The Broken Warrior's Daughter

Chapter 584

Chapter 0584 We decided to run in wolf form to Alpha Jerome’s pack. From Canyon Ridge, it’s about four hours over

rocky terrain. We leave early, Lily riding on Donovan's back. Our plan is to stop in about three hours to regroup and send out scouts before walking to the Silver Dawn borders to make our stand.

When we stop, | make sure Lily eats. Now that she’ pregnant, she eats small meals all day long. She

hasn't had any morning sickness, unlike Calista who doesn’t emerge from her bedroom until after 10am when her nausea finally settles. | have to assume it’s a Guardian thing. If anything, Lily looks even more beautiful pregnant. Her skin glows, her hair seems thicker, and her body moves with more grace than before. Or maybe it’s just me loving my mate being pregnant with our child.

When the scouts return, we decide to run halfway in our human form, then move more slowly to Silver Dawn’s borders. Our pack is the largest in the country, so while we left a full contingent of warriors at home to protect the pack, we’ve brought enough with us to take out Alpha Jerome’s pack if necessary. His pack has gotten larger since he’s taken in Alpha Benjamin’s pack members, but | doubt they are as dedicated to their warrior training as our pack is.

When we arrive. Lily and | flank Anders, walking up to the borders. The border patrol stops us there. “What do you want?” Rude and obnoxious. As expected.

“Tell your Alpha, that I’m here to see him.”

“And who might you be?”

To his credit, Anders doesn’t snarl or growl. All packs know the Alphas of the other packs and even if they didn’t. Anders‘ aura is making it obvious that he’s an Alpha. “Alpha Anders, the Alpha of Canyon Ridge Pack.”

“| think Alpha Jerome is busy.” The patrol looks at his four partners.

“He’s definitely busy.”

“Well, he’s about to be a whole lot busier if he doesn’t show his face here in the next three minutes. If he thinks he can threaten my pack, then ignore my presence, he’s about to see why Canyon Ridge is the strongest pack in the country.”

They scoff at Anders. In an instant one of them pulls a knife and goes for Anders’ throat. | reach out, grabbing his hand, breaking it in mine, and bending it behind his back, forcing him to his knees in front of “Looks like these guys are as smart as they look. Which is to say, not at all.” Lily says. The patrols sneer at Lily before looking at me. “Let him go. “No.” | say, twisting the guy’s arm even more. “You do realize he’s a Guardian, right? He could take all of you at once.” Lily says again. They look back at me and | let Donovan flash in my eyes. “Sorry, we're contacting our Alpha now.” +15 BONUS “Two minutes.” Anders says, folding his hands together in front of him. The patrol’s eyes go wide but he relays the message. “Alpha says we should bring you to him.” “No. He comes here.” Anders says. “One minute or my Guardian dislocates your friend’s arm.” The guy in front of me turns and looks at Anders with wide eyes, then looks at me. “One minute.” | mouth to him.

| watch as all four patrols” eyes go blank as they mind link their Alpha trying to get him here before ! dislocate this guy's arm. But there’s no possible way unless he’s been laying in wait for us to cross his borders.

“Alpha Jerome. How unpleasant to see you again.” Lily says and | follow her eyes to where Alpha Jerome just stepped out of the shadows.

“| would suggest that you tell your warriors to stand down. More than half of them are not on your pack lands and we would be well within our rights to kill them for the threatening posture they are taking.” She growls. | was busy watching the patrols to make sure they didn’t try anything with Anders. Lily was watching our surroundings. As usual, together, we are perfect.

“Lily Raines.” The Alpha purrs at her.

“It's Lily Nelson, now.” | say!

His head whips to me. “A Guardian mated to a Guardian? It isn’t done.” He spits out.

“Apparently, it is. Or maybe the Moon Goddess just found me worthy.” | can’t help it. | smirk at him. “About those warriors...” Lily says.

His eyes go blank for a moment and about 40 warriors move back onto his pack lands.

“Now.” Anders starts. “I understand that you think you and your pack, can take me and mine. I’m here to help you change your mind before you make a terrible mistake that will cost you not only your pack, but also your life.”

Alpha Jerome scoffs. “You think you and your group here are going to intimidate me?”

“I'm not here to intimidate you. I’m here to let you know that if you or anyone from your pack attacks me, or anyone from my pack, | will consider that an act of war.”



He turns and nods his head at me. | slice the head off the patrol member in front of me and let him fall to the ground at my feet.

“Consider that your warning. Your patrol came at me with a knife. His life was forfeit. Who's next?” Anders asks, looking around at Alpha Jerome's warriors.

Alpha Jerome's lip is curled in what I guess is a cross between anger and what is supposed to be a threat.

“Alpha Jerome. Need | remind you what it felt like to have Andra’s teeth wrapped around your throat? And that was before | was an adult. | can only imagine how much easier it would be to take you down now.” Lily throws out her ace card. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

| watch as Alpha Jerome swallows and his hands twitch as if he wants to cover his throat. Yeah, he definitely remembers that.

“| would never be so foolish as to attack a pack with two Guardians. Your pack is well known to be the strongest in the country, Alpha Anders, and that was before you had two Guardians.” The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

“Be warned Alpha Jerome. If | have any hint of a threat against me or mine, we will not hesitate to decimate your entire pack.” Anders says. | know he’s bluffing. He would never kill the innocent, but Alpha Jerome would, so it's a believable bluff. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!

We return home but add to our patrols anyway. Alpha Jerome isn’t to be trusted. Cooper Author

That was quite a show of power. Lily and Clint work well together.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

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