The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 88

Jessica lay in the hospital bed, her body weak, bruised, and barely able to move.

The sterile smell of the private ward filled her nostrils as the low beeping of machines echoed in the room.

Her vision was blurry, and every breath felt like an effort. She knew she was being kept alive for a reason perhaps so Mrs. Rose could toy with her life just a little longer.

Yet, a part of her still held on, hoping for a miracle.

The door creaked open, and in walked a man in a white coat, his face obscured by a surgical mask.

He closed the door behind him and briefly glanced at the guards stationed outside.

He lingered for a moment, studying their positions and ensuring no one was paying too much attention.

“Mrs. Jessica,” he whispered as he approached her bed, his voice steady yet urgent.

Jessica stirred, her eyes slowly focusing on the figure before her. Something about his voice felt different, not like the cold, clinical tone she had grown accustomed to.

The doctor leaned down, lowering his mask to reveal his face-a face she didn’t recognize but sensed she could trust.

“I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to save you.”Jessica’s heart raced, her weakened body struggling to keep up with her sudden surge of hope.

“Who are you?” she croaked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“There’s no time for introductions,” the man replied, glancing at the door to ensure no one was listening.

“I’ve been sent by Luca. He’s been looking for you, and he’s planning your escape.”

“Luca?” Jessica repeated, her eyes widening with disbelief. “He found me?”

The doctor nodded. “But you have to trust me. We need to move quickly, or they’ll transfer you soon, and I can’t promise you’ll survive wherever they’re planning to take you.”

Jessica’s mind spun. She knew Mrs. Rose wanted her silenced permanently, and if what this man was saying was true, this might be her only chance.

“What do I have to do?” she asked, her voice shaking but determined.

The doctor leaned in closer, speaking in a low, conspiratorial tone. “In a few minutes, I’m going to make an excuse to check on you again. When I do, I’ll give you a sedative that will make it look like you’ve fallen into a deep sleep.

The guards will assume you’re too weak to resist. Luca’s men will be waiting outside to intercept the ambulance before they can take you anywhere.

We’ll swap you out and hide you somewhere safe.”Jessica swallowed hard, her chest tightening at the thought of trusting a stranger with her life. “But what if they catch us?”

The doctor’s eyes softened. “We won’t let that happen. I swear it.”

She nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Okay… I’ll do it.”

The doctor straightened up and placed his mask back over his face. He gave her one last look of reassurance before turning and walking out of the room.

As soon as he left, Jessica felt the heavy weight of fear settles on her chest. Every second felt like an eternity. She glanced toward the window, where the guards stood rigid, their eyes scanning the hallway.

Time seemed to stretch, and her mind raced with questions. Would this plan work? Could she trust Luca’s men?

Moments later, the door opened again, and the doctor reentered, moving with practiced calmness.

He approached Jessica’s bedside, pulling out a syringe from his pocket.”Don’t worry,” he whispered. “It’ll just make you sleep for a bit. When you wake up, you’ll be free.”Jessica nodded, her heart pounding in her chest.

She watched as the needle slid into her arm, and slowly, a heavy drowsiness began to take over.

Her eyelids grew heavy, and the world around her started to fade. In the hallway, the guards noticed nothing unusual. The doctor exited the room, looking as calm and composed as ever.

“She’s stable for now, but weak. We’ll need to transfer her in an hour.”

One of the guards nodded, giving him a curt reply. “Fine. We’ll be ready.”

The doctor walked down the hallway, his heart pounding in his chest as he passed through the security checkpoints.

He exited the hospital and found himself outside, where a black SUV sat parked in the distance.

Inside, Luca waited, his jaw clenched and his eyes full of determination.

“Everything’s set,” the doctor whispered as he reached the car.

“They’ll be moving her in an hour.”Luca nodded, his gaze fixed on the hospital entrance. “Good. Make sure your men are in place. We can’t afford any mistakes.”

“They’re ready. You’ll get her out safely.”Luca gave him a final nod before the doctor walked back into the building, blending into the sea of medical staff.

An hour later, as planned, the hospital staff began preparing Jessica for transfer.

The guards watched as a stretcher was wheeled into her room, her unconscious form lying motionless on the bed.

The nurse confirmed her condition before securing her to the stretcher and wheeling her out of the private ward.

The ambulance was waiting outside, its back doors open and the engine running.

The guards followed closely as Jessica was loaded into the back of the vehicle.

The doctor appeared, clipboard in hand, giving a brief nod of approval.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Once inside, the ambulance doors were shut, and the vehicle began to pull away from the hospital.

But they didn’t get far. As the ambulance turned onto a quiet street, a black SUV suddenly swerved in front of them, blocking their path.

The driver slammed on the brakes, and the ambulance screeched to a halt.

The guards jumped out of the vehicle, their guns drawn, but before they could react, Luca’s men appeared from the shadows, guns pointed directly at them.

“Don’t move!” one of Luca’s men shouted. “Put your weapons down.”

The guards hesitated, but they were outnumbered and outmaneuvered.

They slowly lowered their guns, allowing Luca’s team to take control.

Luca stepped out of the SUV, his eyes cold and calculating as he approached the back of the ambulance.

He motioned for one of his men to open the doors.

Inside, Jessica lay unconscious on the stretcher, just as the doctor had promised.

“Let’s get her out of here,” Luca ordered.

With swift precision, they transferred Jessica into Luca’s SUV, covering her with a blanket to shield her from prying eyes.

As soon as she was secure, Luca climbed into the driver’s seat, and the vehicle sped away into the night.

Hours later, Jessica awoke in a dimly lit room, her head pounding and her body aching.

She blinked, trying to adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings.

Panic gripped her as she remembered the events of the day. Where was she? Was she safe? Before she could fully comprehend her situation, the door creaked open, and Luca stepped inside.

His expression was a mix of relief and concern.” Jessica,” he said softly, approaching her bedside. “You’re safe now. We got you out.”She looked up at him, her voice barely a whisper. “Thank you… I didn’t think I’d make it.”

Luca nodded, his eyes darkening. “Neither did I. But now we need to figure out what’s next.

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