The Couple

Chapter 11: The prophecy

Chapter 11: The prophecy


“Hey, you alright?”

“But she doesn’t have any relation with werewolves, Bryan checked her background and there is

nothing suspicious.”, I don’t know whom I was trying to convince him or me.


“She can’t be related to them, is she their spy or something?”, I continued.

“Christian….”, he shouted this time.

“Breathe.” he asked me to breathe because I forgot how to. If my past, my pack’s past has brought her

here and she will cause the war. If she is wrong in any way, I am going to kill her myself.

This time my wolf agreed even though it was not a satisfying approval as my frightening thoughts are

scary even to him.

“I think its time to reread the prophecy.”, he stated, trying to bring me out of trance.

Since, my mind is not very helpful right now. I followed him to my office where I kept the forbidden

elders book. Not everyone has the access of these books, only elders or high rank officials of a pack

can read these books.

“When our kind will turn against us, threaten us. A unique mate will be born for one of our kind. The

mate will be the cause of war but should be saved. The mate might be a threat but will be true. The end

will be the new beginning and the couple will become the bridge. Their offspring will rule the world of

werewolves and will be a symbol of unity and truth.”

He read it out loud again and trying to interpret each line and its meaning. Well, it was the only thing Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

that could help us.

“Werewolves have mated with each kind witches, werefoxes, werebears and even weretigers. Only

humans were left. So, the unique mate has to be a human.”, he stated simply.

“Our kind is against and definitely threatening us. Their actions caused us to lose our alpha and luna.”

he is still calling mom and dad alpha and luna. He says ‘they are my alpha and luna and will always be,

it is because of them we’re alive.’

I always wonder how much everyone still loves them and has so much respect for them. Will I ever be

able to even touch that stature.

Even when Uncle Robert and Aunt Selena took the title of alpha and luna to protect the pack and give

them the shelter they wanted, they never considered themselves as one.

“Since your mate will be the cause of war, it is natural that her life is in danger. We will protect our luna

with our lives, no doubt.” I know how eagerly the pack is waiting for its luna but now I don’t know if they

will accept her like Ethan.

“What I don’t understand is the last line of prophecy, what will be the end and how will it be the

beginning?” he frowned. “And how the fuck will you two be the bridge and between what?”

He is trying to understand what the old man was trying to say. It was written hundreds of years ago by

a wise werewolf of the royal clan who was alive for more than 200 years. Many believed it as a joke or

the old man’s blabbering but many kept it as their treasure and passed it on.

They said it will be the future and The Couple will be helped by Moon Goddess herself when needed.

The Couple will be the symbol of peace, harmony, unity and truth.

Ethan is continuously thinking and speaking his thoughts out loud passing them to me. I have nothing

in my mind going on, my wolf is silent too.

“Does Mary know about Celia?”, I asked out of the blue and caught him shocked or surprised. I don’t

know but he wasn’t expecting me to be so calm. I had a tornado going inside me with the silent outside.

“No, I didn’t tell her yet. I wanted to talk to you first.”

“Tell her.”, I want to know how will everyone react when they will know about my mate, their luna.

“I am tired and want to go to sleep.” I continued. We both know neither of us can sleep tonight with the

discovery but he has to go to Mary, she must be waiting for him and I need to rest.

“Do you want to talk to dad or grandpa about it? What about informing the King?”, he asked. I ignored

his question and headed to the door.

He put the book in its place and joined me.

We were both silent on our way to rooms but had a lot of thoughts going in our mind and many

questions which needed to be answered.

I took a shower in silence which could be cut into pieces with a knife. I headed to bed and kept tossing

and turning for about an hour till I got off bed and headed to the kitchen for some water.

On my way, I caught the scent. I remember it very well, I can never forget her scent since I got it for the

first time at party. Her sweet scent of vanilla mixed with roses. Damn, it was calming me.

It took me to the happy place where my wolf and I both were relaxed. I wish I could sneak in and sleep

cuddling with her. I don’t want to startle her with my presence all of a sudden. I will soon plan our

meeting and introduce myself properly.

And apologize for standing her up. It seems like my wolf is still angry for a few things.

I just stood at the door for sometime filling my lungs with her scent.

I am happy my human and wolf personality both are calm till our pack is in danger, and have great

bond with each other atleast had till we met our mate.

I went to the kitchen to have some water and made my way to my room when I saw a figure moving

around in the dark. Its her, she is coming towards the kitchen. I hope she won’t look for the lights

otherwise I have to hide in my own house.

She also came to get some water, I took the advantage of darkness and snuggled close to her. I am

standing right behind her with some distance and took a deep breath sniffing her, her sweet smell.

With my werewolf sharp eyesight, my eyes travelled down her body with her night clothes. She looks

tempting even in these.

My actions startled her and I moved away to hide. Her smell is still lingering here in the kitchen. Fuck I

am hiding from my own mate in my own house.

I think I can sleep now with her scent still lingering around me. Its faint but still enough to calm me and

help me sleep.

Now, I can understand why Ethan is sometimes insane or a lost love sick puppy without Mary. I am one

now. The only difference is his mate wants him but I don’t know about mine. I still wonder what if she

rejects me for being myself.

I slept like a baby with her smell lingering around me.

I got up early in the morning in order to avoid Celia, I don't know her routine yet. I need to ask Mary to

know about it and sneak out a shirt of her so I can sleep rest of nights peacefully like last.

I met Ethan outside, I bet he hasn’t slept last night but I had a great sleep. I feel sorry for him. I told him

I am going to inform King myself today and not to tell anyone yet about Celia. I will come and inform

them myself.

I left immediately for the airport and reached Toronto, Canada in the afternoon at lunch time. I haven’t

informed the palace about my arrival. I decided to make an appointment first without specifying the

reason and have lunch before meeting him.

I called Ethan to inform him about my whereabouts and got to know Bryan is asking for Celia since he

saw her in the market with Jeanne and Mary and wants to confirm if everything is okay or he should be


Bryan might be just twenty years but is a serious child. He is an intelligent kid with geeky skills. He

knows what happened 23 years back and is always on alert as if he might lose what he has anytime all

at once. He is short tempered and always gets into fights in town.

I wonder if he will be with his right mind till he will find his mate. Being his cousin and alpha, I care for

him and want to keep him sane. So, I got him involved in pack matters before he is 21.

As I reached the palace, the King was busy in some other affairs. Its getting weird to wait here with the

receptionist looking at me with lust and moving in a seductive way to get her chores done.

‘I would have definitely given you what you wanted lady but I got a mate now and you don’t interest me

anymore.’ My wolf sneered. He isn’t liking all this attention.

I made a disgusted face to tell her back off and it seems she got the hint as she got back to her work.

But as the King entered the arena talking with someone, it seemed like his presence moved her.

Soon, she asks me to go inside without looking at me and showed me the office.

“Your majesty.”, I bowed to his highness. He is a man of looks and anger. He killed that many traitors

and rogues in his youth that one can count. But without mate, he looks tired and lonely when he is just

45. I came here to see him with my uncle Robert just before taking the oath of Alpha.

Even if he was ruthless and fierce that he can make a man piss off his pants with just his looks, he

patiently waited for his fated mate instead of choosing one. He wanted to have his fated mate sitting

beside him as his queen. The kingdom is still in need of their queen and an heir.

He is standing by the window with his back to outside with a whisky in his hand.

“So, Blue moon pack, what caused you to make the urgent appointment that I need to work overtime?”,

he asked with a stern voice.

“I had to report an issue and since it was a high priority. I came myself to acknowledge you.”

“It must be worth it otherwise your pack may need to choose their new alpha.”, well he sounds more

dangerous now than last time I visited him, he desperately needs to find his mate.

“I found my mate.”

“Well, congratulations but I am afraid how that concerns me, is she my mate too?”, he said


“The concern is that maybe the prophecy is true and we’re The Couple.”, I said trying to sound more


“Now, you got my attention. Speak.”, refilling his glass of whisky and serving me too this time. Well I

need it and gulped down the whole at once.

“She is a human, I met her when I went to New York City to bring my sister back. She happened to be

my sister’s best friend, so now she is in Cooperstown with my pack. I have already run a background

check on her, she isn’t related to wolves in any way. I doubt she even knows about our existence. Well,

no one knows not even my family about her yet except Beta and his mate. I had to tell them so they

could take care of her behind me.”, I said it all in one breathe.


We stayed silent and it was making me nervous. Does he believe me or thinks I am a fool? Well if he

doubts me I really don’t have anything to prove him. Will he help us when the war will break out? Does

he thinks I am stupid who is making stories?

“Well, do you think danger is here? Because I don’t. And if you think this relates to your pack’s past

then you’re wrong since the prophecy is about the werewolf kingdom not a pack.”, he is not believing


Damn. I was about to leave when he said something immediately.

“I know what you’re thinking. I can feel you angry, hurt and low and don’t think too loud I could hear

them. Since there is no threat yet I can’t take the actions or pass any order. I think you have made the

mistake. She is not your true mate, or your wolf is just too eager to find its mate.” he frowned.

“If you think you’re right, in that case have this, my personal number. Only use if you sense the danger

for the whole clan otherwise you will be travelling here yourself to die with my hands.” he left the office

handing me his card.

“Enjoy your mate till you can.” he shouted before going into another gate.

I was politely asked to have dinner before leaving the palace by his secretary. I didn’t want to stay there

under the same roof with that man.

Did he just call my mate fake? How dare he think of me lying? He might be the King but not the great


I know the invitation for dinner was just a formality. My wolf is pacing around in my mind angrily. I won’t

be wrong if he wants to kill the person who called his mate fake and insulted him.

I left the palace and went to the airport to catch a flight back. The next available flight to NewYork is

tomorrow morning, till then I am stuck here. I went to a nearby cheap hotel to get some rest and make

a call to Ethan and Jeanne.

She has called me five times since morning, I wonder what happened. She has never been this worried

for not having me around. I wish everything is alright with her and Greg otherwise he is dead as soon

as I reach town.

I told Mary about the things I want and talked Ethan about the meeting with our arrogant King. Then I

called Jeanne to know if everything is okay. I found out she was just excited to introduce her friend to


I still don’t know if it is good to tell her yet or not. I wish I knew what to do anymore except waiting for

the fate to play its game.

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