The CEO’s Substitute Lover

Chapter 22: Lilian Drye Returns

Suddenly, a familiar and slightly strong perfume wafted in the air. Tredan’s eyes opened with delight at the smell, and before he can turn around, he was embraced from behind by the owner of this perfume.

“Tredan, happy birthday! I missed you, missed you like crazy! How about you? Did you miss me?” This person was none other than Lilian Drye, who had gone abroad, and she was back, she had come back especially on Tredan’s birthday and had finished her course there early!

Tredan turned to her in delight and took her in his arms, his tall nose lingering on Lilian Drye’s fragrant neck as he smelled the scent, slightly lost in the fact that Lilian Drye had grown up wearing perfume, and that the freshness and elegance of her childhood scent had been overshadowed by it. He took Lilian Drye’s face, stroked it delicately and said to her with an unusually tender expression, “I’m going crazy always thinking of you.”

The scene happened to be witnessed by Lilian Drye’s father and Floyd Davi, and Grimm laughed heartily as he said to Floyd Davi, “I’m glad to see the two kids are so in love, Floyd!”

“Ha-ha… right Grimm, looks like you’ll soon be upgraded to in-laws!” Grimm laughed at Floyd’s comment and raised his glass in his hand in a gesture to toast Floyd. Their conversation, drowned by their laughter!

But it was Ottilie Berkes, standing next to Floyd Davi, who hid a sad face.

She thought that if Tredan married the only daughter of the Drye Family, then Eddison, her son, would be at the mercy of Tredan. She must stop this marriage.

Yes, she should get her son, Eddison, get close to the only heir of that Drye Family, and if they snatch her up, they will definitely get the whole Group Davi group for mother and son.

She hurriedly got up and left, found Eddison and said to him with a serious expression, “Eddison, your father wants to help Tredan to complete the marriage between the Davi Family and the Drye Family, you must find a way to get to know that Miss Drye, a cold-tempered person like Tredan will not know how to win the heart of the pampered Miss Drye. Even if they are in a relationship now, they will definitely not get along because of their personality differences. The thoughtful Ottilie Berkes whispered in Eddison’s ear in great detail, dictating her plan!

“Mom, you… What are you doing? Aren’t we both living quite well now? Why do you have to be like this! Big brother… didn’t do anything to us, did he?” Eddison, who has always been indifferent with fame and fortune, doesn’t like to live a life of deceit.

“Eddison, do you know what you are talking about? If you don’t, one day you and mummy will be thrown out of this house by Tredan, you have to listen to mummy. Mummy won’t harm you. Everything mummy does is for you! Don’t you know that?”

Eddison is depressed and unable to argue… just say yes!

A sharp-eyed Ottilie Berkes saw Lilian Drye, who was now alone a short distance away, and pulled Eddison in saying, “Here’s your chance, son, go on! Let this woman get to know my son!”

Eddison shook his head helplessly, picked up his glass and walked over in the direction of Lilian Drye.

“Hello, Ms. Lilian!” hearing someone seem to call out to her Lilian Drye looked up at Eddison.

“You are?”

“My name is Eddison, Floyd Davi’s second son! I’m the second son of Floyd Davi. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting the picturesque Miss Drye, so I thought I’d come over to meet her and get a glimpse of her rumored face.” Lilian Drye smiled smugly as she said, “You’re a funny man, you second prince!” As she laughed with Eddison, she took a good look at the second prince, who was handsome and cheerful, but, alas, only a bastard.

Without much communication Lilian Drye made a random excuse to go out and look for Tredan.

“Tredan, why didn’t you bring me out with you?” Lilian Drye pouted, stepped forward and hooked her arm around Tredan’s.

“It’s stuffy in there, I came out for some air!” Tredan petted her head and pulled her into the car, stepping on the accelerator as his silver and white convertible sped away.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Tredan, you’re handsome! Where are you taking me?” With extreme admiration, she looked at Tredan, whose whole body was bursting with sex appeal.

“Let’s relax and unwind!” Tredan’s voice drifts down into the air with the speeding sports car, slowly spreading out and disappearing.

The lights, the red men and women, the deafeningly trendy DJ blaring throughout the stage hall, Tredan unleashed his discontent, swaying and flinging to the mind-blowing music, while Lilian Drye restrained himself from wrapping her arms around Tredan’s neck and dancing to his rhythm. In the decadent space, shouting, “Tredan, I love you!” Tredan was so excited that he hugged her and kissed her passionately in the middle of the stage.

Octavia Gills had been waiting for Tredan’s return since 6pm, watching the arms of the clock on the wall go round and round, calling him on the phone but not getting an answer, sending him Facebook messages but not getting an answer, so she went outside to wait for him at the front door. After wandering around the gate for a long time, Octavia Gills suddenly saw the strong light coming from a sports car. He was finally back and Octavia Gills was ecstatic to run out to greet him, but then she saw a woman in the passenger seat of his car and Octavia Gills subconsciously hid as his car came to a steady stop outside the gate.

“I’ll have the driver take you back! I’m too drunk to drive tonight! I’ll see you tomorrow!” Tredan opened the back door to get out and instructed his driver to get Lilian Drye safely home!

“Tredan, aren’t you going to invite me in for a drink first?” Lilian Drye was not happy with Tredan’s arrangement. She got out of the car with him and took his hand to keep him from leaving, she wanted to keep him with her.

“We haven’t seen each other for ages, don’t you want me to keep you company? Tredan!” said Lilian Drye, hugging Tredan and not wanting to let go.

Octavia Gills, hiding in the corner of the doorway, covered her mouth so hard because she was afraid of making any sound. It was her! Lilian Drye was back in the country! Did that mean she was leaving him? He wasn’t answering her calls, he wasn’t even replying to her messages. Was it because she was back and he didn’t need a stand-in anymore! But why? Octavia Gills struggled to keep her eyes open, not daring to blink for fear that the tears would pour down her face since she had no power to stop her broken heart!

She heard Tredan saying to Lilian Drye, “Good girl, it’s late now, I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner!” He then kissed Lilian Drye on the forehead before leading her back to the car and closing the door for her.

“You must miss me, darling!” Lilian Drye’s sweet, heartfelt words before she left.

He must have had a great time on his birthday today.

When Tredan pushed the door in, he smelled the light scent of lilies. A subtle and introspective romance.

The table was full of food, so beautifully presented that it was clear that Octavia Gills had put a lot of thought and effort into it. A delicate dark blue gift box caught Tredan’s eye, and he reached over to untie the beautiful knotted cord and lift the lid to reveal a handmade comic book. He stared at the front page where Octavia Chihiro’s pen name was inscribed. However, Tredan, who was tired and drunk, did not have the heart or spirit to look through it, so he put it back in the box and shouted “Octavia” into the room.

“Octavia, turn the bath water on for me, I need a bath, I’m so tired, I need to sleep!” A booze-stained Tredan mumbled as he lay down on the big bed in his bedroom.

Octavia Gills stood outside the floor-to-ceiling glass door, taking in Tredan’s every move, every look?? he didn’t even glance at the beautiful picture she had drawn for him. It seemed that she had been under the delusion that there was a place in his heart for her, that she was a little bit special to him. Was she wrong? Was she really wrong? Looking at the table, she had worked hard from morning to evening on every dish, Octavia Gills just sat down quietly with tears in her eyes, picked up two rice bowls to serve the food, put one in the place where Tredan and she usually sat, and said to the empty chair where Tredan usually sat, “Happy birthday, Tredan! May the warmth of the sun always warm your heart!”

Octavia Gills wiped her tears, smiled and didn’t even take a bite. She just picked at her bowl of rice, taking one bite at a time, sometimes with tears in her eyes, sometimes with a smile.

That night was not as sweet as Octavia Gills would have liked, instead, the air seemed to carry a foreshadowing of an impending end.

Octavia Gills knew the day would come when she would leave and it would be over, only, she was so upset, so trapped, so sad!

Day 2.

Octavia Gills had gone to work early and simply left a bowl of hangover soup in the room. Tredan woke up with a buzzing headache and groaned a little. He wanted to call out to Octavia Gills to come and serve him, but saw the soup on the dressing table and a little note left by Octavia Gills: “Drink this so you won’t get a headache!”

Tredan didn’t think too much about it. He washed up and got ready for his regular meeting at the office.

“Ms. Octavia, the General Manager has asked you to come over and said it’s important that he sees you!” The General Manager’s secretary passed on a message to her.

“Ohhhh?? yes, I’ll be right there!” Octavia Gills slapped herself for being distracted during work hours and said to herself, “Octavia Gills, this is the wrong kind of work ethic, you get paid to do things for the company, and such inattentiveness will get your bonus docked!”

Octavia Gills straightened her collar and knocked twice on the door. When Eddison said “Come in,” she opened the door and walked in.

“What can I do for you, General Manager?” Octavia Gills asked, not daring to look Eddison in the eye and bowing her head slightly.

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