The Girl He Marked

Book 4 Chapter 12

Book 4 Chapter 12

India's POV.

After I have spoken with Jake and Sebastian, I go back to my hospital bed. My mate joins me and sits

beside me.

Sebastian announces that the school will be closed for a week, whilst stricter security precautions are

put in place. I know he's sore about his son and mate being kidnapped on school property.

I'm happy because it gives me a week off.

I explain to him in great detail what happened, from the moment we were taken to the moment he

found us.

He grips my hand tightly through it, squeezing hard when something upsets him.

He tells me that he killed their leader. Whilst I'm not a fan of physical violence…I do feel a little relieved

that he is gone. I've never been in the position where I've had to kill someone before, and I'd like to

keep it that way.

Sebastian has my things sent over from the school, which means I can get my phone from my


I call my mum, Grace, and tell her everything. She cries on the phone to me, reacting dramatically. She

never wanted me to leave the pack to begin with, so this is just ammunition for her to insist that I return.

I'm given a fifteen—minute lecture on why it wasn't a good idea to leave my home territory and move to

a new pack. How, if I'd been at home, this never would have happened.

She tells me that I should come home and live near her, my dad and my brother, Rian. As she's

building into a crescendo with a conclusion of how my life has been ruined by leaving, I tell her about


Her tone changes almost entirely. She asks every question possible about my mate and his son. I can't

tell her much about the situation with Jake's mother, because I only know what little he has told me.

I know that we have to have a longer conversation about it at some point, but I literally just found out

we were mates. We both need some time before we broach that subject.

After asking for every specific detail about Sebastian, my mum moves on to grilling me about when I'm

going to bring him and his son home so that they can meet them.

Her excitement and enthusiasm are infectious. I can't wait for them to meet my family, either.

I'm exhausted by the time I get off the phone with my mum. We spent over an hour talking and now, my

social meter has run out.

I spend the night in the clinic. The Alpha makes up one of the beds near me and stays with me.

I manage to get him to return home to have dinner with Jake, but then he drops his son with his parents

and returns to me.

I try to insist that he go home, but he refuses to leave. I feel bad that I've taken him from his son, but

I'm grateful that he stays with me.


In the morning, I am discharged from the clinic by the doctors. My ribs are fully healed, and the bruises

have faded on my skin. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Sebastian takes me back to his house and shows me around. I have breakfast with him and Jake.

Afterward, Jake is allowed to meet up with his friends and the Alpha gives me a tour of his pack. I've

only been here once before, for my registration, so it's nice to get a proper tour of the territory.

'This is all yours now, too,' Sebastian tells me, squeezing my hand.

I blush at the notion and then think of something.

'I still get to keep my job, right'

Some Lunas give up their day jobs to become a Luna full—time. I don't think I will be like that. I don't

mind assisting Sebastian in his role, but teaching is my passion, and I don't want to give it up.

My mate smiles at me. 'Of course. The school tells me that you've settled in really well.'

'I love it at the academy,' I tell him honestly. 'It's the best job I've ever had.'

'That's good,' he responds. 'But I hear that teaching my son is a bit of a hard task.'

I frown and try to think of the right thing to say.

'Teaching him isn't hard, it's getting him to focus. I know he doesn't rate science very highly. But,

honestly, since this whole kidnapping thing, I think we've come a long way since he called me a bitch.'

Sebastian grimaces. 'I am sorry about that.'

'Sorry that he called me it or sorry that you canceled his detention and tried to ask me out over the

phone' I ask teasingly.

The tips of the Alpha's ears turn pink with embarrassment, making me laugh.

'Both, to be honest,' he admits guiltily.

He stops walking and turns to face me. He gets this mischievous, seductive glint in his eyes and I look

at him curiously, wondering what he is thinking about.

'I can't believe that we actually met before all of this. When you brought me towels.'

My face heats up as I think back to that moment from a few days ago.

'I'm really sorry,' I tell him hurriedly. 'I never intended to peek or try and look at you. I really was just

bringing you towels.'

Sebastian smirks and brushes my hair back from my face.

'It's okay, mate. I know you got quite an eyeful.'

My cheeks turn even pinker, and I break eye contact to look down at our feet. He gently places his

hand under my chin and makes me lift my gaze.

'You saw me, but you didn't look away,' he murmurs huskily. 'At least, not straight away.'

I bite down on my bottom lip and his heated gaze drops to my mouth.

He wants to kiss me.

I want to kiss him.

He must read the silent plea in my eyes, because he leans forwards and seals his lips over mine. I

press my lips back against his eagerly, leaning into his body.

In the middle of the pathway, we kiss. I lift up on my tiptoes to be able to kiss him harder. Sebastian

responds in kind, moving his lips confidently over mine.

The kiss sparks excitement and desire inside me. When we pull away, my lips feel swollen, and my

breathing is shallow. If there was any doubt in my mind that I want my mate, it has definitely gone now.

I look up at him and see the desire that I am feeling reflected in his eyes. He clears his throat, takes my

hand and starts walking again.

I glance around self—consciously, but luckily, no one is around to catch me making out with their


'I know this is rather early,' I tell him. 'But my parents would like to meet you. They are on Alpha

Damien's territory.'

Sebastian nods, smiling widely at me.

'I have a good relationship with him, he shouldn't mind me visiting. I would love to meet your family.'

'Great! Obviously not straight away, but do you think Jake would be up to it It must be weird for him.'

My mate shrugs. 'He's a good kid, I think he wants me to have someone. He's mentioned before that

he hopes I meet my mate. I think it's been just the two of us for so long, that he kinda wants a female

influence in his life.'

That makes my heart warm. Jake Lockwood and I might not have had the best relationship in the past,

but I'm really hoping the last few days change things and we can move forwards.

I feel nervous as hell, but when Sebastian goes to collect Jake from his parent's house, I go with him.

He introduces me to his parents. My nerves fade the moment they both hug me. They're welcoming

and lovely. I'm relieved that they are just as excited about us meeting as my mum was on the phone. It

will make my mum look less crazy if my mate's parents are a little over—excited, too.

Sebastian is reluctant for me to stay in my flat by myself. After the ordeal that I have been through the

last couple of days, I agree to collect a bag of my things and stay with him for a while longer.

I feel safe around him and I haven't felt that during the recent events.

It's not as weird as I thought it might be, sitting and having dinner with Jake and his dad. Jake seems

perfectly chilled about it. He doesn't speak much, mostly focusing on shoveling food into his mouth, but

he doesn't call me a bitch either, so that's a plus.

There might be hope for Jake Lockwood and me yet.


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