The Dark Secret of the CEO

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

The journey to the restaurant is light, at least for Luz. Because for Gerard… her stomach is a nervous wreck , never in her life was he so terrified, not even when she proposed to Margaret .

As soon as they arrive at the venue, the host comes out to greet them, gesturing to Gerard that the order is ready. Gerard surrounds Luz by her waist and draws her to her body, to imbibe that pure energy, that special shine that she has of her and that love that radiates from her woman.

Because Luz will always be his wife.

Upon entering, the man leads them to a huge wooden door. When they cross it, Luz is shocked by what she finds there.

There is a lonely table, for two people, surrounded by white flowers. Dim lights illuminate the space, as the sun is setting. The music, soft and calm, ends up enveloping the place. Luz stares at Gerard, who kneels in front of her and feels that he is going to give her something.

“I’ll just take off your shoes,” he tells her, smiling, and she feels her soul return to her body.

Although, to be honest, if Gerard had proposed to her at that moment, she would have said yes without hesitation.

He does the same with her shoes and they leave them at the side of the entrance, he takes her by the hand and leads her to one of the chairs.

Out of nowhere, a waiter appears, laying out a shrimp appetizer on a bed of leaves, and Gerard pours him orange juice and smiles at him.

-Did you already have this ready long before? -she asks him without being able to remove the surprise from her face –

-Yes, before leaving the house – he says kissing one of her hands -. I knew that conversation would be painful, that’s why I wanted to prepare this for you, because I want your life to be like this from now on, enlightened, calm, full of hope and with eyes only on the future.

-Thank you… this is really beautiful, my love.

– And, so you can see that I’ve thought of everything, I spoke with Matías. We are both going to find a way for your parents to get closer, and only if you want, Matías can tell them what really happened.


-I know that telling you the truth is painful, but Luz… I have plans for us and I don’t want you to miss anyone. And if I’m more honest, I want to rub it in their faces that, despite everything, you found a man who loves you unconditionally.

Luz bites her lower lip, looking Gerard straight in the eye. Tears try to break through, but this time they are from happiness. She nods and Gerard imitates her, they begin to eat smiling, thinking about many nonsense things.

Then they bring the main course, risotto and grilled chicken.”

Pero, cada segundo que pasa, Luz nota que Gerard está intranquilo y siente que no le está diciendo todo. Hasta que, cuando traen el postre, no aguanta más. -Amor, ¿te pasa algo?

– No… ¿por qué? – le pregunta él sonriendo y bebiendo para ocultarse un poco –

– Porque es evidente que no estás tranquilo, tu rodilla no deja de moverse y eso pasa cuando estás nervioso.

-Has aprendido a conocerme muy bien – le dice bajando la mirada a la mesa y respira profundo – Creo que… – se pone de pie y luego se arrodilla frente a Luz, con aquella cajita entre sus manos – Luz, eres la mujer más increíble, mi aliento, mi esperanza, mi renacer – abre la cajita y ella sonríe con lágrimas en los ojos -. Eres mi sol, de día y de noche, iluminas mi camino y te juro que ya no me veo e n el futuro sin ti, sin nuestros hijos… Luz Méndez, ¿me harías el honor de ser mi esposa?

-¡Sí! – se lanza sobre él, cayendo al suave césped entre abrazos, besos y risas -. Será un honor ser la esposa de un hombre tan maravilloso y único como tú.

Luz cubre los labios de Gerard con los suyos y comienza a profundizarlo solo de esa manera que ella sabe, esa que el cuerpo de Gerard reconoce de inmediato, obligando a apartarla y mirarla con el deseo retratado en el rostro.

-Creo que este lugar no es apto para lo que sigue – su voz sale ronca y a Luz se le estremecen hasta los pensamientos –

Se ponen de pie, Gerard se coloca los zapatos, toma los de Luz y la toma entre sus brazos. Salen de allí, pero antes de que cierre la puerta del auto, ella lo mira asustada.

-No pagamos la cuenta… Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

-La cuenta estaba pagada desde antes de llegar, mi reina bella.

Deja un beso en los labios de su chica y se apresura en subir, solo quiere fundirse en ella de una vez, hacerla sentir todo eso que quiere dejar gravado en su piel, para cuando ya no estén juntos.

Pero llegar a la casa será una tortura, así que en una medida desesperada, se desvía a un hotel. Baja de allí como si le urgiera algo de vida o muerte, pero es que estar en el cuerpo de Luz puede ser el último aliento de vida cada vez que ocurre.

Entran al lugar, pide una suite por la noche, le entregan las llaves y corren al ascensor, Luz descalza y él con el dolor en su pantalón.

En cuanto las puertas se cierran, Gerard comienza a besar a Luz, cuando las puertas finalmente se abren, la toma por la cintura y la lleva a la puerta, entran de una vez y en cuanto cierran la puerta de la suite, corre con ella a la habitación.

Ambos se quitan la ropa con desesperación, entre caricias y besos que ya no son suficientes para la pasión que los invade.

They fall on the bed, Luz just wants Gerard to come in once and for all, because she needs him, it’s the only way she has to feel clean and complete. But before Gerard can satisfy that need of hers, he pulls away from her and reaches for something of hers in her pants.

Luz recognizes the box and laughs when she remembers that she didn’t have time to put the ring on her. She does so gently and then positions herself on top of her.

-Now yes, Miss Méndez… she is officially engaged to Gerard Finnick, the luckiest man in the world.

– Tomorrow you should buy a lottery ticket – she says caressing his cheeks –

-I already have it… it’s right in front of me right now.

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