The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

46 Samantha

Jason POV

After I texted the guys about the information we got from that lying two timing bastard, I headed straight

for the cars that were waiting outside. I sat in the cool air conditioning of the idle SUV and within ten

minutes, we were all loaded and headed down the road to our private jet.

The car parked inside the hanger where the smaller plane was sitting. It only held fifty people. We

brought our security team of 30. Ben and Draco were on the phone making flight plans when we

stepped out of the vehicles and made our way up the staircase.

I settled myself in the middle of the plane, taking the window seat, a large working table in front of me.

Ben came and sat in the chair next to me, Charlie took the one across from me and Kai next to him.

The interior was beige in color and the large leather upholstered seats were plush and comfortable.

Wheels were up twenty minutes later. We have a full team of trained pilots on standby so we didn’t

waste any time getting in the air.

Ben opened his laptop and started scanning the area once we were airborne. It was going to be about

a 2–hour flight. We kept being led to believe she was in the East and yet she is in the damn West.

Turns out Sulfur Springs Colorado was a section of small towns near the Rocky Mountains. Ten towns

to be exact and the area was about the size of our whole estate in circumference. The Rockies made it

more difficult for large convoys and surveillance and being in a small secluded town would bring less

attention as well as the chances of high–end technology that we could hack into would be slim to none.

The closest airport and closest major city was about two hours away from where we were headed so

we would have to drive. There were no hotels within a one–hundred–mile radius but there were a few

bed and breakfast places and some Air B&Bs, Charlie, Ben, and Draco spent the flight making

accommodation arrangements and we luckily had a favor or two to pull with a rising gang in the main

city so transportation and additional backup would be ready for us when we landed.

I let me eyes rest for a while. I had gained twenty pounds of muscle since Aurora left, working out all

day every day. I let me mind wander, thinking about how Aurora would look when she saw us. How I

want to just hold her close and never let her go again and at the same time make sure that pretty

plump ass of hers is black and blue.

“What do we want to do when we find her?” Charlie asked no one in particular. We had all fantasized

about it, but never really thought of it as a reality.

“I say we put a fucking tracker in her. Beat that sweet ass until she bleeds. Keep her tied up, gag her,

put some nipple clamps, and then leave her in the dark room for three days.” Kai was always over

dramatic and enjoyed the harsher side of punishments. But his idea wasn’t terrible. Charlie and Ben

looked at him and nodded. I was for sure ready to see Charlie at least fight for a lesser sentence. He is

always more of the loving caregiver of the group. He isn’t shy with punishments, but that is still extreme

for him to accept.

“Really?” Kai asked, looking at Charlie. He was just as stunned as I was.

“Yeah, really” Charlie barked. He was feeling her absence too. “I also say we keep her in our presence

at all times. No



privacy and she sleeps with at least one of us.” Damm Cliarties you mustthereally mad at our little one,

I thought to myself, I have never seen him want to be so in control before Wellavellassome pretty

rebellious subs but this was whole new level for Charlic.

We all agreed and went back to our own thoughts…

Time passed quickly and it was early morning when we landed) the sumwassaliautiful aniber yellow

rising proudly c the horizon.

Eleven black bulletproof top–of–the–line SUVs waited for us when we waltzerkontoffthejjet. The leader

of the Ace of Kings Gang along with a few of his warriors stood waiting by the middle car Winged

pleasantries and they welcomed us into their city warmly, as they should.

Our guards and the local crew got to work loading the cars and within the nexttttverty minutes we were

on the road.

Two and a half painstakingly slow hours later, we managed to get into the rentedious diallieffound

outside one of the smaller towns. It was a simple four–bedroom log style cabin but it was secluded

withhagate and placed off the main road surrounded by lush green forest.

We all decided to rest for a few hours and regroup. Ten of our guards along with twenty offthe

AceKings were sent thosscout the towns. Get an overview of the places, find some cameras, and

install some of fourrowmtstthe Nerd Squa lisadhome.could monitor, get town records etc. We know that

Aurora wouldn’t be going by thestantename and the maylizwechanged her appearance too. Once we

have all the basic information, we will begimccentingthrough each stownittsrould take us less than a

week if the fates have anything to say about it.


We Have Hellthrough seven of the ten towns. We have gone to every shop, every car, every home:

There weremary girlssthattintAumonis description in the record books of the towns and we made sure

to do thorough cheetos.We were all lomedges. Inttobelieve that the traitor deceived us.

We stoppedlimansallitownffor lunch on our way back to our rented home. It was past lunch rush time NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

and weesaawa quaint little restaurant called Amore Mia on the edge of the small town. It was by far the

nicest place we Hadisenim the last three days. Mlotily fast food or pizzeria joints or small dinner–like

locations. This place looked put togethe had tablecloths andlaturilglassware, fairy light decorations, and

well–dressed staff. I was hoping they had decent bourbon I could/sijam.

“Two tables please Cheswith(fouranikone with six” instructed the hostess up front. She smiled

seductively at me and I just rolled my eyes.


“Right thement andisthethowed us to our seats. We were towards the middle against the wall next to a

window that overlooked a smallpatio with quaint little garden. It even had a small fountain.

The waiter came up and took on drinkcorders and wellooked over the menu. Thankfully they did have

some decent

alcohol selections so I was purimastijlylbettenmood-

A small note was on the cute little menus. Chet Choice and the description said, surprise dish that will

make all you

dreams come true..


46 Samantha

I was intrigued and it reminded me of when we met Aumm was falling ostalgic and so when the waiter

came back. I ordered “Chef Choice“. Kai and Ben did the same while Charlie mitral Quall. Such a posh

piece of shit. I love him


“We waited about twenty minutes, just talking about any new leads antigliaming out the rest of our day

when an enticing aroma filled the air as our food was brought to our table.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when the food was put in front of me. I think the liusvents opened up on us

and pointed a beacon right down on this exact spot, because in front of

Kai, Ben, and myself we mouthwatering, perfectly cooked burgers and not just anythurgers, Aurom’s

specialty burgers.

We looked at each other and smiled. Kai and I dug in right away. The flavors thus in nur muth, the

mashed potato surprise oozed out of the juicy meat and we all made a satisfied grunt of approvall.

“Welcome to Amore Min, I am the owner of this little place. How is everything toding

Aslightly older woman stated to us. She had salt and pepper hair, was really short, like no more than

five foot tww.alitttiecomitie plus size and a dntling smile. She reminded me of my grandma. I smiled

back at her.

The must delicious meal I have had in years” I said sweetly. Her face lit up!

“Watum” Ben looked at her with his million–dollar smile, “can you please tell me the name of your


“Oh sure sweetheart. Her name is Samantha. Samantha Conrad. She is just the sweetest girl Stented.

She came all the way from New York City, can you believe it?” The old woman was just so smitten and

a wealth of knowledge to

some suaugum

Them Kai smuikem, and I could see the devil in his eyes “That’s really great. I wonder what made

hervanttttoove all the way out here and live in this little town.”

“Oh, she diesit live here, silly. She lives in the next town over in Valley Summers.”

“You don’t sup? Kai said mischievously. “Well, you are one lucky lady to find such a gem” he batted his

eyelashes and turned on his flirty charm. Il internally rolled my eyes at him.

“Yes, when she wailtelin here two months ago, I was just head over heels for her. And when I tried her

burgers, just knew she would be pestiem. Miuse burgers are just heaven aren’t they?” She was just so

cute. Falmost hated to raise Aurora away from hen. Alnust

“We would love to meet wu precious Samantha when we finish the meal if it’s not too much trouble. We

would li to personally pay our crampllements to the chef!” I said to the lady, flashing my smile that I

know gets my way every


“Of course!” She beamed. I willling esse grab her when you are ready.

We finished our meali in pence, swarting every morsel of ambrosia Ben found her fake information

quickly and sent a team to her place to scout the fren. We called jesse und asked for the check and to

see the chef.

A few minutes later, the most beautifull immette with hazel eyes, silky smooth complexion, and a soul

full of fire walked out wearing a chef’s coat and cargo paths, her hair in a high hun. She stopped dead

in her tracks upon seeing


46 Samantha

“Hello Sweetheart. Miss us?”

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