The CEO’ s second choice

Chapter7 What Just Happened???

Chapter7 What Just Happened???


After fixing up my makeup, I leave the confines of my bedroom and walk downstairs. Might as well

strike the iron while it’s hot. My mother’s words are still ringing in my ears as I descend the stairs.

Could I be the wife to Sebastian as she was to my father?

I spot Sebastian’s back and he turns around as soon as he hears the clicking of my heels. At this

vantage point, I had to admit that he looked exceptionally handsome; raven hair that was a little long

with a fringe that fell in his eyes. His facial hair was a medium stubble beard trimmed to perfection. Tall,

yet broad and muscular. Think of Chris Evans.

He looks up at me and an unfamiliar expression crosses his face when he takes in my stony

expression. Was he going to try and intimidate or insult me again?

I come to a stop in front of him, “Sebastian,” I say and he holds out his hand, palm up.

“Walk with me, Elena. I think there are a few things we need to discuss, and this time in a decent Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

manner.” He says and a frown crosses my face, but I lace my fingers with his anyway.

The walk through the back gardens at dusk is a strange one. Sebastian takes in the boxwood

hedges and flowers intricately placed; and smiles. Then he comes to a stop when we arrive at a bench.

“First and foremost, Elena, I apologise for insulting you on numerous occasions. It was childish of

me to call you names, I realise this now. I hope we can move past this and go ahead with this arranged


I look at Sebastian in surprise. He was apologising and looked completely genuine. Was mercury

in retrograde suddenly? I nod slowly, “Of course. We might as well make the best of this union.” I

responded, “Apology accepted.”

Sebastian smiles, but it does not meet his eyes, “Marvellous. Your father has informed me of his 5

year promise to you; that you wish to study at Harvard. I will agree to this because having something

behind your name, besides your name, is of the utmost importance.” He says, and I blanched, my

father told him this marriage would only be for 5 years and he agreed to it?

“I’m surprised he mentioned that titbit, to be honest. Yes, I would like to study law. I have been

accepted, but my father is arranging an extension for me for 5 years.” I told him and recognition shone

in his eyes.

“You know, Elena, I think I might have misjudged you previously.” He says finally then continued

walking. I frown at his last comment, then follow slowly behind him.

“What did you wish to discuss, Sebastian?” I ask him, remembering his line earlier.

He turns towards me, “Our marriage will be one for the public eye, so we would have to put on the

appearance of a happy couple outside of our villa.” He started, this was obvious to me. Even my

mother mentioned something similar. “However, inside of our villa will be a different story. We do not

have to sleep in the same bed or be close for any reason unless our parents come to see us.”

Oh, thank God! They will not expect me to spread my legs for this man. Things were looking up


I nod innocently at him, “This I can agree with. Thank you for clarifying, I was worried for a second.

Play-acting a happy relationship might be a stretch as I hate lying or deceiving others, but I will try my


He raises his eyebrow as he mulls over my words, his eyes clouding over, then he suddenly snaps


“Although,” He starts and my stomach drops, “If our families were to ask for an heir, we would

need to rethink the situation.”

Ah no! NO! NO! NO! I do not want to be in Sebastian’s bed!

I gulp uncomfortably and peer up at him. An heir. Our families would want us to produce an heir. “I

understand,” I answer, uncertain of what else to say.

Then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black velvet box, “I gave this to Eliana when I

wished to marry her. I think it belongs to you now.” He says and opens the box, revealing a gorgeous

engagement ring; a princess cut diamond in the middle with smaller diamonds surrounding it. Then he

takes it out and slides it onto my finger.

“Perfect fit,” He says with a wistful laugh and looks at me. Something odd passes between us as

he gazes at me. Then he clears his throat and cocks his head towards the mansion. “Let us get you

inside before you catch your death. It is slightly nippy this evening,” He says as he intertwined his

fingers with mine, and leads me back into the mansion.

I stare at the ring on my finger and feel myself blushing. The man had impeccable taste in rings.

We come to a stop outside the front door and he turns to me, “I must bid you farewell, for now, Elena.”

I smile at him, “Of course, I will see you at our wedding then,” I start but then suddenly I frown,

“Why did you come into the bridal shop today, by the way?” I ask, remembering our banter from this


“I was going to invite you out to supper this evening to discuss what we just had, but then my

arrogance got the best of me. I apologise.” He replied and I couldn’t help but smile. I still could not

believe that he had apologised to me earlier.

“You do know that seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding day is bad luck, right?” I say,

trying to make light of the situation, but then Sebastian’s shoulders slump and he gives a sad scoff. “I

would say I am bad luck already, don’t you think?” He says sadly then turns to leave. I stare at the ring

on my finger once more and sigh.

Eliana, you have completely broken a man who would have given you the world on a silver platter.


Two weeks later, I decided to be courteous and visit my fiance (Ugh) at his place of work.

They set up Dumont Enterprises in the heart of London, so I would go visit a few of my friends as

well. I realised last night that I had no bridesmaids, but my mother mentioned that the Dumonts have it

all covered. Did I even want any of my friends at this wedding, even if it was fake?

I decided against visiting them when we come to a stop outside of Dumont Enterprises. As I enter

the building, I notice all the eyes on me. Frowning, I head towards the reception and ask for Sebastian.

The receptionist gives me a once over and then scoffs.

Wow. Rude.

“Excuse me?” I ask her, taken aback by her rudeness.

“Eliana Wiltshire, Mr Dumonts does not wish to see you.” She answers me, then resumes typing.

Oh, they thought I was Eliana. But that makes little sense. Why would they treat me so coldly if no one

outside of our family knew about the hidden scandal?

“I am not Eliana, that is my sister.” I say and hold up my left hand, “I am Elena Wiltshire and

Sebastian is my fiance. I wish to speak with him, please.” This woman, were they against Eliana here?

Her eyes widen at my claim and she clears her throat, “Miss Elena! Oh, I am so sorry!” She says,

sputtering and turning red. “Mr Dumont is currently in a meeting, but you can head up to the top floor

and they will buzz you in when he is available.”

I fix her with an icy stare, then head towards the elevator. Did people here really care about

Sebastian that much? Was he a good boss to them after all?

Shaking my head as the elevator opens, I spot a woman walking out of what I suppose was

Sebastian’s office. She turns at the door and I see Sebastian walking out, wrapping his arm around her

and kissing her as if she was the only air he needed. This display left me shaken to my core. Wasn’t

this the man who got mad when Nicholas just hugged me?

I clear my throat loud enough for them to hear me, and their heads whip towards where I stood.

The woman in Sebastian’s arms stared at me, then gently pushed him away and scurried off.

I shake my head and stare after her, then my eyes land on Sebastian. His eyes widen in surprise,

then he walks towards me and grabs me by the wrist, pulling me into his office. He pushed me against

the back of his office door, then placed his hands on either side of my head, caging me in yet again.


“Shh, you do not get to speak, Elena,” He says in a stern voice, and I flinch at the bourbon on his

breath. I peered up into his eyes and noticed that he was angry. Is my being here upsetting him that


“I don’t know what you did, but there are rumours going around about Eliana and her cheating

ways. Someone tipped off the press.” He says through gritted teeth, “I know it pissed you off at the

prospect of marrying me, but you did not need to go this far.”

Wait, the secret was out and everyone thought it was me?

“Why would I still be wearing this if I went to the press with my sister’s sordid news?” I ask him,

holding up my hand to show him the engagement ring. “I would not do something like that, Sebastian.”

“Because you’re the good sister, right?” He says, moving his face closer to mine. A blush creeps

onto my cheeks and he pins me with his gaze.

Before I knew it, Sebastian’s lips were on mine, his tongue begging for entry and I submitted to

him, drowning in his kiss and his scent invading my senses. Our tongues played and danced in unison,

and Sebastian wrapped his arms around my waist as my hand snakes around his neck.

I don’t know what made me do it, but I suddenly pushed him away, out of breath and my face red

with embarrassment.

He looked at me and flashed me a sly grin, “Not so much of a good girl anymore, are you?” He

remarks and I turn on my heel, running out of his office. I didn’t stop until I reached the Maybach and I

told the driver to take me home.

In the backseat, my fingers fly to my lips and I realise I had just made a big mistake.

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