The CEOs Possession


A gasp escaped Veil’s lips as her face lit up. A searing heat traveled around her body, and she pressed her thighs together, feeling a sudden moisture in between her legs.

Anders said nothing else throughout the ride, as he had battles of his own. Since Orleans arrived at the restaurant for the meeting, he had tried to stop himself from throwing a punch at his pretty face, even though he knew the satisfaction the crunch of his bones would give him.

Still, it wasn’t a scene he wanted Veil to witness.

But Anders felt rattled to the core by the way Orleans kept looking at Veil from the corner of his eyes like some high schooler who had been love-struck. Anders tried so hard not to confront that situation because he didn’t want to appear the same way Orleans did before him.

And when he talked about Veil like she was some errand girl who was going out of line, Anders almost lost it. Although he knew that it was just Orleans trying to get back at him, he hated that he had used Veil to achieve that.

Anders was sure it was the last time that would happen because he wasn’t going to let anyone disrespect his secretary like that.

That was what Veil was to him. His secretary. Vera was wrong when she said that it was because of Veil that he hadn’t returned her call or warmed her bed since the last time. Anders tried to convince himself that it was nothing more than sparks that he had under control.

So why was he so painfully aware of her sitting next to him? The smell of her perfume made it all too difficult to pay attention to what he was reading on his phone, and Anders just wanted to bolt out of the car before he made his threat come to life.

When the car stopped in front of the building, Anders jumped out without waiting for his men to open the door. He could feel Veil behind him as she followed him closely, but still with a little space between them.

As Anders made to push the buttons outside the elevator, the door suddenly sprung open, and Sophia De Alonzo raised her head, seemingly surprised to find them both there.

“Er…Am I interrupting something?” She asked, gazing from Veil to Anders. “You both look…”

“It’s nothing,” Anders jumped in, much to Veil’s relief because she didn’t trust her mouth to function after the last thing Anders had said to her in the car.

“We just had a meeting that didn’t go as planned, but we’ll work on it.”

“Okay.” Sophia seemed content with Anders’ explanation as she nodded and got out of the elevator. “I was hoping to catch you for lunch. My friend opened this amazing place downtown, and I wanted us to try it together.”

Veil felt Anders’ eyes on her, but it was so subtle and fast that she might as well have imagined it. Nodding, Anders held out a hand for Sophia and turned to Veil.

“You know what to do, don’t you?”

Veil was stunned for a minute and unable to use her lips. She stammered for the first few seconds, then stopped, shaking her head as if to get rid of a pest.

“Are you fine?” Sophia questioned, gazing at her like some pet. “You look flushed. Your skin. It is…”

“I’m fine,” Veil said, managing to flash her a smile. “And I know what to do, Mr. Rodriquez. The files will be forwarded to your mail before you return from lunch.”

With that, Veil scrambled away from view before Anders could say one more word. The image of them together would forever be seared into her brain, yet Veil had no idea why she was so affected by it.

“It is just one kiss,” she muttered to herself in the elevator, wishing she hadn’t embarrassed herself that way in front of Sophia. Now, she probably thought she was dumb, or worse, smitten by her fiancee.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“The kiss obviously meant nothing to Anders,” Veil thought as the doors dinged open, ushering her to her office. Deciding she was thinking too much about it, she opted to pour herself into work.

Perhaps, if she finished this on time, Anders would be so gracious as to allow her to go home early.

But as Veil settled to work, a knock resounded on her door, and Simon poked his head in.

“Hey,” he smiled, then strolled in, closing the door behind him. In his hand was a takeout, and Veil recognized the name of the restaurant. It was the one they had just had a meeting at with JK Corporations.

“There was a delivery for you on the first floor,” Simon explained as he dropped the package on her table. “Since I was there already, I decided to bring it up myself rather than have you come back downstairs. I …urm.. saw that you only just got back.”

“Thank you,” Veil gushed as she pushed the takeout closer to herself. “You didn’t have to go through the stress.”

“It wasn’t a bother,” Simon answered, making himself comfortable.

“Do you know who it’s from?”

Simon shook his head in the negative. “But I think you’ve got yourself an admirer,” he said with a feigned excitement. “That restaurant is one of the most expensive in Mexico, and it is hard to even get a space there for dinner as reservations have to be made beforehand. Whoever got you that probably knows the owner pretty well.”

“Anders,” Veil whispered, low enough for Simon not to hear. She pried open the package and found a little note attached to the cover of the plate.

“I want to meet the plates cleared up by the time I return. I like how hardworking you are, but I also want you to eat well to maintain your glow.”

Veil found herself grinning sheepishly as she reread the letter, and Simon cleared his throat noisily, getting her attention.

“Does it say who it’s from?”

“No,” Veil answered a little too quickly. “No.”

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