The Genius Delta

Chapter 34 - Silvercloud

Chapter 34 - Silvercloud

I expected to be ambushed by Logan upon returning to the pack house. Granted, I wasn’t expecting

him and Aurelia to wait at the door. I hadn’t told him about what happened, but I knew he’d know. Even

if Cillian didn’t say something, I know it would have gotten back to both Kinsley brothers that there was

a fight at my office. My best guess is that Shikoba reported it after she heard from security.

I didn’t predict that this fight would result in Persephone’s sister and brother-in-law decided to arrive

early. Just what I didn’t want to deal with. It was one thing for them to be coming to probably taunt us

about being mates and prod at me to be sure I was what they deemed worthy of Persephone. Now

they are coming because of that Demonclaw bitch. So they’ll be on edge, aggressive, and protective of


I need to get this shit with Demonclaw resolved fast. And by fast, I mean like I needed it handled

yesterday. I do not want Sicilian leaders arriving in Bloodmoon while she is still in our territory; her

intentions are unknown. Which shit, her intentions. I don’t know what they are, but that look she gave

me and how she looked at Cillian, something is going on. There is more to this than just her having a

fixation on me. I have the feeling she’s not pursuing me because she wants to.

Maybe Dove can help me figure out what is going on with her. I want to know who is forcing her to do

this. I want to know why they want her with me so fucking badly. Is it to try and bridge ties to

Bloodmoon? That can’t be it. Forcing a chosen mate bond isn’t the way to form allies. Especially with a

pack like Bloodmoon, who take the mate bond very seriously. Is this about my family? Do they want me

because of my dad? Because, like him, I’m a genius?

“Silvercloud? Are you even listening to me?” Logan grumbled, snapping his fingers in my face.

I blinked and smiled sheepishly as I realized my mind had wandered, and I stopped paying attention.

“Sorry, my brain wandered to other thoughts. I was trying to think about how to deal with Demonclaw.

What were you saying? And can we go inside now? I feel weird standing on the steps talking.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Logan sighed. “Yeah, let’s go inside. Mrs. Carmichael has dinner ready.” He

waved for us to follow him inside.

We could smell the BBQ spread from the hallway. Mrs. Carmichael is the best cook ever. I’ll be sad

when I move out with Persephone, not that I can’t come back for meals. Shit, we need to discuss living

arrangements. I have a plot of land I can build on here in Mount Hood. I would need to finalize a design

with Persephone to start construction.

And I don’t want to sound sexist, but I hope she can cook. I burn everything I try to cook. So unless she

knows how to cook, we will either eat out, eat at the pack house, or hire a cook—another thing we

should discuss. There are many things we need to discuss and learn about each other.

“Is every meal a massive spread like this?” Persephone asked as we walked into the dining room.

The long table was filled with platters of brisket, pulled pork, pulled chicken, ribs, and half chickens.

Then the sides, oh, the number of sides! The creamy, cheesy goodness of homemade mac n cheese,

mashed potatoes, potato salad, grilled corn on the cob, green beans, baked beans, slaw, fries, and

cornbread. My mouth was already watering. David and his family were here. I’m not surprised, given

that his mate often helps watch the heirs. He nodded to us as he tried to get Rose to let go of his ear,

her tiny fingers clutching the plug.

“Pretty much. No one goes hungry with Mrs. Carmichael around.” I shrugged.

“Need some help with our future Alpha, David?” I taunted as I let Persephone’s hand go to try and

assist my friend.

“What’s it look like?” David rolled his eyes.

“That you have a new accessory?” Persephone chuckled.

“Hilarious, just what I needed.Two of you.” David grumbled.

“Come on, Rosie, let me go. It’s time to eat. Royce is already in his high chair.” He pleaded with the


“Rose, sit with me.” Royce waved his hand as he tapped the high chair next to him. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Like magic, she released her grip on David’s ear and tried to wiggle in Royce’s direction. I'll eat my

shoe if those two don’t end up mates. Shit, I probably shouldn’t say things like that, even in my head. I

don’t want to have to eat my shoe if I’m wrong. Plus, Royce has the same effect on Farah, so unless

he’s getting both Kinsley girls as mates, which their dads may castrate him for Goddess given or not, I

shouldn’t make assumptions.

“See, all you had to do was get her boyfriend to call her.” I chuckled as David put Rose in the highchair

next to his son.

“Don’t call him that,” Logan grumbled as he took CJ from Aislinn. “No dating. My kids don’t get to date

till they have spent at least four years looking for a mate.”

“Right, because that will happen.” Aurelia rolled her eyes as she put a plate of cut-up food on Rose’s

tray and another with slightly more food and larger bites on Royce’s.

“If it makes you feel better, he’s also Farah’s boyfriend.” I snickered as Logan grumped, and he

carefully took his seat with CJ in his arms to feed him a bottle.

“Silvercloud, do my boy a favor. Stop trying to put him on the Kinsley shit list.” David chuckled as he

fixed a plate for his mate and then himself.

“Language around the wee ones.” Aislinn scolded.

“You really shouldn’t make assumptions. Just because the Kinsley cousins respond to Royce doesn’t

mean anything. Gwen and Christina adore Lando, but that doesn’t mean he will be either of their mates

when they grow up.” Persephone commented as she sat down.

“Please stop making assumptions about my boy’s future. Unlike some people, Royce is a good lad and

will wait till he finds his mate.” Aislinn chimed in, her words a bit hard to understand as she still has a

thick Scottish accent.

“Fine.” I held my hands up in surrender, smiling as I sat down, and realized that while I was taunting

David and Logan, my mate had fixed me a plate with a little of everything.

“I wasn’t sure what you liked the most,” Persephone admitted quietly.

“Thanks. And no worries, I like it all.” I assured her as we all started digging into our dinner.

“So about Shikoba and Rohan.” Logan arched his brow as he adjusted CJ in his arms to burp him.

“Here, I thought you’d forgotten.” I sighed around a mouthful of cornbread.

“What about Rohan? Who’s Shikoba?” David asked.

“Shikoba is my executive assistant at Silvercloud. She knew who I was but didn’t know the werewolf

stuff. She’s a mute transgender human.” I explained. “And we found out today she is Rohan’s second

chance mate.”

“S…second chance?” David furrowed his brow. “I didn’t realize he had a first.”

“Long story short, his first was a dirtbag.” I shrugged, keeping it clean for young ears. I didn’t want

Aislinn scolding me.

“Huh. I never knew. That sucks, but at least Rohan found a second chance. So did this woman not take

the news of werewolves well? She didn’t reject him, did she?” David asked.

“She’s wrapping her mind around it all. It’s going to take her time. She’s not Sarael, who at least knew

about the supernatural world.” I explained. “And from what she told us, they didn’t talk much after

Rohan shifted to prove he’s a werewolf. She asked him to let her think.”

“Did you or Rohan give her Chuck’s number?” Logan asked.

“I take that to mean she called. And I gave it to her.” I nodded.

“That’s a good sign, right?” Persephone chimed in. “If she’s looking to have counseling from Charles,

she’s at least willing to come to terms with and accept this new reality.”

“She has an appointment tomorrow. So she’s taking the day off work. Meaning you’ll have to deal with

things yourself at the office.” Logan explained.

“I can handle things at the office. It will suck that I can’t be in my lab all day.” I frowned.

“Does that mean we will spend tomorrow in your office?” Persephone asked, a subtle blush staining her


“I don’t want to know why she’s blushing.” Logan shook his head. “Right, CJ? We don’t need to know

what Uncle Silvercloud was doing in his office today.” His voice took on that soft and sweet tone he

reserved for his children.

CJ replied with baby gurgles and a blech to rival a grown man in Logan’s face. Persephone and I both

started laughing. The epic timing of this heir is priceless. I’d say it’s a CJ thing, but Rose did similar

things as a baby.

The Kinsley heirs, all four of them, are adorable. So is Xavier though he, like Farah, was a quiet, well-

behaved baby. He only started getting loud and rambunctious as he began hanging around Royce. The

influence of a Bryant.

“Well, there’s that burp, at least.” Logan chuckled. “As for Shikoba, I hope her meeting with Chuck is a

good sign. We’ll offer whatever support we can to help her transition to pack life so she can and will

accept Rohan as her mate.”

“PERSEPHONE!” The shout from the hallway made everyone raise their heads. Shortly after the

scream Delilah Fayte appears in the doorway, looking flustered and out of breath.

“Delilah? What’s wrong? Are you okay? I thought you were hanging out with Suzie. Did one of her

friends do something? I’ll kick their asses.” Persephone was instantly on her feet, questioning her sister

as she rushed over to her.

I can’t imagine any of the kids Suzie Walterson hangs out with being disrespectful to a visiting ally. Last

of all, one with a direct connection to the Incubi Alpha. But that doesn’t explain why Delilah rushed in

like this and shouted for Persephone.

“What? No. I’m fine.” Delilah shook her head. “No one was rude. I think they were too scared to be

rude. Suzie made sure they all knew who I was related to. The rudest thing said was someone asking if

Alec is as scary as the stories say.”

“Then what’s wrong? Why are you shouting for me and looking frazzled?” Persephone asked, brushing

some of her sister’s hair from her face.

“I got a text from Crista. She said they are coming tomorrow because you fought work. I was worried

about you.” Delilah explained.

“I made Scott rush me straight here.” She gestured to Scott, who had managed to catch up to her.

Logan arched his eyebrow. “Don’t tell me a fifteen-year-old girl is making you winded. Do I need to tell

Duncan you need more cardio training?”

Scott huffed and rolled his eyes. “I’m fine. She jumped out of the car before I even got it into park. I had

to park and come after her.”

“Sure….” David snickered.

“Ugh, you’re all worked up over nothing.” Persephone rolled her eyes. “I punched that dumb Mila.

She’d been warned to stay away from Jonathan, yet she asked him to dinner and touched him. She’s

lucky a broken nose was all she got. Plus, it’s not like the break is permanent.”

“But it sounded like you could lose your internship. If you lose your internship, what happens? You’re in

America on a work visa. If you don’t have a job, you can’t stay, and if you can’t stay….” Delilah

frowned, gesturing to me.

“Don’t worry about my Visa,” Persephone said. “I’m not fired yet, and it’s not like I’m going to get kicked

out of Bloodmoon. I’m Jonathan’s mate, which means after we’ve marked each other and I take my

oath, I’m part of the pack.”

“I know, but….” Delilah pouted.

“Don’t worry about your sister’s status,” I assured Delilah as I walked around the table to stand next to

Persephone. “While I own the company, I can’t exactly go against my policies if HR removes her from

the program. But I can handle the Visa status by hacking it or marrying her.”

“M…Marry…” Persephone practically choked on the word.

“What? You’d let me mark you but not marry you?” I asked, arching a brow as I pretended to be

offended by her reaction.

Okay, so part of me was. I know marriage isn't typically a werewolf thing, but if she was going to spend

her life with me anyways, what’s a piece of paper to shut up the government?

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