The CEO’S Orphan Wife

Leaving him

I compelled myself to leave the restaurant, despite feeling immensely frail because of the intense trembling of my body. As I stepped into the car, I discreetly wiped away my tears before addressing the driver, who remained silent.

“Let’s go.”

“To the airport, Ma’am?”

“Just drive, please…”

Stay composed, Myla. Focus. Focus.

It took five minutes before I resolved to call my friend, and there was a delay before she picked up the call.

“Oh, friend…”

I discreetly cleared my throat and inhaled deeply.

She let out a sigh. Even though I hadn’t uttered a word, it was as if she had an uncanny understanding. That’s just the way she is, and it reaffirms my belief in her genuine affection, a true friend.

“I won’t reprimand you. If you’ve made your decision, I’ll come to pick you up. I’ll send you the other details via text.”

She hung up the call.

“Driver, please pull over to the side.”

“Pardon?” The driver was taken aback and didn’t immediately comply with my request.

“Kindly pull over, please.” Eventually, he followed my instructions.

He assisted me with unloading my two suitcases and even hailed a taxi for me.

“Please take care, Ma’am,” the elderly driver said with a sorrowful smile.

“Do not answer their questions, all right?” I instructed. There was no need for further explanation as he nodded in understanding.

“Thank you…”

I directed the taxi to Batangas, where Rachelle would be waiting for me. During the journey, I couldn’t help but wonder if the island she mentioned was located within that province. I was anxious for the Grecos to locate me easily, not Ivan, of course, but his parents.

My husband wouldn’t waste any time searching for me. By now, he probably knew I had left, and perhaps he was celebrating with his mistress, savoring their newfound happiness.

I couldn’t suppress the tears. This would be the last time I should be crying. I took a deep breath and wiped my tear-stained cheeks.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Find happiness, Ivan. I’ll seek my own.”

I summoned a smile, despite the shattered pieces within me, determined to no longer let tears flow. It had been enough years of shedding tears for Ivan, day and night. It’s time to move on.

I would let go of the painful memories between us and hold dear the fleeting moments of happiness we once shared. Those were the times when you played your role as my husband.

I love you so much, Ivan. I am determined to ensure that we cross paths no more. And should fate bring us together in the future, I can promise that my heart will no longer hold any affection for you.


“My poor friend…”

This lady! She’s relentless in her teasing. I cried even harder as she embraced me tightly and gently caressed my cheek.

“Stop crying…”

“You’re nuts, you made me cry!”

We exchanged eye rolls and laughed like a pair of lunatics.

“Let’s go, you might be tailed…” She winced and added, “By your in-laws. Do you honestly think your husband will chase after you?”

I gave her a light slap. Is she truly my friend? She’s attempting to smack me with reality!

“Come on! You’re annoying!”

We embarked on a boat journey to the nearest island.

“It’s rather close, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s far! Once we reach there, a chopper will pick us up…”


“Truly, wow!”

She embraced me. “You’re such a brave girl… No regrets, I hope?”

A forced smile formed on my lips.

“No regrets…”


The island that Rachelle and her husband acquired is still in the process of being developed. Its pristine white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters make it an ideal destination. Surrounded by trees and relatively isolated from other islands, it’s a perfect choice for a tranquil getaway.

“It’s incredibly beautiful here!”

“I told you… My husband and I instantly fell in love with this place.”

Her husband is currently away, attending a business meeting since yesterday. He’s a successful entrepreneur and a multi-millionaire. He’s divorced, with his children under the care of his ex-wife in another country.

I refrained from asking too many questions, as she seemed reluctant to share further details.

“Let’s get some rest. We can sleep beside each other so I can watch over you. Who knows, you might get any wild ideas, killing yourself, and it could jinx my business before it even takes off.”

I chuckled and affectionately swatted her. “You’re crazy! I’m not in that place in life. I’m here to make a fresh start.”

She grinned and hugged me.


At times, I find myself momentarily stunned and on the brink of tears, but I swiftly banish all that has transpired from my thoughts.

It’s agonizing. I’d rather not dwell on it. I’m hesitant to fully embrace the pain because it’s bound to sap my strength.

I assisted Rachelle with addressing all the necessary arrangements. Their operations will commence next year. Initiating a fresh start isn’t straightforward, even with financial resources. Everything must adhere to the appropriate procedures.


I awoke to the unpleasant aroma of the caretaker’s cooking.

“Oh, my goodness!” My stomach churned and my vision began to blur. I can’t stand the scent of sauteed garlic. I despise it!

Unable to restrain myself, I let out a groan and hastily pulled the covers over my head in a futile attempt to escape the pungent smell that stubbornly lingered. I grumbled as I rose from my bed to switch on the fan, hoping to dissipate the noxious odor wafting from the kitchen.

Rachelle’s temporary abode is a small hut on this island, up and down. Her house is still under construction at the far end of the island, which is why the kitchen odors from below are so overpowering.

“Ugh! It’s so foul!” I exclaimed, waving my hand to disperse the smell.

“Oh, what’s going on with you?” Rachelle walked into the room with a cup of coffee in hand. The scent of coffee was also disagreeable to me. I hurried to the bathroom and vomited, expelling the raw mango I had consumed the night before. That’s why I wasn’t feeling well; I didn’t have a proper meal last night.

“How far along are you?” Rachelle inquired as she sipped her coffee.

My eyes widened with surprise.


“My God! I’m pregnant!” I exclaimed. She sighed and shook her head. I gently placed my hand on my stomach and let out a soft laugh, tears of happiness streaming down my face.

“I’m going to be a mommy…”

“Congrats, girl! But you should confirm it. Have you taken a pregnancy test?”

I shook my head. My period was still two days away. Could it be possible to test positively before a delay? Rachelle provided me with a pregnancy test from her cabinet, and after using it, it was confirmed: I’m pregnant!

“I’m so happy… I won’t be alone anymore. I won’t be alone in this world. I will have my family.”

Thank you, God! I had prayed for this, and I’m grateful that He granted my wish.


“I experience morning sickness, while I’m most active at night. During the nighttime, Rachelle and I stay awake to attend to necessary matters.

On the day the resort opened, that’s when I started going into labor. I contacted my obstetrician-gynecologist to have her come to the island immediately.

However, upon her arrival, she determined that I wasn’t yet ready to give birth. I was only one centimeter dilated. The pain persisted into the second day, with hourly contractions. I tried to expedite the process by walking around, but it took three days before my water finally broke.

“You can do this, push!” My friend stood by my side, cheering me on. She held my hand and gently wiped the sweat from my forehead.

On January 12th, exactly at five in the morning, I welcomed my precious angel into the world. My child with my ex-husband, my first love, and the one I’ll cherish forever.

“Hello, baby Heather…”

Tears of joy streamed down my face as my child was placed in my arms. His chubby cheeks had a beautiful shade of pink.

“Oh, God! Thank you for this precious angel. I love you, my child. I promise to love you with all of my heart. Mommy will protect and care for you…”

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