The Ember In The Dark

Ch. 33

Ch. 33

1st-3rd period flew by and Toni was now walking me hand in hand to 4th period. I remembered Ash's

warning from last night. Can't be alone with Josh today. I don't want whatever is going to ruin our

friendship to happen if I can avoid it. Now I just have to avoid Dex and Josh. My joy for art is being

stolen by these two today.

"I'll meet you outside for lunch. You got this. Don't stress. I'll be here no matter what happens." He

squeezed my hand before letting me go. He was telling me that even if Dex managed to do something

to me he would still be here with me. He wouldn't leave me for it.

I reluctantly went inside the room. Josh and Dex were already at their stations. Both their eyes flew to

me the moment I entered. They both took in the jacket I was wearing.

"I told you she had a guy." Dex smiled at Josh.

"Whatever." Josh muttered.

'I thought she was different. Such a cliche.' Josh's thoughts shot me like an arrow. What's his problem?

"Hey." I greeted him as I grabbed my art supplies.

"Seems you're all better." Josh said, not taking his eyes off the canvas.

"Yup doctor for a mom, remember?" I was being friendly, but I was still kind of annoyed at his thoughts.

"That's cool." He sounded annoyed. What the fuck is up his ass?

"What are you wearing today, Ember?" Dex's voice popped into the conversation. I made sure not to

meet his eyes.

"My boyfriend's jacket. You know the one that punched you for trying to kiss me." I sassed as my paint

brush touched the canvas.

"Toni punched you?" Josh laughed. I could see Dex shrug his shoulders from the corner of my eye.

"You're an idiot." Josh shook his head.

"I agree with that." I added.

"I thought you were going to make Toni work for it. I didn't realize a week was long enough." Josh is

really annoying me today.

"Okay." I snapped, slamming my brush down and turning to face. "What the fuck has crawled up your

ass and died?" Josh seemed taken aback by my forwardness.

"Nothing, just thought you were different." He looked back at his canvas.

"Different than what?" I was getting irritated fast.

"Than most of the girls here, falling over the guys with the lettermen jackets." He rolled his eyes.

"You're joking right? You're not that fucking dense." I grabbed his arm, turning him to me. "I'm not with

Toni because he plays sports. Here I thought you were different too. You're just like all the other guys


Seems I didn't have to be alone with Josh for him to ruin our friendship, just needed to be near him.

"The fuck I am." Oh it seems my comment made him mad.

"Tell me that you're not just after sex. That you're not just mad that I'm with someone who isn't you. I

honestly thought you wanted to be my friend, but you've had ulterior motives the whole time. You're just

like all the boys I've met." I huffed turning back to my canvas.

Josh stayed quiet for a moment. Registering my words.

"Yeah, okay. I'm mad you're with Toni instead of me. That doesn't make me like all the other guys." He


"Yeah, okay." I was being sarcastic.

I was turned around by the hand on my shoulder. I thought it was Josh's, but I thought wrong as I fell

into that sea of gray. Fuck me. What a terrible day.

"I think you need to be more sensitive to Josh's little broken heart." Dex defended Josh.

"No, he doesn't get to just be an ass to me. He can grow up and deal with his emotions in a healthier

way." I turned myself back around before Dex could pull anything.

"Dex take a seat and get to work. You have a lot to do." Mr. King yelled from the front of the room.

Thank you Mr. King.

"Josh, switch places with me." Dex whacked Josh on the shoulder.

"Josh, don't." My eyes pleaded. That seemed to make Josh happy.

"Sure thing Dex. Anything for a friend." He smirked at me.

Has he always been an ass? I sighed heavily. If only you knew, Josh.

Dex and Josh switched quickly. Dex scooted his station a bit closer to mine too. I looked over Dex at

Josh and he wasn't paying any mind to me now. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

The anger was disappearing, leaving room for the all too familiar sadness. The heartbreak of realizing

a friend was never really your friend. I thought I had found a good group, but maybe not. It seems my

judgment of character is still crap.

I pulled Toni's jacket over my nose, inhaling his delicious scent. It helped ease the hurt and calm my

nerves. I'm so glad he thought of this. It's helping in ways he probably didn't think of.

"I've always thought it funny how wolves smell their mates. It's so animalistic." Dex seemed amused by

my action.

"Well we are animals, so it makes sense to me. Maybe you shouldn't miss so much school. It's

affecting your education." I snarked and Dex just laughed.

"You're very clever, Ember." He leaned in, but I refused to look at him. He was so close that I could feel

the heat from his body.

"You're in my personal space, Dex. You should back away, before you lose a limb." I spoke through

gritted teeth, focusing on the painted sunflower in front of me.

"Surely you wouldn't reveal your secret to everyone." He whispered as he rested his chin on my

shoulder. I shook my shoulder, shoving him off.

"Who says I'll do it at school?" I threatened and I could see the whites of teeth as he smiled.

"You're really avoiding my eyes today, Ember. That's so rude." He leaned in again. This time he kissed

my neck.

I lost it, Talia on the surface. I turned and punched Dex straight in the face. My canvas fell over, spilling

paint everywhere. Everyone turned and looked, gasping and whispering.

"Ember and Dex, go to the principal's office now! Josh clean up the mess." Mr. King was mad.

"What? Why me?" Josh asked, annoyed.

"Because they're your friends."

I grabbed my things not waiting on Dex and headed to the principal's office.

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