The Genius Delta

Chapter 32 - Silvercloud

Chapter 32 - Silvercloud

I can deal with Cillian being outside as long as he doesn’t storm into the building. What’s got me

worried is that André will be here tomorrow. I’ve not dealt with him a lot. I’ve only seen him at Logan

and then Kurt’s weddings. And even in those brief situations, I know he’s a variable. He’s

unpredictable, and his reactions to situations range from joking to murder.

I should be able to handle that. But with the Demonclaw issue coming back to haunt me and still not

having marked Persephone, now isn’t a good time to have an unpredictable and very dangerous Alpha

hanging around. Darren can only mitigate his mate so much. I’d have felt better if he had waited and

arrived with the others. Then there would be his father and sister to try and temper his unpredictable


After John left, I looked at Persephone and could tell she was worried. Though I don’t know which she’s

more concerned about, André’s pending arrival or that Cillian is a ticking time bomb of mate bond

urges. I should probably say something to ease her concerns.

“It’s going to be okay,” I assured her with a blanket statement. “Let’s finish work, and we can head

home and deal with everything else,” I suggested as I gestured back to our workstations.

“Yeah…” She agreed with a heavy sigh. “No sense worrying about things right now. We’ve got work to

finish.” She agreed, turning on her heel as she returned to her work.

We worked in silence. Only the sounds of clicking keyboards acted as our playlist till quitting time. We

didn’t end up in the same elevator as the Demonclaw girl on our way down to the lobby. Not sure I want

to be in a confined space with her again. Our luck didn’t last as we headed for the doors, she elbowed

between Persephone and me.

“Jonny, so glad I caught you before you left. I was hoping maybe we could go grab dinner.” She smiled

at me while past her shoulder, I could see Persephone was struggling to keep Sara in check.

“I’ve told you I’m not interested. I’ve told you I’m with Persephone. Leave me alone.” I held my hands

up as I went to step around her.

I didn’t want that Demonclaw bitch to touch me. Also, I needed to get to Persephone before she blew

her top and unleashed her infamous temper here in the lobby. I didn’t get away fast enough as she

grabbed my hand. There was something about the look in her eyes. There was something desperate in

her eyes, and it got me all sorts of confused. Of course, I couldn’t react fast enough.

I watched it all in slow motion as she stumbled back, forced to let my hand go as Persephone’s right fist

connected with her face. I cringed as she hit the ground and looked up with tears pricking at her eyes

and blood dripping from her nose. Security officers were pushing past employees who had circled up

like we were in grade school, and they wanted to watch the fight. Yeah, this is NOT good. Humans

think they are above animals but have a sick desire to hurt or at least watch others get hurt.

“Tomorrow, I’m filing a complaint with HR about your behavior and won’t shed a tear when you get let

go from the program and sent home.” Demonclaw girl shouted as she got to her feet with the help of


“Worth it for putting you in your fucking place, cagna. Learn to keep your damn hands to yourself.”

Persephone snorted, shrugging off the security guard, trying to hold her back.

“Jonny has told you multiple times to stay away, but you don’t take no for an answer. You’re a walking

HR violation, and if I’m getting fired, you can bet your ass you’ll be leaving with me. The difference is

job or no job, I’m still with Jonny.” Persephone added as she folded her arms.

She may not currently be a ranked wolf, but her Beta blood is strong, and the aura of power and

authority radiating off my angry mate has the humans around us taking two steps back. Demonclaw

girl, however, seemed unfazed. I made a mental note to investigate that further. Even if she’s not from

the same pack, a werewolf of lesser rank recognizes higher bloodlines. She’s my mate, and I even

want to step back.

“What the hell?” Cillian’s voice drew my attention from the sight of our cat, or I guess wolf fighting


His fists were clenched at his sides, and I could see his wolf trying to push forward as he looked at his

mate and the blood she still hadn’t wiped off her face. Shit! I hurried over to Cillian, trying to block him

from getting further.

‘Cillian, you cannot and will not lose your shit in my lobby and in front of all these HUMAN witnesses.’ I

commanded in our link.

‘She’s BLEEDING! Why is MY MATE bleeding, Delta Jonathan?’ Cillian demanded in a menacing growl

in our link as he continued to look past me at his mate.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw her eyes were locked on Cillian. She must have picked up his

scent and knew he was who she truly belonged with. It’s just a matter of what she will do about it. I

watched as she shook off a guard and wiped the blood away with her hand. Whatever moment of eye

contact they shared was gone as she shook her head.

“You will not get away with this, Persephone Fayte. And Jonny isn’t truly yours till, as the Americans

say, you put a ring on it.” Cillian’s mate declared as she pushed past us for the doors. “I still plan to

report you to HR first thing tomorrow.” She added, glancing back over her shoulders.

She glared at Persephone and me, and her eyes softened briefly when she looked at Cillian. Then she

was out the doors. I had to grab Cillian’s arm and hold tight to stop him from following her.

‘Don’t. I know you want to, but it’s dangerous. Azriel will be following her. We can’t risk her hurting or

using you. Once we know her objective, no one will stop you.’ I attempted to reason with him.

‘Unless her objective is to destroy our pack.’ Cillian answered. His mournful tone broke my heart.

“Weaver, you need to keep your intern in check. Being your girlfriend doesn’t mean he gets to go

around assaulting people.” Reed scoffed as he paused on his way to the door.

“How about you keep your intern in check? Sexual harassment is not something that should be

tolerated. I’d ask how you’d feel if someone touched your significant other, but I get the feeling you’re a

bachelor, with good reason.” Persephone rolled her eyes.

The look of contempt Reed gave Persephone was new. I’ve seen him look annoyed but never outright

hateful. I guess she touched a nerve. I sighed, letting Cillian go to take Persephone’s hand. Hopefully,

the mate bond will keep her temper in check.

“We will let HR deal with it. That’s why the company has one.” I suggested. “Have a good night Reed.” I

nodded to him. “Let’s go, Persephone, before you get in more trouble.” I tugged her toward the doors.

“Fine. But what about Cillian?” Persephone questioned.

I glanced back to see he was still standing in the same spot. His eyes were focused outside, where his

mate was getting into an uber with some other interns. I gestured with a wave of my hand for him to

follow us. When he didn’t move, Persephone let my hand go to hold his arm.

“Come on, Cillian. You can’t stay here.” Persephone sighed as she forced him to move.

I’d be jealous that she’s touching him, but I won’t let myself be that territorial. He has a mate, and she’s

going to be a Delta. It’s her job to support and take care of our pack. I’m glad she’s unconsciously

taking on her role.

I smiled and put an arm around Cillian’s shoulders. “It’s all going to work out, man,” I assured him as

we walked him across the street to his car.

“How can you be so sure? She’s from the pack that destroyed yours. I wouldn’t trust someone from

Cholmáin, and I was even younger than you when they murdered my people.” Cillian frowned as he

leaned against his car.

“I know it’s hard. And I’m not saying I trust your mate as far as CJ or AJ could throw her.” I shrugged.

“But I do trust the Goddess. She paired you with that girl for a reason. And I can’t and won’t believe it

was to break your heart.” NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“I’m sorry I punched your mate.” Persephone apologized. “My only defense is she kept touching

Jonathan and was dismissive of our mate bond even though I’ve told her we are mates.”

“I know Delta Persephone.” Cillian nodded as he ran a hand over his face. “I’m not upset with you. My

wolf is, but he will get over it. I’d have done the same thing if a guy was harassing Mila.” He frowned.

“How am I going to fight this pull? I don’t think I have that kind of willpower.”

“No one has that kind of willpower,” I said. “Go home, visit your parents. Maybe somewhere in the

wealth of Firewolf knowledge that they keep will have something to help you. And if that fails, talk to

Sarael. Maybe as a hunter, she’d know something. If she doesn’t, she can prod Khalid to see if the

guild has anything new.”

“I hope there’s something out there. Not something that would break my bond. I am still hopeful she’s

good. Just maybe she’s being forced to do bad by her Alpha.” Cillian nodded. “I’ll check with Shea and

Máire and go from there. Thank you, both of you. For keeping me from losing it in such a public


“Anytime, Cillian. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to contact me.” I smiled, patting his shoulder.

“Drive safe and trust that the Goddess has a plan.” Persephone smiled as we stepped back from his

car so he could leave.

We stood there for a little bit as we watched Cillian drive away.

“Do you think he will be okay? That there is a way to control the bond’s pull?” Persephone questioned

as we made our way to my car.

“I hope he will be. As for a way to temper the pull of the bond, I’m not going to hold my breath. We

need to resolve this issue quickly and determine if he needs to reject his mate or can accept her.” I

shrugged. The drive home was primarily silent as we contemplated recent events and what was still on

the horizon.

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