The Cheat Seed

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Kerin had almost jumped on to Marcus for a hug but Melova held her back. They were really happy once they knew that they were a Guild. Marcus felt haughty when he saw how much they had liked his new guild name.

Before parting Marcus whispered to Luka about how he felt the rumour could be possibly true and asked him to tell his informant to Delve deeper into the matter and then report back to him as soon as possible. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Marcus knew deep inside, this was going to be a race against time. The One who finds the secret first..WINS.

Soon they were off to their own ways. The Guardians promised to meet each other the next day. The Day when they'll raid the Dungeon.


A surprise awaited Marcus as he returned, his destroyed house and the Open Ground along with the woods had been repaired. It must've been the work of Dave, He thought.

His House was repaired the same way it was before, which was good because in it didn't give him a weird feeling when he stepped on to the carpet sprawled on the wooden floor.

Walking into the same land but differently modelled house would have left a tiny bit of guilt and remorse within the 18 year old young man.

He felt guilt and remorse because it was and wasn't because of him that the house broke down. Marcus thought It was because of his negligence that the God was the first one to land the attack and at the same time he kept on saying that the God attacking would have caught anyone off guard even The Flame Emperor himself!!.

But thinking about the recent past wouldn't do him good anyway and he chuckled when he realized that the house had broke down the second time the previous day.

With a handsome smile etched on his polished face, Marcus opened the door. Albert and Reiren were already inside, chilling in the Living room.

Evy and Iris were like always, playing in their room.

Albert peeked from the whitewashed wall and shot a familiar glance and a warm smile. Marcus shot one back and called back his attire before walking towards the hall and to the stairs.

Only a black trouser covered his chiseled body when he took a step on to the stairs, his head bobbed to the voice coming from the Television.


Marcus's eyes were wide open as he turned his body towards his parents. His eyes darted from his father's surprised face and then to the black box fixed on the wall which was broadcasting some sort of reporting...


"Dad, How..When...who?"

Marcus's voice struggled to find words as he stared like a moron at the TV, his fingers pointed straight towards it.


Albert snapped but soon understand what his son meant.

"Ah, The Television became something common after you went...missing. Surprisingly the production speed of these things suddenly blew up and it was being set up for sale and they were cheap, but not so cheap that the field working me could afford it"

Marcus was always the first one to understand matters the first time they were spoken, because he thought it was just time consuming if he asked it again instead of just thinking it through inside his mind.

"Ah, I see..No wonder the Skyscrapers were weird and lighted up"

Marcus slapped his forehead as he remembered his trip to Dave's villa last night.

The Skyscrapers were displaying advertisements for various types of magic potions and necessities on huge screens. They had piqued his interest highkey (To a very high extent) that Marcus got lost inside his thoughts.

"Then It must've been Dave who gave this right??..I thought so.."


Marcus's words were cut midway just as his father denied.

"It wasn't Dave, instead I found this packed up perfectly in front of the Gate this morning when we returned from Aaron's place"

Albert closed his eyes and played with his specs as he tried remembering the details.

"The Package also had a letter sticker on it...but I can't remember it...Aaargh.. The name on it..I had heard it somewhere before too."

Marcus, who was intrigued activated his mind reading skill and delved deep into his father's thought. But he shook his head when he found his dad's thought was muddled. His mind reading skill had a very very fatal flaw.... If the other person's thoughts were not clear or muddled then reading them would be near to impossible for him.

His dad's current thoughts were an example and the time he tried reading Luka's memories could be also considered as an example.

"Where is it dad?"

Marcus asked his Dad when he realized he was getting impatient.

"Ah, The Letter??...The Package cover is just outside the back door..I crumbled it and threw it somewhere near to the package"

Albert's words had finished at the same time when Marcus went invisible, right in front of him. His hair danced and settled as a wind blowed on to his flushed face. Eyes closed Albert grinned..his son's speed was no joke.


Within a time span of 2 breaths Marcus had found the letter. It was still crumbled paper just like his father told him when he found it clamped between two rocks.

The Rocks flew off into the sky as Marcus's hand grazed them. Luckily, his hand had managed to reach the paper before it blew away.

Marcus slapped himself.

"Don't get Excited"

The thing he noticed about his insane power was that it tended to go out of control when his emotions were mixed or over a limit. Right now his fingers were dancing around the crumbled roll of paper as he walked towards the living room.

His father shot his eyes up when he realized it was the same roll of paper and nodded his head in confirmation. But kept on forcing his mind to remember the familar name which was on the sheet of paper. There was no way he was going to give up, he had to tell it before his Son read it out. [TYPICAL DAD]

Then came the moment, The Moment were they would get to know who gifted them with the TV, and that too a high spec resolution TV. Only the Rich could afford it...and they were not..YET.

Marcus slowly held the end and opened it with utmost care. The Crumbled Paper unfolded itself quite smoothly in his hands. Small black etched letters appeared as he opened it completely.




The Letter wasn't what made Marcus's heart skip a beat but the name at the very end.

It wasn't Dave or any school staffs he remembered....instead the name which was etched more perfectly in black than the other Information was...

Albert~ "I got it!!!. He was the same guy who was the sole reason in the insane increase in production of the Television Connections..."

Albert's word finished as Marcus's began. The word which was the name came out perfectly in sync as one started as the other ended.

Albert ~ RAKA....

Marcus ~ RILES....


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