The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 21

The Next Week

Ivy’s CHANNEL audition went spectacularly well, and she received a callback for a second round. Elated, she called Bella to share the news.

“Bella, guess what?” Ivy said, unable to contain her excitement.“What is it, Ivy?” Bella asked, her voice warm and encouraging.“I got a callback for the Chanel campaign!” Ivy exclaimed.”

“That’s fantastic, Ivy!” Bella said, genuinely thrilled. “I knew you could do it. I’m so proud of you.”

Thank you, Bella,” Ivy said, her voice choked with emotion. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Nonsense,” Bella said. “You did this on your own. I just helped you see your potential.”Ivy felt a swell of gratitude. “You’re the best, Bella.”

“I try,’ ‘ Bella said with a laugh. “Now go celebrate! You deserve it.”As Ivy hung up, she felt so happy and decided to share the news to her family.

That Evening

Bella sat in her luxurious penthouse, sipping a glass of wine as she thought about her conversation with Ivy.

She had always been close to the Kendrick family, and her feelings for Ryan had never truly faded, they both attended Bridgeview highschool, her thoughts drifting back to the past. The memories of Bridgeview High School always brought a bittersweet smile to her face. She and Ryan had a history that stretched back to their teenage years, a history that shaped her feelings and ambitions.


It was a crisp autumn morning when Bella first set foot in Bridgeview High School. The school building loomed large and intimidating, a symbol of the next chapter in her life.

She adjusted her new school uniform nervously, clutching her books tightly to her chest. As she walked through the school entrance, she noticed another student arriving at the same time.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

He was tall, with messy dark hair and an air of confidence that made heads turn, with a defined jaw.

His uniform neatly ironed, cutely on him as he walked like a god amongst men.

His name was Ryan Kendrick, and from that day forward, their lives would be intertwined. Ryan’s arrival didn’t go unnoticed.

With his striking good looks and natural charm, he quickly became the center of attention. Girls whispered and giggled as he passed, while the boys eyed him with a mix of admiration and envy.

Bella, however, felt an inexplicable pull toward him that went beyond mere attraction. Their parents, as fate would have it, also met that day.

Both sets of parents had arrived to drop off their children, and a chance conversation led to an instant connection. The Kendricks and the Reeds soon became friends, cementing the bond between Bella and Ryan even further.

In the classroom, Bella found herself seated next to Ryan. She couldn’t believe her luck. From day one, he was friendly and approachable, and they quickly struck up a conversation.

“Hi, I’m Ryan. What’s your name?” He asked, smiling. “I’m Bella. Nice to meet you, Ryan.

“Nice to meet you too, Bella. Looks like we’ll be classmates for a while.”

“I think so,” Bella replied, giving a polite nod.

From that simple exchange, a friendship blossomed. They began to do everything together.

They sat next to each other in every class, shared notes, and helped each other with homework. Ryan, who was exceptionally bright, became Bella’s academic savior.

He helped her through difficult times, gave her encouragement when she needed it, and celebrated her accomplishments as though they were his own.

Lunchtime was their favorite part of the day. They would find a quiet spot in the school courtyard and talk about everything under the sun.

Ryan’s dream was to one day take over the family business, while Bella harbored aspirations of becoming a model and fashion icon.

They supported each other’s dreams with unwavering loyalty.

“Ryan, do you ever get tired of everyone treating you like you’re perfect?” Bella asked.

“Sometimes. But I just try to stay focused on what I want to achieve. Besides, having a friend like you makes it easier.”

“I’m glad to hear that. You know, you’re always there for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Bella confessed

“And I’ll always be there for you, Bella. That’s what friends are for.”

Despite Ryan’s popularity and the attention he received from many girls, he always made time for Bella. She appreciated his kindness and support, but deep down, she wanted more.

She wanted him to see her as more than just a friend.

Bella’s feelings for Ryan grew stronger with each passing day. She cherished their moments together, but the more she fell for him, the more painful it became to watch him date other girls.

Ryan was oblivious to her affections, treating her with the same brotherly care he extended to his younger sister, Ivy

Ivy, who adored Bella, often joined them in their activities. She admired Bella’s style and looked up to her as a role model.

Ryan, on the other hand, saw Bella and Ivy as sisters, a trio that shared an unbreakable bond.

“Bella, you should totally come over this weekend. We can have a movie night!” Ivy said.

“I’d love that, Ivy. Thanks for inviting me.”Bella replied.

“Yeah, it’ll be fun. You’re always welcome at our place, Bella.” Ryan added.

Bella’s heart ached every time Ryan referred to her as his sister. She wanted so much more than that. She wanted to be the girl he looked at with the same admiration and desire he showed towards others.

But despite her longing, Ryan never seemed to notice her in that way.

Throughout high school, Bella tried to drop hints about her feelings, but Ryan remained blissfully unaware.

She watched as he dated different girls, each one seemingly perfect for him, yet none of them lasted. Bella hoped that one day he would realize that she was the one who truly understood him, the one who would always be there.

“Ryan, have you ever thought about what it would be like if we dated?” Bella asked with uncertainty clearly in her voice.

“Us? Dating? That’s funny, Bella. You’re like my sister. It would be weird.” Ryan replied, chuckling.

“Yeah, weird… right.” Bella replied, faking a smile.

Her heart sank every time he laughed off her attempts to steer their relationship into romantic territory. To him, she was a constant, a reliable friend who would always be by his side. But to Bella, Ryan was the love of her life, even if he didn’t know it.

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