The Bully’s Obsession

Chapter 20

Dad doesn’t have any tattoos as long as far as I knew

But in this picture the tattoos covered a large part  of his neck before disappearing into the materials of his clothing 

How was this even possible? 

Dad was sure a man of discipline, his personality sure doesn’t match what I’m seeing right in this picture.

But then again this picture must have been taken more than ten years ago, perhaps during that time he must have drawn one, then decided to erase it as he got older… 

With these explanations I was once again struck in a dead end… 

I had to find out something,  I just had a strong desire to which came from the fact that he’d hurt and degraded me all my life

Now that it seemed there was a reason behind it I have to find out.. 

Why Hayden Mcandrew despises  me so much.. And why…. 

Why he’s so obsessed with me… 

‘you are in my world Gracie, you won’t ever get away…. I’ll have to kill you before that ” his words were still branded to my to my heart like molten steel… 

I don’t know why but I believed him. 


My eyes opened slowly to the blinding morning  sun, I had forgotten to close the blinds last night, it was also quite late,  It was a weekend so it didn’t matter, I slept late last night…. thinking, but ended up with nothing, it wasn’t a surprise that I slept in.

I stretched a little before making my way out of the bed , I made way to the bathroom to do my morning business before heading my way down the stairs 

I could hear mom’s and Ashley’s voice as I made my way downstairs , Then I heard a very familiar voice.. 

A huge grin broke out my face as I hastened on my footsteps 

“dad! You came back! ” I exclaimed as he embraced me, pecking both my cheeks 

“of course, and I’m back to stay this time around ”

He quitted his job? 

As if aware of my thoughts  he added

“I’m getting old, I just realized how much you and your sister has grown,  I want us to stay together happily as a family from now onwards ”

I felt a heavy pang in my heart, I wanted to  tell him that it was already too late for that, too late  for me…. if only he’d decided as he did now nine years ago maybe…….. 

Just maybe my life wouldn’t have turned out this way… 

I already lost my childhood and adolescence… after our final exams I would finally be free from Hayden and all that comes along with it… 

But I’ll never get back those years,  they were gone forever…. 

“also it’s your birthday,  tell me what do you wish to have as a present, I’ll make it happen”

I smiled sadly to that, due to all the stress these past few days I had almost forgotten that my birthday is coming up in just four  days…. 

I sighed inwardly, my only wish was I should never have met Hayden in this life… 

I should never have became his target… 

I also wished I didn’t enjoy the dirty pleasures he forced on me… 

I looked up realizing he’d been speaking to me while I had been struck in a daze like state

“is there something wrong?  Why do you look so….. ”

“I’m fine dad ” I forced a smile on my lips considering the fact that mom and Ashley’s attention has also turned towards us. 

My searching gaze focused on his neck for a while,  even if he had his tattoo scraped off, it would have surely left  some scars, but no it was all smooth,  except from the stumble of his beard .

If I didn’t know better I would have thought he had a twin brother who happened to be the one in the picture… 


I nibbled on my breakfast quietly, mom and dad were currently catching up, I assume they have so many things to talk about… 

“where are you lost? you are eating so cultured today”

I ignored Ashley’s taunt still trapped in my thoughts. 

“Are you behaving  this way because of what  I said the other day? Look Gracie… ”

“do you know dad used to have a tattoo? ”

I blinked realizing I said that out loudNôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

She shot me an ‘are you  kidding  look’, like I’ve grown two heads 

“I saw one of his old pictures , he really did have one”

“dad?  No freaking way! Oh…. you must be talking about uncle Matteo! ”

Now it was my turn to gape at her.. 

An uncle? That looks exactly like Dad? Even I couldn’t tell the difference 

“I think I was only three or four then…. , I remembered always hiding inside the closet when ever he would  comes because of those scary tattoos on his neck, apart from that he and dad are identical , no notable difference  ”

An uncle?  Why hasn’t anyone ever mentioned it…. 

Not even for once? 

‘That  isn’t your dad…. ‘

Mom had snapped the other day, okay I got it clearly at this point now, but why was mom so secretive about him?   I had never in my life see her look so upset and even scared 

All these were beginning to make a little sense to me now. 

Wait…. did  she say …. was? Could it be that he was dea…..

“where’s he now? “I asked

“I don’t know… mom and dad never speaks about him anymore, thats probably why you don’t know him… but”

“B.. But? ”

She took a quick glance around as if she was about exposing a big secret. 

“I overhead their discussion once you know … they said that he went missing ”

“missing? ” I repeated dumbly 

She gave a slight shrugged 

“well he went to work one day and that’s the last time they ever heard from him ”

My blood ran cold at her words… 

There was an uncle I didn’t know about, not only that , he was also missing…. ?

Based on what mom had revealed the other day, this uncle Mateo used to work for Hayden’s family..

What does all these  mean ? What had really happened to him? 


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