The CEO’s Second Choice

Chapter44 Elena Dumont, College Student?



Sebastian stumbles into our bedroom, and his eyes fall on me as I jump on our bed. He frowns, “What the hell, Elena!” He asks with a scowl as he takes in my widened eyes. “Did you see a spider again?” I stopped jumping and hopped off the bed into his arms, but I couldn’t get my words out. “I… I… Exeter… Got… In…” I say through laboured breaths, but I see the cogs turning in his head when he realises what I have said.

“You got into Exeter?” He exclaims and I nod so much I swear my head would have fallen off. He picks me up and swings me around while I giggle with glee. I got in! I got into Exeter with my own written work! No help from anyone except citations and I got in. Tears of happiness stream down my cheeks and Sebastian kisses them. “I am so proud of you, Elena,” he says and kisses my lips softly. My bottom lip trembles when he says this and I legitimately ugly cry! “Oh, baby!” My silly husband says and wraps me in a warm hug.

I couldn’t get any words out at that moment, it all just came out as gurgles, and I am completely mortified. Sebastian leads me over to our bed, and I eventually calm down. “I’m sorry,” I start as I dry my tears with a tissue. “It’s not the fact that I got in that I am his bag of tears, it’s their comments about my written work.” I turn on my laptop to face him, and he reads out loud.

” ‘Dear Mrs Dumont, what a pleasure it was to read your take on women in our literature world. It certainly was refreshing to read and see things through a fresh pair of eyes. Incredibly written and indeed thought-provoking, brilliance at its best. It will be my pleasure to welcome you to Exeter this coming Autumn.’ ”NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Sebastian looks at me with pride shining in his eyes and wraps me in another hug. “That is indeed something to be proud about, my love.” He says and kisses my forehead. “I always believed that you have a brilliant mind, not just a pretty face.” I smile at him, “Thank you,” I say and blow my nose, then I frown. “Wait, what are you doing at home?” I asked him, It has been three months since our honeymoon. Unfortunately, we had to come home because of this Elijah scandal. They have proven that the woman was lying about the harassment, but the child’s paternity has yet to be determined.

“I came to see if you would like to join me for lunch, but I see a celebratory dinner would be apt.” He says and kisses my cheek. I shake my head. “We have the Summer Fable tonight, remember? Your mother has been pestering me to come, and it is the last social event for the summer hosted by our family.” I remind him, but he rolls his eyes. “I forgot about that. Okay then, lunch?” He asks, and I nod. “Let me just grab my coat and shoes, and I’ll see you downstairs. Oh, and I have to pay my tuition, I’ll be down soon.” I say, and he nods, giving me a kiss on the head before leaving the room. I sigh, then pull out my phone to call Anabelle, who answers on the third ring. “Hey Leen,” she says, calling me my unusual endearment. “Hey, tart, guess who’s a college student as of a few minutes ago,” I tell her to a resounding shriek on the other side of the phone. “No!” she says and I giggle. “Yes, I’m afraid you have to put up with me from October.”

“Thank The Pope!” she says, and we banter a bit before saying goodbye. She would be meeting us at the Summer Fable tonight with a date her parents chose for her. Poor Anabelle, I wish she could come out, but her family responsibility would never allow her to. In our way of life, happiness came a hard third.

I slip on my heels and run downstairs to meet my husband, who was waiting downstairs. Things were starting to look up for me somewhat; my self-confidence was returning, my marriage was going well, and I got into an excellent school to further my career! Somehow I think I deserve this no matter how fleeting it may seem.


“Elena, for the last time, you look beautiful!” Sebastian calls from inside the bedroom. I was currently in two minds about a dress I chose, and we would be late if I didn’t get a move on right now. “Ugh, fine!” I exclaim and stomp out of our room. He takes me by the hand and leads me to the Phantom.

I have such an uneasy feeling about tonight and I just can’t explain it. I think it’s why I have been putting off from leaving the villa. I looked at Sebastian and noticed that he was on his phone once more, he should stitch the darn thing to his ear. The scowl on my face must have been clear because he put his phone down and looked at me. “Everything okay, love?” He asks as a frown forms on his face. I shrug, “I don’t know,” I say and cross my arms in front of me while looking out of the window. What the heck was wrong with me? It was like there was a pit in the stomach that just would not let up.

We arrived at Dumont Hall in full attendance. As usual, all eyes were on me and Sebastian as we walked in. I don’t think that I will ever get used to this the stares and admiration. I have no idea how my sister used to cope with it. Speaking of Eliana, she has given birth to the most ADORABLE little girl in existence. I will visit them in two weeks’ time along with Sebastian, and I am pretty sure they will be shocked at how things have turned out between us no one is more surprised than I am. The look on Eliana’s face would be priceless, though!

“Elena,” Came the voice of Anabelle behind me as Sebastian gets swept away in business conversations again. I breathe out a sigh of relief when I see her. “Ana, thank God,” I say, and wrap my arms around her. Next to her stood a very dapper-looking man; tall, suave, and reeked of wealth. “I’d like you to meet Thomas Hurley,” She says as she introduces me to him, Then she adds with a razorblade gulp, “my fiance.”

I am completely taken aback by this. Her parents have set her up to be married so soon after the Nicholas debacle? She could see the confusion on my face and smiled with a shake of her head that only I could see. “The Rebellious Heiress, lovely to finally meet you,” He says as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it, his lips lingering for a second too long. This already sent goosebumps of disgust down my back, not to mention the filthy look in his eyes. “Charmed,” was all I could get out before I looked at Anabelle again. “Can I steal you for a moment?” I ask, and she nods again. “I’ll be right back, Thomas.” She then laced her arms with mine as we walked away.

As soon as we were out of earshot, she broke down. “I don’t know how long I can do this for, Elena. I am being shoved from pillar to post by my family because they require an heir out of me.” She says while dabbing the corners of her eyes. “Thomas is lovely and my childhood friend, but I don’t know how long I can put up with the pretence.” I looked at my friend and my heart broke for her. To be of different sexuality and forced to marry someone she doesn’t love all for the sake of duty.

“I wish I could say something that could help you right now, but I know there would be nothing to help how lost you feel. So please know that I will always be here for you, no matter what happens.” I tell her and wrap her in another hug, She smiles when we break apart, “Thank you, Elena, I love you.”

“I love you too, Ana,” I respond, and we head back to her waiting fiance, and he smiles when he sees me again. Ugh, I dislike this man. We continue to make small talk until a business associate pulls him to the side. All of a sudden, I hear a voice calling my name from behind and I turn to see my mother in law, dressed in a beautiful mauve gown. “Mother,” I greet her as we kiss cheeks. “Elena darling, Anabelle,” she says as she greets my friend as well.

“You are looking extra exquisite this evening. Glowing. Is there something brewing that you have not informed me about?” She asks me with a grin, and it took every ounce of willpower to not roll my eyes at her insinuation. Again with the baby hints. No matter how much I explained the situation, she was still pushy.

“Mirabelle, please. There is no baby and there won’t be. Please stop pestering me about it, Sebastian and I will have children, but for now, please allow me to live my life and see my dreams through. I cannot do this, I refuse!” I exclaim and storm out of the hall. I really do not know what has gotten into me, but I have had enough of it! “Elena?” Came the voice of Anabelle, who has followed me outside. I look at her with tears welling in my eyes. “I’m sorry about that,” I saw as the corners of my mouth pulled down. She shakes her head. “I understand, more than you think.”

No, Anabelle, you don’t. I shake my head. “I will be a terrible mother. My own mother never showed me any love growing up, so how would I show it to a child? I would ruin them with my unloving presence, and they would grow up jaded and looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. I would only make them suffer, Anabelle, therefore I do not want any children.” Finally, I it admitted out loud, and a heart-wrenching sob escaped my throat. “Oh, Elena,” Anabelle says as she wraps her arms around me and attempts to comfort me. It doesn’t help, nothing will help this hollow feeling in my chest.

I sense Sebastian and look up into his soft hazel eyes. He must have heard everything I had just said, and I immediately felt guilty. He knows how I feel now; he knows I do not want children. How will this end up for us?

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