled, and, like I predicted, he advanced towards me. I shot my flaming rocks towards him. He can dodge them both, but I send a stream of water to him that hits him in the chest hard, and he falls back a few feet. I got back into a defensive position. He advances towards me, but before he reaches me, Camilla is behind him and shoves her sword into his chest. His gaze is on me as he falls.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Omega, he is coming for you,” he says, and he starts spitting up blood.

“Who is coming?” I asked, running to him, but before he answered, Camilla shoved a sword through his throat, killing him instantly.

“Why did you do that?” I demanded it once I reached her.

“He was trying to save himself. At least now, he won’t be able to cause you any harm. My job is to protect you,” she says. I look down at Damon’s now-dead body. All of the wolves linked to the king’s pack fall, dying. The vamps continue to fight. My friends ran to me, and I ran past Camilla to meet them. Just before I reach them, I feel a surge of power behind me. I pause, glancing behind me, and see the giant circle of purple swirling around, almost like a portal. I turn back around to run to my friends when I feel someone’s arms grab around my waist and pull me back into the portal. The arms are too strong for me to get out of them.

“BELLA” was all I heard before the portal I was just pulled through closed up, sealing me away from my mates.

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