The Ember In The Dark

Ch. 13

Ch. 13

As promised Talia had released some of my magic that night. I was finally able to touch the tree of life

and get my affinity with mom. Plants like Larminiel, Mom said.

She's going to train me to use it to grow, and mend plants, but also how to use it in combat. Something

else to add to my list of things after school. Mom asked if I wanted to come back to school here now

that I have my magic, but I told her no. I am really enjoying the human high school.

I went to bed late last night. I couldn't sleep with all the new information I got. I also talked a while with

Talia. We were getting to know one another.

My eyes feel puffy and I have some dark circles around them this morning. I'm pretty cranky when I am

tired. For their sake, I hope no one annoys me.

"Good morning!" Ash stepped in through our adjoining door. "Ready to go?"

He had bags under his eyes too.

"You couldn't sleep either huh?" I asked him.

"Not a wink. I'm really excited for you, but also extremely worried. I'm very conflicted inside and that

hasn't happened before." He admitted with a smile still.

"Don't worry about me. I do the worrying. You do the excitement. That's how it always is. Don't start

trying to change it now." I tried cheering him up.

"You're right." He nodded his head.

"Let's go."

I tied my hair up in a messy bun and pulled a couple strands out to frame my face. I didn't bother with

make up because I really don't care and I'm just too tired to do it. I wore one of Ash's large band t-shirts

that I had bought him and some skinny jeans. Maybe I'll push guys away dressed like this.

"You sure you wanna go like that?" He asked.

"Yup." Ash wore a black shirt with splats of yellow throughout it. He matched it to black plants and

yellow Nikes. "You look nice."

"Thanks. I actually tried." He teased me.

"Shut up."

We stepped through the portal and my head flashed back to yesterday. Micheal is lucky he left school

early yesterday. I'm going to end up punching that kid if he comes near me today.

The morning flew today, maybe because it's Friday. First period got a new seating arrangement so I sit

by the window now. Second period, girls played volleyball while the boys ran laps.

Toni had his hair down today and it bounced so cutely when he would run. I could feel him watching me

anytime I would serve. My servers are killer and ended up winning us the game. Myra was also absent

so that was a plus.

Mr. Black had a sub today so it was very quiet. She gave us a worksheet to work on by ourselves and

she wanted complete silence. I finished it early and laid my head down.

You never texted.

Toni wrote in a notebook that he placed between us. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

I didn't know I was supposed to.

I honestly meant to text him and Josh so they would have my number, but I forgot.

That stings

I'm sorry

I drew a little sad face with my apology. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and when neither Toni or

the sub were watching I sent him a text.

Me: Hey look it's a text from the girl you are claiming will be your future girlfriend. I wonder how you'll

handle the responsibility of having my number?

I hit send and I heard his phone ding. He didn't check it though. I was a little sad cause I wanted to see

his face when he read the text. Oh well.

The bell rang and I headed to art excited to finish my painting. I sent Josh a text really quick too.

Me: It's Ember. I wanted to text you so you would have my number too.

I entered class and grabbed my things quickly. I'm itching to paint right now. I need stress relief.

'You're doing great, Ember. Watch for your human friend, he has loud thoughts. They'll reach us if you

aren't focused on something else' Talia warned me.

'Got it. Thanks.'

I'm really happy to have my wolf now. To always have someone even when no one is around. Josh

came into the room, waving his phone at me.

"I got your text. I got you saved under Sparky." He laughed.

"Why?" I scrunched my eyebrow.

"Cause embers spark a fire." He smiled.

"Very cute." I said sarcastically.

"I think so." He plopped his things and went to grab his painting.

We started painting in silence until Mr. King said we could listen to music.

"Here, listen with me. I figure we have the same style of music." Josh held out an earbud for me and I

took it.

I found myself humming or tapping my foot or brush along with the music. He had a great playlist. I

finished my painting faster with the music playing. I started washing my items when I finished.

"Ember, this is amazing." Mr. King told me as he observed my painting.


'This girl is fucking perfect.' Josh's thoughts came to my mind.

'Push him out, Ember.' Talia instructed me.

"How is Dawn going to feel about you having my number now?" I asked him, trying to give him

something to say so I wouldn't hear his thoughts instead.

"We broke up yesterday." He said it so calmly like it didn't matter.

"Oh I'm sorry." I grabbed my painting and laid it on the drying rack.

"Eh, I'm not. She was jealous of everyone and everything. Honestly she kind of annoyed me." Josh

scratched the back of his neck, chewing on his lip ring. "What about you and Toni? You his girlfriend


I laughed.

"No. I am not one to get into a relationship after a few days of knowing someone."

"I like that." He painted on his canvas as he spoke. "So he didn't give you hell about me giving you my


"Not really. He just gave me his phone number too." I shrugged my shoulders.

"And here I thought I was special." He smiled at me.

"I mean you're one of two people that have my number. I think that's still pretty special." I told him.

The bell rang as Josh was cleaning up and I rushed out before I heard his thoughts again. I forgot that I

still had his earbud until the music cut off. I left it in my ear so I won't lose it until I see him outside in a

few minutes.

I grabbed my food and went outside. Ash and Toni were sitting in with Rachel's group. They were all

smiling and talking. The traitorous wind blew Toni's intoxicating scent at me and Talia had us purring

with happiness.

Toni stood up when he saw me and strolled to me at the same time that Josh appeared beside me.

"I think you have something of mine." Josh smiled at me.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I took it out of my ear and handed it to him.

Toni grabbed my tray from me, giving Josh a look before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him

to the group.

"Come sit by me." That wasn't a question and I wasn't in a good enough mood for that.

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

"Please. I could really use your scent right now." When he turned to look at me his eyes had changed

color. They were that honey gold of most wolves. Reep was at the surface.

"Okay, just for today." I told him.

'Don't resist our mate, Ember. It's a sacred bond. He's meant for us for a reason.' Talia butted in.

'I don't know him that well.' I defended myself to her.

'You don't have to. He's our mate. We're made for one another. You just need to trust it.'

I'm not going to keep arguing with her so I just let it go. I trust on my own time not just because

someone else tells me to.

Toni set my tray beside him at the table everyone was at today. Ash watched with a big smirk on his

face and I just know he's going to tease me about this later. Toni sat so close to me, his shoulder

rubbed against my own any time I took a bite. The wind was blowing my scent toward him and it

seemed to be helping him.

"I'm sure Ember could have carried her own tray, but how chivalrous of you." Josh mocked Toni.

Toni ignored it though, growing a little more respect from me. He didn't let stupid comments get to him.

"Oh Ember, we're all going to Josh's gig Saturday night. Do you want to come with us?" Rachel asked

excitedly. "Toni can drive us from the reserve." She offered.

"When did I become a chauffeur? " Tony asked and Rachel just laughed.

"It sounds nice, but I'm not sure if Charles will let me go." I answered her honestly. Now that I have my

wolf I feel like he's going to run me ragged. Josh's face fell a little and I felt bad. "I'll try my best to be


"Okay. I mean I'm sure he'll let you go if you beg." Rachel added and I just nodded my head.

The rest of the day went by quickly. I hid out from Toni during free period and 8th period was silent

reading today. Thankfully today went rather smoothly.

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