The Cheat Seed

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

The Rest of the 3 counters were cleared in a jiffy as Marcus invaded other counters and left them in awe.

Within 10 minutes, the counters were deserted, with no one around Instead of the Revokers and the officials.

Marcus stood in front of the Counters and looked at them proudly. His chest was puffed out as he felt a strange feeling of warm air creep inside his diaphragm as he breathed in and out.

The Counter doors opened and the officials rushed out. All of them, even the Revokers came forth and stood as a group.

All of them bowed down and cried out in unison.

"Thank you Marcus"

His body went stiff and his shoulders popped up as red streaks of embarrassment sprayed on his face.

"Ah, please don't do that, I am lucky that I could help"

Marcus thanked them with a bow himself.

They were silent for a whole minute until Marcus lifted his head and looked at them

"I have a favour... could you guys maybe help me with that??"

"No worries Marcus, Go on ask what you need..."

The Official with the glasses he met first stepped forward from the group and asked the young man.

"Ah... This is my family.."

Marcus said and motioned to a stunned Albert and Reiren, Evy was in Iris's arms as they looked in awe at their brother.

It was the first time they saw his powers. His speed was surely Godly, Albert thought, his mind had gone blank when he saw his son handing out the tickets at the speed of light.

He was pretty sure even the people receiving the sudden ticket would have been shocked to see the red glazed ticket on their hands instead of their money.

"Could you maybe please arrange their seats on the VIP lounge??"

Marcus fiddled with his fingers and looked at the officials like a pleading cat.

The Officials turned to each other and seemed to be discussing something. Marcus crossed his fingers and waited for their reply.

Finally, the man with the glasses on who seemed to the highest-ranked officer among them turned back to him with a pleasant smile.

"Marcus...Your requests are nothing close to the work you did for us, seriously!"

He said.

"Getting your family seats on the VIP lounge was going to happen anyway because the king himself had booked seats for them"

The man finished his words with a smile.

"Oh...Thank god"

Marcus chuckled. But his mind was conjuring something else.

'The King might have thought about ridiculing my father...HEHE.. too bad he'll have to drink a sour coffee today'

Marcus walked back to his stunned parents and brought them back to reality with a clap.

"C'mon get going already, they'll lead them to your seats"

Marcus grinned at them, he knew they were thinking about what happened just now.

"But...But we didn't get any tickets though"

Albert stuttered. His words came out slow and wet.

"Hehe, My family doesn't need tickets they said, your seats were booked by the king himself on the VIP lounge"

Marcus chuckled, he expected his father to jump back in surprise.

And He Did.


His father screamed with his eyes wide open like the full moon on a chilly night.

"Yea...Now stop this tantrum and follow them to your seats.."

Marcus gave a gentle push towards the arena and his father nodded.

His mother crept closer to him and held his face in her hands. Marcus had seriously outgrown her, tears welled up in her eyes as she pleaded.

"Do well son, but at the same time be careful"

"It's all right mom...Seriously There's nothing to worry about here...Now follow dad to your seats and keep an eye on Iris and Evy too... I gotta get to the waiting room as soon as possible...and trust me I'll do so well that they'll rank me in the Revoker List"

Marcus set his mouth to lose and words scurried out.

His mother pleasantly listened to everything and wiped off her welling tears. Her son had matured and she knew it.

With a Kiss on his forehead, Reiren walked towards her husband and turned to call his sisters.

Marcus hugged them both and patted their heads. He carried them both over to his parents and slowly dropped them down in front of his mother.

"Dad, You know whom to put your bet on right?"

Marcus chuckled.

"Pfft, Of course, son I made up my mind 2 years ago"

Albert replied with a wink.

The Black-clad family was helped on their way to the VIP Lounge by the officials, while some of them helped Marcus on his way towards the waiting room.

The voices were crystal clear as he entered the Arena Hall. The Hall was quite big. White Tube Lights were fixed 2 meters away from each other on the walls and it stood upright, lighting the wall hall in a way that shadows disappeared. On the Right side of the wall was a room, the sign on it said waiting room for 'THE CONTENDER'.

Which probably meant it was Gabriel who was inside. Marcus walked towards the direction and sensed a warm entity inside with his Sense.

Gabriel was already here.

The Audience were cheering and crying out random things when Marcus peeped outside from the corner. The Arena was big, very very big when he saw it up close from there.

He shook his head, he was Impressed!!. Marcus turned and slowly walked back to the hall

When he reached the well-lit hall after passing Gabriel's waiting room, On the wall, right on his left was another door and the sign on it read waiting room for 'THE CHALLENGER'.

Two strides were enough to close the distance. Before he reached his door, he gave a final look outside through the huge open door and the arena.

The Huge ring was being set up by officials and the Medical team took their place on the Medi - Hub. The Sun's glare was slowly dying down as the clock was close to striking 4.

The loud voices dulled when he opened and closed the door in a swift movement. He focused on his inventory and his Kimono appeared over his full-sleeved black T-shirt. The black sleeves stuck out of his open kimono and gave his attire a different type of gradient to it.

The Oni Mask covered his face and his breath whistled through the small holes on the mask.

An inbuilt TV on the wall above him spoke out the time remaining for the battle. The Air soon became tense around him as the time on the LED screen shrank to a whole minute.

What he was nervous about wasn't Gabriel but about the audience who was going to watch him utterly destroy his opponent.

Who wouldn't be nervous??? When a whole city was going to watch the two of them until the end and only just the two of them!!.

The Minute ticked slowly on the TV. He heard a dull echo outside his room. The Contender was supposed to make his entry first to the crowd before the challenger, it was a common rule.

15 seconds remained as the TV started speaking again, this time counting the seconds down. The Voice was pretty loud almost to the point that it annoyed his ears.

It all came to this moment. The Clock struck 0 and the TV blared out his name and shouted at him to leave the room at once.

Marcus did as the huge electronic voice instructed and pulled the door.



The Glaring white lights blinded his eyes through the mask. His pupils struggled to recover as he winced. The Tube lights were bright for a human.




His steps were slow and careful as Marcus walked up to the main entry. The sound increased when he closed in the distance. Wooohs and Cheers drummed inside his ears.

As of now, Marcus stood on the very edge of the Entry. Gabriel was already inside the ring, locking his eyes on him. He wore a green undershirt and stretchy pants.

"And now, Let's welcome The Challenger!!!!.. This boy's skills are unknown and he was said to have been reported missing two years ago."

The commentator boomed on his microphone.

"And now, here he is...Marcus G Orno!! making his surprise comeback against the King's Younger Son, Gabriel Richards...Will Marcus be able to put up a good fight???.. Or will he go down the very first minute?.. Know it all today people!!!. The Hot News and The Battle of the Month in 5 MINUTES!!!!"

If he took a step forward the sun would have hit his masked face. Marcus's blood was pumping like crazy, he was sure the adrenaline pumping through his veins forced him to jump on the arena the very next second.

But it felt exhilarating, or like rather, this scene reminded him of the comics he read 2 years ago. The way he was waiting on the entry seemed to be right out of a comic he used to love.

This scene reminded him of the introduction ..... NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.



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