The fate of the Rejected Alpha

2. The beginning, part 2.




“Don’t let me down, Mahni,” Poseidon shouts euphorically. It was he who taught Mahni everything, but even he didn’t know how low his disciple would go to get what he wanted.

Again silence reigned and Zeus continued:

“Let’s begin the first part,” he says. He’s facing the other gods with his back to his children. “As is the custom, the competitors will hunt for each other. They will descend to the human lands, and sacrifice two animals,” he turns his gaze to Mahni and Selene. “I wish them a good hunt. You may go now.”

And so they went.

Mahni hunted a squirrel to present to his sister. Small and dirty, for Mahni that was the perfect representation of his sister. Selene, on the other hand, went deep into the forest in search of the wolf. Her heart throbbed. She needed a lot of effort to accomplish such a task; but it didn’t take long to find it. It was eating.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the size of the animal. She had never seen such a large and beautiful creature in the human world. It was surreal and she thought it was a crime to kill it. However, Selene was willing to commit this crime if it was necessary so she could live alongside her great love.

Taking a deep breath, she raises her bow and arrow, aiming at the distracted animal with its prey. The sound of the animal’s howl was so loud that even the gods could hear it from above on Olympus and wonder what could have been the source of that sound never once heard before.

When Selene returns to the great hall, Mahni was already there waiting for her with a macabre smile on his face. Selene was strong and despite the giant size of the black wolf, she managed to carry it on her shoulders without a problem.

However, when she puts the wounded beast on the ground, another groan escapes its throat . The big black wolf decreases in size as everyone watches, gaping at the scene.

Finally, the big wolf shrinks to a human and Selene screams as she sees the beast take its true form: her beloved with her arrow stuck in his chest.

Lycaon looks at her and in his eyes she sees only love, but a love that was dying. Because of her. Selene did that, she killed her beloved, he was dying right before her eyes and that was tearing her apart.

Selene understood then what her brother really wanted. Mahni never liked her, and managed to hurt her in the lowest possible way. Selene always admired the wolves, always liked to hear the howls of the beautiful animals for the full moon, but agreed to kill one in order to be with her love. However, she was innocent, never thought that her brother was capable of such an atrocity.

Selene falls to her knees on the ground, the hatred in her chest growing to the point of becoming uncontrollable.

Her eyes turn red. She decides to take revenge, and for that she turns into a great white wolf. All the gods rise from their seats and watch Selene run towards her brother.

Mahni is taken by surprise and before he has the time to react or defend himself, Selene sinks her teeth into his neck. Mahni tried to free himself, tightly squeezing the great wolf’s jaw, but his sister had always been stronger than him, and today that was clear for everyone to see.

Selene rips off her brother’s head in front of all the gods and her coat, white as snow, was now stained red.

After, still in the shape of the wolf, she returned close to her beloved who agonizes on the cold ground. She lies down beside him and howls as loudly as she could. Then, everyone understood her pain.

Zeus, with his immense power, forces Selene to return to her normal form and she strongly hugs the human owner of her heart. Zeus loves Selene, she’s his youngest daughter, and seeing her suffer like that makes him suffer too. Mahni’s death was already something Zeus predicted, but even so he let his son’s choices dictate his own future.

“You are now the goddess of the moon. Cast an incantation on him, and he will not die,” he says softly to his daughter.

Selene then knew what to do; she was now the goddess of the moon, she had her own powers.

Closing her eyes and placing her hand on Lycaon’s head, she said:

“You are now half man, half wolf, will be a species over human. Your years will be multiplied, you can live for up to a millennia. Your strength will be exuberant, all your senses will be a hundred times better than any human. It will be I who will dictate your destiny, the destiny of your children and so it will be forever, generation after generation. I will be your goddess. And from now on you will be the first Lycanthrope to exist on this earth. The first to be ruled by me, the first worshiper of the moon goddess.”

As she said her last words, Lycaon closed his eyes and the arrow disappeared from his chest. His body was disappearing and he was no longer among the gods.

“Thank you for the gift, father,” Selene says to her father.

With a grateful and suffering smile, her body begins to disappear.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Night falls, Selene rises in her full moon form and receives Lycaon’s howls as if they were a beautiful song.

But as the years went by, she saw the sadness growing from loneliness in her beloved.

Love was something sublime for Selene, and she decided to create the perfect mate for her lycanthropist, even if it hurt her. But he would have someone to be his pillar, his helper, and they would be together for life and even death would not separate them. One will not be able to live without the other.

And so, on a full moon night, Zeus granted her the power to create a single creature. And so Selene created the first Lycanthrope female. With black hair and blue eyes, her smell was sweet to Lycaon and he would feel for her a desire like no other.

But Lycaon, when he won his mate, did not treat her as he should, nor at the time of mating did he treat her well, and that made the moon goddess extremely sad. He stopped howling at her, his plans now was just to make his kind grow and take control of everything.

Then, in an attempt to make him change his behavior, Selene descends from the sky. In the same instant, the moon disappeared from the sky and she went to meet her beloved, who cries when he sees her after so long.

“My love,” he says in tears.

“No,” Selene interrupts him, speaking calmly and softly, “Your love is inside your den, feeding your brood. You should be there too.”

“I–I can’t love her,” he says.

Lycaon’s words make Selena sad. She created the female exclusively for him and he treats her that way.

A male’s duty is to care for his female, that’s what Selene wanted.

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