The Bully’s Obsession

Chapter 65


Amongst Hayden and Hazel stood the person I had seen last six years ago.

His elder brother Sebastian

I made my way towards them, my gaze traveled from Hazel, then towards Hayden, before it finally settled on him.

I stared at him for a moment… he changed since the time I had last seen him , If not for his personality I would have thought he looked a little nervous, well he had every right to feel so considering what he did to me.

“Mommy look, did you know I also had an uncle! ” Hazel exclaimed breaking the silence.

My gaze found Hayden’s for a moment, the corners of his lips quirked slightly in the tiniest bit of a smile….. A real one, it made my breath hitched until Hazel spoke again breaking our little trance.

“So will you go with me to see my dolls now? I got a new one last week, mommy even sewed a new cloth for it ” she spoke with a proud excitement Sebastian didn’t return.

He had a look the look of dismay that almost made me laughed aloud, that almost made me forget the fact that I still had scores to settle with him..

He swallowed hard when her fingers made a fist on his slacks , perhaps the initial uneasiness I had seen in his gaze hadn’t been caused by me, he looked like he be anywhere but here at this moment..

I swore he even turned a little pale as he slowly unclasped her fingers , he was scared of a five year old? I found the idea funny.

“Fuck ” The curse escaped his mouth when she kept insisting and wouldn’t let go.

Hazel giggled aloud bringing both her palms to cover her mouth.

“oops uncle Sebastian said a bad word!”

Another curse escaped his mouth as he finally set some space between them.

Hayden glared hard at him and practically snatched Hazel to his side.

“I’ll take my daughter out of here before you officially corrupt her!”

“I want breakfast! ” she chirped as she skipped off with him hand in hand, I stared after them as they marched towards where I guessed to be the kitchen.

When they were both out of sight my attention directed at him.

We stared at each other for a moment, a look flashed across his gaze I could only assume to be guilt, at least he still had the grace to feel like that.

“You told me I wouldn’t be found! ” I hissed

He was quiet for a moment.

“I did what I thought was right for the both of you at that moment ”

For the both of us?

” And suddenly you thought it was right to break the promise you made to me, I guess you also did what you assumed is right, then what about me! I could have been hurt or worse! ”

“I knew he wasn’t going to hurt you, and it was also your choice to come back here in that day, you could have chose not to return” he spoke quietly.

That was his excuse? He was passing the blame on me that it had been my fault to return?

“You used Ashley to deceive me, because you knew I’ll definitely fall for it!…. and If I hadn’t returned, then you would have just let it all go then? ”

He held my gaze for a moment before giving a slight shrug .

“No.. I guess not… besides you are fine and in one piece aren’t you? ” 

If I wasn’t so pissed I might have realized how similar they both truly were ….. They were always honest even when a lie might have suited the situation better.

I was just about to come up with a reply when Hazel returned with a mug clasped around her fingers.

I accepted it from her extended hand, the smell of hot chocolate infiltrated my nostrils and I realized how hungry I was..

I couldn’t exactly continue the argument in her presence, but I shot him a look that told him it wasn’t over.

At her presence I noticed how his uneasiness returned .

I didn’t miss the way he practically kept his distance away.

Hayden appeared seconds later with another steaming mug clasped in one of his hands.

His gaze found mine and held, after last night we really haven’t gotten an opportunity to speak to each other, the look he gave me told me he was thinking about the exact same thing..

This was a side of him I’ve never experienced before, For how long would it last? I hope it would continue this way but something told me that it wouldn’t be an easy task . Yes , we’ve progressed this far…. Far from what I would have ever imagined but we still have a long way to go.

And once again our silent connection was broken off .

A cellphone binged , I watched Sebastian snatched it from the table, he shared a secretive look with Hayden who gave a slight nod   after that they both left the living room leaving Hazel and I alone.

I took a sit on the couch wondering what that had been all about .

“I don’t think uncle Sebastian likes me much ” she spoke , both her brows drawn together in a frown.

It seemed like she had also noticed.

“That isn’t true ” I spoke reassuringly 

She gave me a doubtful look 

“Then why wouldn’t he speak or play with me? ”

“That’s because he’s very busy, he just doesn’t have time for kid’s stuff yet. ”

“But you and daddy do kid’s stuff all the time, does that mean you are both kids? ”

I still remember Hayden’s words years ago to me, when he’d said Sebastian didn’t like anyone, that he’s always been like that.

That wasn’t the case, I think they just didn’t know how to care , judging by his actions just now it had seemed like he didn’t have any idea of what to do with Hazel, so he’d just opted to stay away from her , Just the way Hayden had tried to stay away from me for the sake that he didn’t want to hurt me.NôvelDrama.Org content.

My thoughts snapped when the door twisted opened , I looked up expecting to see either Hayden or his brother, it was neither. Instead it was an unknown striking woman who looked to be about my age. Her hair was straight and black,  the curve of her cheekbone pronounced,  the bright red shade of lipstick giving her an aura of confidence. 

I watched as she made her way inside until her gaze finally settled on me and Hazel. 

I was beginning to wonder if they had a relative Hayden hadn’t mentioned until she spoke. 

“Hello,  I’m Melissa “

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