The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 120

Mrs. Rose lay against the silk sheets, her body still tingling from the heated moment she’d just shared with Dr. Parker. Their encounters had always been passionate, but tonight, there was something more.

It wasn’t just lust or the thrill of secrecy-it was the shared weight of their plotting, the knowledge that every step they took brought them closer to what they both wanted.

Dr. Parker lit a cigarette, exhaling slowly as he leaned against the bedpost, his eyes tracing Rose’s silhouette in the dim light. She turned to face him, her expression troubled, despite their recent intimacy.

“I don’t know what’s going on, Parker. Ryan hasn’t returned any of my calls, and Ivy… well, she’s been distant too, barely even acknowledges me when we’re in the same house,” Rose began, her voice tinged with frustration.

Parker raised an eyebrow as he inhaled from the cigarette, blowing out a steady stream of smoke. “Relax, Rose,” he said coolly.

“The kids have a lot going on right now. Ryan’s struggling with his memory after the accident, and Ivy’s been caught up in that career scandal-it’s all over the media. They’re preoccupied.”

Rose frowned, her perfectly manicured nails tapping impatiently against the nightstand. “I know they’re busy, but they need me now more than ever.

And yet, they’re avoiding me like I’m some kind of stranger. I feel like something’s not right. I just… can’t place it.”Parker stubbed out his cigarette and leaned closer to her, his hand caressing her arm.

“You’re overthinking it, Rose. Ryan’s still trying to recover, and Ivy… well, she’s probably embarrassed. Her name’s been dragged through the mud because of that scandal. Don’t take it personally.

“Rose shook her head, her eyes narrowing. “No, Parker, it’s more than that. I’ve always been able to control them, but now? They’re slipping away from me. It’s like they don’t need me anymore, and I don’t like it.”Parker let out a soft chuckle, leaning down to kiss her bare shoulder.

“Ryan’s practically a walking corpse now, thanks to the substance I’ve been giving him. He’s too weak to resist. He’s ready to break, and once he does, you’ll have complete control over him again. Trust me.”Rose smirked, but her expression quickly soured.

“What about Bella? She’s becoming a bigger problem than I expected. I thought after the miscarriage, she’d back down, but now she’s got her claws deeper into the Kendrick Empire. She’s dangerous, Parker. We need to deal with her.”

Parker’s eyes darkened at the mention of Bella’s name. “I have someone working on that. Bella won’t be a problem for much longer. We’ll get her out of the way, permanently.”Rose sat up, her gaze sharp.

“And who’s this someone? Why haven’t we heard anything yet?”Parker leaned back, his tone casual but firm. “It’s in progress. You need to be patient. Taking down Bella isn’t something that can happen overnight. She’s smart and cunning. But soon… very soon, we’ll get rid of her.”Rose’s expression softened slightly, but there was still an edge of impatience in her voice.

“I can’t wait much longer, Parker. She’s gaining more power every day, and if we don’t stop her soon, she’ll be untouchable.”

Parker placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I’ve got it under control, Rose. Bella may think she’s invincible, but she’s not. We just need to play this smart. Trust me.”

Rose sighed, but the tension in her body didn’t fully ease. “Alright. But I want updates. No more waiting in the dark.”Parker nodded, understanding her urgency.

“You’ll be the first to know when it’s done.”Rose lay back down, pulling the sheets up to her chest, her mind racing.

The power she had once held so firmly in her grasp was slipping through her fingers, and she hated the feeling. But she wasn’t about to let everything fall apart.

Not when she was so close to getting what she wanted. Later that evening, after Parker had left for the night, Rose paced her bedroom.

She couldn’t shake the unease that had been gnawing at her. Something was wrong, and it wasn’t just the distance from her children. Bella had always been a wildcard, but now she was a serious threat.

The woman had an uncanny ability to manipulate people, and Rose knew she was playing a dangerous game.

As she moved around her room, her phone buzzed on the nightstand. She glanced at the screen and saw a message from an unknown number. Rose’s heart raced as she unlocked the phone and read the message:

“She’s making her move. Be ready.”It was the only message, and no clue had sent it. But Rose knew exactly who it was referring to.

“Bella,” she muttered under her breath. Her phone buzzed again, this time with a call. She answered quickly, her voice sharp. “What is it?”

“It’s about Bella,” the voice on the other end said, cold and direct. “She’s been talking to some powerful people. She’s preparing to make a move, and if you’re not careful, she’s going to turn the tables on you.”Rose clenched her jaw.

“What do you mean, turn the tables? I have everything under control.”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You had everything under control,” the voice corrected.

“Bella’s been working in the shadows, and she’s closer to taking the Kendrick Empire than you think. You need to act fast, or you’re going to lose everything.

“Rose’s pulse quickened. She knew she couldn’t afford to hesitate any longer. “What’s her plan? Tell me everything you know.”

The voice paused for a moment. “She’s planning a takeover. She’s already secured some of the board members’ support, and she’s using her position as Mr. Kendrick’s fiancee to gain leverage. She’s closer than ever to ousting Ryan from the company.”

Rose’s grip tightened on the phone. “That bitch. I knew she was up to something.”

“It’s worse than you think,” the voice continued. “She’s aligning herself with some dangerous people. People who have the resources to make her untouchable. If you don’t move now, she’s going to take everything.”

Rose took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “Alright. I’ll deal with her. But I need you to keep feeding me information. I need to know every move she makes.”

“You’ll get it. But be careful. Bella’s not playing around anymore.”The call ended, and Rose stood there for a moment, processing what she had just heard. Bella was planning a full-scale takeover. She had already made significant moves, and now, Rose was behind.

But not for long. She grabbed her phone again and dialed Parker’s number. He answered after a few rings, his voice sleepy.”Rose? What is it? It’s late.”

“We need to accelerate the plan,” Rose said, her voice urgent. “Bella’s making her move, and she’s closer than we thought. We can’t wait any longer.”Parker’s tone changed, becoming more alert. “What are you talking about? What’s happened?”

“I just got a call. Bella’s planning to take over the Kendrick Empire. She’s already secured support from some of the board members, and she’s using her position with Mr. Kendrick to solidify her power. We need to stop her before she takes everything.”

Parker was silent for a moment, then he spoke, his voice calm and calculated. “Alright. We’ll move forward. But you need to stay calm, Rose. Panicking won’t help us.”

“I’m not panicking,” Rose snapped. “I’m taking control. I want Bella gone, Parker. And I want it done now.”

“Understood,” Parker replied. “I’ll make the necessary arrangements. We’ll strike before she has a chance to put her plan into action.”Rose exhaled slowly, trying to calm the storm brewing inside her.

“Good. Keep me updated. I want to know everything.”

“I will,” Parker promised. “But remember, we need to be smart about this. Bella’s not stupid. One wrong move, and she’ll slip through our fingers.”

“Then make sure there are no wrong moves,” Rose said coldly before hanging up the phone. She stood there in the dim light of her bedroom, her heart racing with anticipation and fear.

Bella had become more of a threat than she ever imagined, but Rose wasn’t going to let her win. She had worked too hard, sacrificed too much, to let some ambitious gold-digger take what was rightfully hers.

As she stared out the window, the city lights twinkling in the distance, Rose’s mind raced with plans and possibilities. The game was far from over, and she was ready to make her next move.

Across town, Bella stood in her office, staring at the empire she was about to claim. She had no idea what was coming. But soon, she would.

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