The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 16

Hours passed, or at least it felt that way to Iris, as the cab sped through unfamiliar streets. Finally, the car slowed and pulled into a hidden area. The driver got out, and another man opened her door, dragging her out roughly.

“Please, let me go,” Iris begged, struggling against his grip. The man laughed. “You’re not going anywhere.”They dragged her into an abandoned house, where a few other men were waiting. Iris’s mind raced, thinking of what to do.

She needed to stay calm, to find a way out of this nightmare.”Why are you doing this?, what have I done? If it’s money you want I can call my husband to give you the money you want but please don’t kill me” she pleaded sobbing softly, trying to keep her voice steady. One of the men stepped forward, a cruel smile on his face.

“You’ve got some powerful enemies, lady. Just sit tight. Someone will be here to deal with you soon.”Iris’s heart sank. “Powerful enemies? But I haven’t wronged anyone,” This had to be connected to Ryan somehow, but she couldn’t understand why. She needed to find a way to escape before whoever would “deal” with her arrived.

Back at the mansion, Ryan returned home to find Iris missing. He called her phone, but there was no answer.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Panic set in, “Could she have run away?” He thought, shaking the thought of his head. “No, she wouldn’t dare do such.” He immediately called Sarah.

“Sarah, where is Iris?” he demanded. Sarah looked worried. “She said she was going out for a bit and would be back before you. She didn’t take a car, just a cab.”

Ryan’s mind raced. He knew something was wrong. He made a few calls, mobilizing his contacts to find her at her mother’s house and the club. Hours passed with no word, and his fear and anger grew.

Iris searched the abandoned house with her eyes for anything that would help her escape, her heart thumping in her chest the whole time. Her gaze settled on a loose piece of metal lying on the floor.

Just as she grabbed it, one of the men noticed. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” he snarled, diving at her.

Iris swung the metal piece, hitting him across the face. He staggered back, giving her a moment to run.

Spotting a small, dirty window high on the wall, she took a deep breath, gathering all her courage. She quietly moved towards the window, trying not to draw any attention from the second man.

The piece of metal she had grabbed earlier was still clutched in her hand. Using it, she pried open the rusted latch. The window was small, but she was determined. She squeezed through, her heart racing as she closed her mouth and screamed within with each scrape and cut the rough edges inflicted on her skin.

She hit the ground and ran, not daring to look back as she went through the empty alleyways. As soon as the men realized she was out, she heard them screaming.

Panic fueled her steps, but she knew she had to keep running. As she reached a major road, Iris saw the headlights of an approaching vehicle, desperation took over.

She waved her arms furiously, praying the driver would stop. The car slowed down, and she wasted no time in pulling open the passenger door and diving in.

“Drive! Please, just drive!” she screamed at the startled driver.

The driver, a young man with a look of confusion, hesitated only for a moment before pressing his foot on the accelerator.

The car sped off, and Iris glanced back to see her kidnappers’ vehicle pulling onto the road in pursuit.”What’s going on?” the driver asked, panic edging his voice as he pushed the car to its limits.”

Please, just drive faster. They’re after me,” Iris panted, fear visible in her voice. The driver, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded and focused on the road ahead. He weaved through traffic, pushing the car to its limits.

Iris gripped her seat tightly, hoping they would be able to outrun their pursuers. The gap between them and the kidnappers widened gradually but steadily.

Iris saw the headlights of the pursuing car fade into the distance. Relief washed over her, but her body trembled with residual fear. She directed the driver to an area near her mansion, not wanting to lead any potential danger directly to her doorstep.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice shaking. “You saved my life.”The driver nodded, still processing the events. “Take care of yourself.”Iris stepped out of the car and hurried down the street, finally reaching the familiar gates of her home.

She let herself in quietly, hoping not to cause a scene. But as soon as she entered, she was met with the worried faces of Sarah and the other staff. Ryan was the first to rush to her, his expression a mix of anger and relief.”Iris!” he exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug.

As they held onto one other, it appeared as though time had stopped. Iris felt safe for the first time as Ryan gave her a firm embrace. Ryan drew back a little after what seemed like a lifetime, looking into her eyes.

“What happened to you? Where did you go? Where have you been all day? Why is your phone dead?” His voice grew louder with each question, frustration and fear evident. “Did you go back to stripping again?”

Iris, exhausted and overwhelmed, could only shake her head. She slipped onto the sofa, her eyes slowly shutting as the adrenaline wore off. Ryan noticed the blood on her hand and dress, he quickly called for water and a first aid kit. He carried her gently to his room, placing her on the bed. Sarah brought the first aid supplies, and Ryan began cleaning and dressing Iris’s wound.

He worked with surprising tenderness, his earlier anger replaced by concern. When Sarah returned with a glass of water, Ryan helped Iris drink it. He covered her with a blanket and watched her until she fell into a fitful sleep.

He stayed by her side, his mind racing with questions and worry

First thing in the morning, Ryan called the family doctor. The doctor arrived promptly, carrying his medical bag. He examined Iris thoroughly, running a few tests and checking her vitals.

“She’s been through a lot,” the doctor said, his tone serious. “What happened?”Ryan sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. She went out and came back looking distressed and with bruises.

She hasn’t told me what happened yet.”The doctor nodded, prescribing some medication. “Let her rest. She’ll be fine, but she needs time to recover.”

Ryan thanked the doctor and saw him out. He didn’t go to the office that day, choosing instead to stay home and keep an eye on Iris. He watched her sleep, his heart aching with worry and a growing sense of protectiveness.

Later in the day, Iris stirred, caught in the grip of a nightmare. “Please don’t kill me, please somebody help me! Please…” she cried out, her voice filled with terror…..

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