The CEO’s Second Choice

Chapter61 Home


The familiar winding road to our villa brings a smile to my face. We were going home, all three of us. I looked over at Sebastian in the driver’s seat and little Aaron next to me in the car seat, and my heart feels full. I was well on my way to healing, had my husband by my side, and my baby was safe and healthy. Despite knowing my sister might have been behind my attack, I was still happy.

I almost didn’t get into the SUV when we left the hospital because I started having a panic attack. Scenes from the accident came flooding back to me, but Sebastian and Isaac managed to calm me down long enough to get into the vehicle before the paparazzi arrived. My two loves, I still can’t believe how blessed I am to have them both in my life.

“We’re home,” Sebastian says with a smile and we make eye contact in the rearview mirror. Home. I never realised it before, but I never had a home. Wiltshire Estate was just that; an estate. There was no warmth within its walls, no love from my family, and loneliness surrounded me at every turn. At our villa things are so much different; my staff members feel like family and there was warmth at every turn.

Sebastian brings the SUV to a halt in front of our door and I see our staff filling out to meet us, with Isaac following close by in his Mercedes. “Miss Elena!” I hear Ilse call and my heart breaks at the love in her voice. My villa mamma! I smile and wave at her to come closer to Aaron’s side. “Please, would you be a doll and take Aaron? I am unable to at the moment.” I ask her and see her eyes widen and fill with tears. “I would be honoured!” She exclaims with a hand to her chest, and I giggle at her response. Lifting my boy gingerly, she holds him close to her chest and gently rocks him when he stirs. “Master Dumont, it is a pleasure to meet you,” I hear her whisper and lightly close the SUV’s door with her bum.

“Upsy daisy,” Sebastian says as he picks me up and places me in the wheelchair and I hear Isaac burst out in a fit of giggles. “The cold Mr CEO just said upsy daisy, I’m sorry you have to give me a minute!” He says in between breaths and I see Sebastian roll his eyes before closing the vehicle door and pushing the wheelchair inside the villa.

Glazed eyes all greet me as we walk inside, and I choke back my tears. These people were my staff but they’ve shown me more love than my family ever has. I tell Sebastian to stop and embrace them all, telling them how much I appreciate them and their prayers for me. “They all love you,” Sebastian says with pride while we were in the installed elevator to go up to our room. I shrug. “I love them all as well. They’re my family too.” I say and touch Ilse’s arm while she beams down at me. “He’s so beautiful and the exact copy of Mr Dumont,” she says and I chuckle. I notice the resemblance as well. Even at a few weeks old, the Dumont features were already prominent.

Sebastian got me settled in bed and pushed the crib against my side of the bed. I don’t care what anyone says, my child will sleep in my bedroom until I say otherwise. I already missed out on his birth and bonding with breastfeeding. I’ll be damned if I miss out on every other milestone. He was still fast asleep, and I couldn’t help but gaze down at my precious child.

Because I was in a coma, I never got to fully bond with Aaron and it will forever haunt me. Does he know that I am his mommy? Does he recognise me? He doesn’t cry when I hold him and snuggle into me when he sleeps, so maybe he does?

“I had the nurse let him sleep with your favourite scarf so he recognises your scent,” Sebastian suddenly says as he sits down at the foot of the bed. I look up at him, tears welling up in my eyes and falling down my cheeks. “You did that?” I ask, incredulously. Is this why Aaron snuggles into my arms when he sleeps? Because he recognises my scent? He nods. “I wanted him to know who his mommy was, even while you were in a coma and had amnesia. There needed to be a bond between the two of you when you woke up, Elena. It would have eaten at your heart if he did not know you. I also told the nurse to wear one of your jackets when he was being bottle-fed.”

My hands fly to my face as elated sobs wreck through my body. Sebastian had no idea what this meant to me, and I don’t think I could ever express it or put my gratitude into coherent words. Where would I even begin? What would I even say? “Sebastian, I… I don’t know what… what to…” I tried, I really did try to speak, but my emotions clouded my heart and all that came out was gibberish.

He walked around to his side of the bed and took me in his arms. “You don’t need to say anything, Elena. I love you.” He held me, and I swear I could feel something like a crack, and all my tears just kept coming. The doubts, the regret, the depression, the guilt… everything just flowed out of me as my dam broke.

I blamed myself for the accident, for giving people second chances, for not seeing threats when they were right in front of me and allowing known enemies into my life. I was too soft, too forgiving and refused to see the bad in people, even when the evidence was presented to me. But I know that it wasn’t my fault… none of this was. They took advantage of my good heart, but it won’t happen again; not when I have so much to live for.

Sebastian hands me a tissue and I clean up my face before placing a kiss on his cheek. “I love you too. Thank you. For everything. I don’t know how to make this up to you but I will spend the rest of my life making sure you understand just how much this means to me.” I say, finally getting a sentence out, and he smiles at me. That panty-dropping, Jake Gyllenhaal smile that makes me weak at the knees and I suck in a breath Damn, he still had this effect on me. “I’m looking forward to spending every waking minute with you,” he says and kisses my forehead.

“I just love you two together, so perfect.” Came the voice of Isaac, fanning his tears away. He stood at the entryway and I waved him inside. Just then Sebastian’s cell phone rings and he excuses himself.

I pat the spot next to me and Isaac joins me, wrapping me in a hug, and I lay my head on his chest. “I wish I could find someone like our Sebby. He’s rich, sexy, sophisticated, kind, sexy.”

“You said sexy twice,” I say through giggles and he shrugs. “Well, have you seen him? God, those eyes make me melt.” He says, holding a hand to his heart, and I slap his chest lightly. “That is my husband you’re gushing about!” I say, trying to get my laughter under control before Aaron decides to wake up. “Yes, we all know that you can stop bragging.” Isaac retorts with a huff. I can’t believe this guy is my best friend. Where the heck was he all my life? Ever since he entered my life in a whirlwind, things have just looked up and I don’t think I could trust anyone as much as I do him. My gay soulmate.

I sit up and look over at Aaron fast asleep and let out a sigh. “At least I can thank Anabelle for one thing. If she didn’t switch out my birth control, I would never have this precious little angel right now.” I say and feel Isaac bristle with anger next to me. “Screw that cunt sorry. I still want to choke her out for trying to kill you. Pity Elijah didn’t allow me to see her, or she would be dead right now.” He says in his Scottish twang, but I frown at his mention of Elijah.

“What does Elijah have to do with this?” I ask, and tilt my head to the side. Isaac’s eyes widened. “Don’t you know? Sebastian and Elijah have been in cahoots, trying to figure out who’s behind the murder of the upper-class elites.” He says and I faintly recall Sebastian mentioning something of the sort. “Oh, yeah. Sebastian did mention it. It was just after my memories returned so everything is a bit fuzzy.” I say but then a worried frown crossed Isaac’s brow. “You need to mention that to your doctor, Elena. Don’t leave anything out, we want you back to 100%.”

I know. Trust me, I do, but I don’t think I will heal that quickly. The doctor mentioned that there would be some brain damage after the coma and concussion, but we’re hoping it is not life-threatening. That’s all I can do now; hope and pray while my body heals.

Isaac suddenly perks up. “You know this means no school for you, right? You can finally focus on your baby and Sebby and your home life. Do not touch your laptop, or I will confiscate it!” He says, causing me to giggle. I place a hand over my heart, “Scouts honour, mom!” I exclaim and we collapse in a fit of giggles.

Just then Sebastian bursts through the door with a murderous look on his face and storms towards Isaac, pulling him off the bed and slamming him against the wall. “Sebastian-!” I cried out in horror, but it was as if he didn’t hear me at all. His focus was all on Isaac and his death grip around his neck.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who the hell are you?!”

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