The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 123

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 123

The Council by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 30


After finding Typhon’s den, I left some warriors to watch it in case he came back. I also sent some others to search in the

Title of the document

surrounding areas. I hadn’t been looking this far away from the pack. I thought he would be closer. Now, I needed to rethink where he is living and how he’s getting around.

After hearing from Elijah that Layan wasn’t doing well, I hadn’t expected to hear too much from Jara and I didn’t. However, it was good to hear from Seth. He told me of the conversation that Hana and Jara had regarding the packs trading men so that the ones who are getting closer to going feral can spend time with our mates and the other she-wolves in the pack.

It’s a brilliant idea. It keeps our mates at home with us and still helps the other packs keep their males from going feral. It has the side benefit of all of us getting to know the others’ territories so in the event that we are ever attacked and need to help another pack, we’ll be more familiar with each other’s pack lands. “Do you think the others will go for it?” Seth asks me, pulling me from my thoughts. “Our alliance is still young.”

“Davis is already feeling the benefits of having them around. So, he can vouch for it. He hasn’t seemed to mind having our guards come and stay either.”

“Mom said things with Quinton are relaxed and casual. Once he saw the impact that they were having, he’s been thrilled to introduce them to all the members of his pack. Granted, their packs are

considerably smaller than ours and even Luke’s. Those are the three we need to worry about, since they don’t have any ranked she-wolves.”

“Agreed. I talked to Jara about Luke’s request to have someone come to his pack to a*s*sess his men.” I tell Seth.

“Yeah, Hana said she and Jara spoke about that too. They are thinking that next weekend, maybe Annabel can go and either take mom again or Brynn, if she and you are willing to let her go.”

“It’s fine with me, but I’ll have to ask Brynn and Luke about going. I’m guessing the other three will be back to see Layan?”

“Yes, that’s the plan. She still needs a lot of care. It’s going to be a while, Mason. And, I know Asher said it last week, but I felt it too when we got here. It took everything in me to not go to her and try to help her. It’s in our blood as Alphas and especially since she’s an omega, she calls to that protective side of us. She responds well to the others, but she responds most to Jara.”

“Hmm, I wonder if she’d want to come here for a visit. I’ll talk to Jara about it. Maybe she could spend time here with us and also with Hana in your pack. I know our pack members will be gentle with her. Many of them were at the claiming this year. They know what happened to her and would be careful around her.”

“I’ll have Hana talk to Jara. Our packs are considerably larger than Davis’s, so it may make things worse, being around so many males again. But we can let them decide.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I say.

“Have you heard anything from Alpha Zaire or Elder Jason?”

“Not yet. If I don’t hear from them this evening, I’ll be calling them. Alpha Shawn’s pack isn’t as big as ours, only around 75 pack members, but I’d still feel better knowing that they are safe.”

“Keep me informed. We’re closer here than you are there, so if I need to help out, I can.”

“Will do.”

When the rest of the day goes by and I don’t hear from either Alpha Zaire or Elder Jason, I try calling both of their phones. Neither of them picks up and I start getting a bad feeling.

I’m on the verge of calling Seth to have him go see if he can get. any information at Alpha Shawn’s pack when I get a call from Alpha Luke.

“Hey, Luke, how are you doing?” I ask, distracted, thinking about the distance from Alpha Davis’s pack to Alpha Shawn’s and how we could pull our warriors quickly if there is a problem.

“I’m doing better than I was an hour ago. Seems you have some folks that you were hoping to hear from today?”

That gets my attention. “Yes. Alpha Zaire and Elder Jason.”

“Hold on, I’ve got them right here.” He says and I can hear the phone passing hands. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Alpha Mason.”

“Elder Jason. What happened? Why are you at Alpha Luke’s pack?” I ask. This was not part of the plan.

“Things didn’t go well, as you can imagine.” Elder Jason says and he sounds exhausted.

“Alpha Shawn wasn’t happy to see us, even though he knew we were coming. He refused to allow Luna Gia and Luna Tessa to see the G*mma female and her daughter. G*mma Kira, that’s the mom,

was able to sneak out of her room, finding Luna Gia. They came up with a plan and snuck out with her daughter, McKenna, early this morning. G*mma Kira’s mate realized what was happening and sounded the alarm.” He sighs and I can hear him rubbing his face with his hand.

“Needless to say, we had to race out of the pack lands, fighting our way out. The closest pack was Alpha Luke’s. Thankfully, he just bumped up his pack size, and he recognized what was happening, so he let us cross his borders immediately. So, while there was a fight, we outnumbered them. Alpha Luke has been very gracious, making sure we are settled here and giving Kira and McKenna a place to stay. The girls are scared, of course, and I know that G*mma Kira is getting screamed out by her mate through their bond, but we’re safe. I knew you’d be worried, so I asked if we could call you. I lost my phone somewhere while we were running.”

“Is there anything you need from me? Anyone you need me to call for you?”

“No, but there is another issue. I’ll let Alpha Luke tell you.” He says and I hear the phone passing hands again.


“Luke, thank you for taking them in. That was unexpected.”

“It’s no problem. I knew they were going, so when they rushed to my borders, I knew things had gone poorly.”

“Do you need anything?” I ask.

“Besides a quicker visit from the Lunas? No. But we do have a problem.”

“What’s that?”

“When Elder Colten realized what was going on, he snuck away, rejecting me as his Alpha and this pack as his. I’m pretty sure he’s headed to one of the four packs that are against us. If so, that will put us at a significant disadvantage with the council. As it is, this act of removing the G*mma females may cause them to try to find a way to remove Elder Jason from the council.”

“It’s against the laws to hold anyone in a pack against their will. It’s their laws to uphold, but more and more, I’m feeling the need to disband our council.”

“You’re not the only one.” He says, sighing.

“Listen, I’d like to keep the G*mma females here. We can discuss it more during our alliance call in a couple of days, but they are sp*oked. I think the mom, G*mma Kira, is going to reject her mate because he didn’t support her and protect their daughter. She hasn’t been here but a couple of hours and I’m already hearing things that are making my stomach turn.”

“We got the same from Brynn when she got here. Speaking of, she’s at Alpha Quinton’s pack. Maybe she’d be willing to head your way on Monday instead of coming home. I can send her mate with her and see if Alpha Phillip and Luna Nina want to join them. I’m willing to have them stay as long as needed to help the G*mmal females feel safe.”

“Thanks Mason.”

“Thank you, Luke. And if you need or want some additional warriors, let me know. I’m happy to send some of my guys over there to help you protect your borders.”

“I hope it doesn’t come to that, but if it looks like they are going to attack, I’ll take you up on it.” Luke says before hanging up.

I sit back, thinking of this crazy turn of events. I didn’t expect Alpha Zaire and Alpha Saul to get a warm welcome, but I didn’t expect this. I’m about to head to bed when my phone rings.

“Alpha Mason.” I answer.

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you? Stealing our she-wolves in the hopes of destroying our packs. Well, it won’t work. We’ve got the council members in our packs now, and it’s time that things got back to the way they were meant to be.” Alpha Gunnar growls as he speaks.

“So, Elder Colton did go to your pack. Good, now I know where he is. And you’re right, Gunnar, it is time for a change. A change in how the werewolf community is being run. If you try to go against us, if you try to force the she-wolves into a position where they are nothing more than s*x sl*ves, then expect retaliation.” He laughs, a sar*astic, vicious laugh. “The council makes the laws Mason, not you, and the council now belongs to me. Talk soon.” He says, before hanging up.

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