The Bully’s Obsession

Chapter 12

Mom had left for work after breakfast , it was just I and Ashley at home…

I couldn’t sleep last night, when I had managed to a nightmare had woken me up

Today was the day I’ve been dreading, I have to meet him

I took a long warm shower and washed my hair, I selected a simple outfit which consisted of a long sleeved shirt and a woolen plaided skirt

It was quite cold this morning because of the rain last night so I opted for a sweater




Everything was in place, the only thing missing was courage…

His gaze had promised revenge, to go to his house should be the last thing I should do, but I also couldn’t fail at this project…

He refused to meet at a cafe or even at my house….

I stared at the address he’d sent me still wondering how he got my number….

Some things don’t add up, like how he knew my house, knew that my mom wasn’t around the other day I fell sick and now my cellphone number…

Going to his house felt like I was making a visit with the devil himself, but there was no other choice….

It was either him or my project…..


Its been almost minutes after a man I saw at the gate had directed me

but I still didn’t come across his house yet

Then I saw it…

It wasn’t a house, it was more like a mansion

I stared at the house before me with my mouth hung open, it was so huge and beautiful, it was modern yet classic at the same time…

My fingers shook as I pressed at the doorbell…

No more than five seconds later the door swung open revealing him…

Had he been waiting for me?

He was wearing a tight fitted shirt that showcased the wide expanse of his well defined muscles along with a faded jean that hung just below his waist line

I averted my gaze quickly but not before seeing the corners of his lips quirked in a smirk

“I’ve been expecting you, you don’t plan to stay outside do you ?” He said casually but i couldn’t help but feel there was an underlying context in his words

“I’m here for our project assignment” I said clutching my bag to my side even more firmly 

My heart was pounding wildly out of control…

“Then come inside so we can get started”

He stepped aside but I was still glued to my spot

A sigh escaped his mouth as he shot me a glare

“If I want to hurt you , do you think staying right outside will stop me? Don’t be so dumb unless this project isn’t so important to you after all then you can leave”

We stared at each other for a while before I averted my gaze

He entered inside and this time I followed him, if I thought the outside was beautiful the interior design left me completely speechless

“Where are your parents ?” I couldn’t help noticing how silent and empty the house was

“I live alone bunny, at least for now” 

His words made me pause in my tracks, I was alone in this huge house with him? My palms were clamming up with cold sweat

“Stop fucking wasting time and move” he sneered 

“Can we just stay here in the living room?” I said biting my lips nervouslyContent © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I’ll prefer my room where there will be no disturbances of any kind between us ” He deadpanned 

Before I could utter another word he gripped my arm hurtfully in an iron fist

“What are you doing? Let go of my arm , it hurts!” I yelled

He clicked his jaw mockingly

“But we haven’t even started yet baby , and trust me you’ll get the full package ” his voice sounded both mocking and menacing at the same time…

It sent a wave of terror through me….

I was struggling against his hold now with all my strength” the only thought in my head right now was how to get away from here…

He lifted me up and tossed me on his shoulders like I was no more than a sack of potatoes

“Put me down!” I yelled pounding on his lower back with my fist but it seemed to have no effect on him as he began to walk up the stairs…

Instead he chuckled at my struggles

“You’d better save all that strength, because I assure that you are so fucking gonna need it”

He pushed a door open and entered inside, I heard the door clicked shut before he tossed me down on my feet so carelessly I almost lost my balance

“Well well well… what do we have here?” He said taking an advancing step forward , I dashed past him to the door and tried on the knob but it wouldn’t bulge…

I shook it more desperately this time but he’d obviously locked us in…

I felt his hot breath on my neck and froze…..

“You were looking so bold yesterday, why are you so suddenly shaking like a leaf?”

He grabbed a handful of my hair and I heard as he inhaled deeply

“You’re in so much shit right now and there’s no where to run, I’ll really make you sorry”

He slowly turned me around to face him, I searched his gaze for the tiniest bit of humanity but found none….

“Hayden……” I started when he held a finger to my lips

“You are not to speak, I’ll do all the speaking, you’ll only do as you are told…. or god help you if you don’t”

I shivered under his threat

His eyes were dark,

Like an ocean before a raging storm .

A sinister smile played on his lips, he was enjoying my fear…

He was feeding on it….

“Don’t look so bleak, what I’m going to do a slut like you will surely like it”

“Strip!” His voice thundered

My face blanched , I just stared at him motionlessly and that seemed  to annoy him even more

“The seconds are ticking right in my head Gracie and you’ll surely be sorry if it gets to one… Now strip!” He growled even more menacingly this time

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