The Hockey Star’s Remorse by Riley Above Story

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

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The words hung in the air, a moment frozen in time. I felt a rush of emotions as I slowly settled in my seat, taking in the brief silence that occurred. Then suddenly it happened.

The courtroom erupted in applause, I sat motionless, absorbing the magnitude of the moment. Cameras flashed and people were out of their seats, their reactions ranging from embracing eachother to shouting congratulations.

Aria and Lucas leaped from their seats, their cheers filling the room as they barreled toward me. They circled me in jubilant celebration, their joy contagious. Amid the excitement, Timothy approached, a smile playing on his lips.

“You made it,” he said gently.

I found myself enveloped in a hug with Timothy. His presence was almost grounding, shielding me from the chaos ensuing around us. As we held each other, he twirled me around and laughter spilled from my lips.

“You certainly did, Ms. Sinclair,” said a gravelly voice behind me.

Timothy paused mid–twirl, forcing me to face the imposing figure headed in my direction. Mr. Erickson forced his way through the crowd, his voice rising above the applause.

“Because this is a farce! Prepare for an appeal. You will regret this,” he said through

itted teeth.

Security, quick to respond, intervened, escorting him away from the celebration. His threats continued, even as they forced him out the door. I met his gaze with a steely resolve, refusing to let his bitterness dampen the victory we had fought so hard to achieve.

“Evie Sinclair!” he bellowed, his voice seething with anger. “This isn’t over! You won’t get away with this!”

I turned away, trying to dismiss his words. The excitement in the courtroom only seemed to ramp up as reporters sought to catch every bit of his reaction.

“What an ass,” said Aria, slinging an arm around my shoulder. “I’m so glad you don’t have to work for that pervert ever again.” This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Yeah,” I said absently. Maybe it’s good things worked out this way?






Emergency calls only

Chapter 209



Lucas clapped his hands, his eyes sparkling with pride. “Evie, you’re incredible! We always knew you’d come out

on top!”

The celebratory atmosphere continued outside the courtroom as we exited the building. Reporters and cameras awaited, eager to capture the moment of triumph. Aria, Lucas, Timothy, and I faced the sea of media with a shared determination.

A reporter thrust a microphone toward me, bombarding me with questions. “Ms. Sinclair, how do you feel about the verdict? What message do you have for other victims of abuse?”

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, settling into a calm reassurance. “This verdict is not just a personal triumph but a victory for all those who have faced abuse and harassment. My message is simple–speak your truth, stand your ground, and know that you are not alone.”

As the reporters continued to swarm, one persistent voice broke through the crowd. “Ms. Sinclair, what’s your next move? Any plans for the future?”

All eyes turned to me, and I felt a momentary vulnerability. Timothy, Aria, and Lucas flanked me on both sides, shielding me from the invasive microphones.

“All I want is my job back,” I declared, my voice resolute. “I hope this statement reaches any potential employers out there. I am ready to reclaim my place in the professional world.”

The reporters scribbled furiously, capturing every word. Among the chaos, I felt a gentle touch on my arm. Timothy, with a soft smile, pulled me away from the swarm of reporters.

We entered a seemingly calm corridor, but Timothy pulled me farther until we were a good distance away from Aria and Lucas. They had dissolved into talking about if the reporters captured their good sides while filming and photographing them.

Timothy hovered over me, his voice low. “We should celebrate! This is your moment,” he suggested, his eyes sparkling with genuine joy.

Before I could respond, Lucas interjected with his usual enthusiasm, startling us both. “Hey, how about we have a party away from all this noise? My lake house is the perfect spot. What do you say?”

A spark of hope flickered within me. Timothy’s invitation lingered, however, and I began to feel conflicted.

“That sounds nice!” I said, my smile straining as I caught the brief look of disappointment on Timothy’s face. I





Emergency calls only

Chapter 209

turned to him and placed a hand on his arm.



“Timothy,” I began, “what were you going to say earlier? Before Lucas suggested the party?”

Timothy hesitated, his expression thoughtful. “I was just going to say that we should celebrate, maybe grab a quiet dinner together. But Lucas’s idea of a party sounds great too. Whatever you prefer, Evie.”

Linsisted, “No, Timothy, you’re invited too. I want you there!”

He looked away, considering it, though I could see some apprehension. It started to occur to me that he might have wanted to celebrate between ju

the two of us, and I’d dismissed all of that without care. I gave his arm a squeeze, quickly overcome with guilt.

Before our conversation could continue, Timothy’s phone rang, interrupting our moment. He glanced at the screen, a hint of disappointment crossing his features.

“Sorry, I have to take this,” he said, then upon seeing my dour expression, leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I gasped, clapping a hand over my face as he stepped back with a chuckle.

“Congratulations again. I’ll catch up with you later,” he said abruptly before walking away, leaving me slightly


Lucas and Aria, ever perceptive, nudged me gently. A Cheshire grin emerged on Aria’s face.

“What was that?” she said slyly, watching with me as Timothy exited through the building’s side door. “Getting a

little close, don’t you think?”

“Huh?” I blinked and turned to her. “Oh, it’s probably family–related. He’s been getting a lot of calls after his mom


Lucas, always ready with a joke, chimed in, “Maybe he’s secretly Batman, off to save Gotham City?”

I managed a small smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. Aria, however, wasn’t easily diverted. She leaned in, her expression curious,

“Evie, we saw him kiss you before he left. Is there something going on between you two?” Aria probed,

I hesitated. I wasn’t too sure myself.






Emergency calls only

Chapter 209



“It’s complicated, Aria,” I said after a long pause. “Let’s not focus on that right now. How about we go out for drinks?”

Lucas grinned. “Fantastic idea! But you won’t be paying at all tonight, Evie. Consider it on me.”

As we left in search of a nearby bar, the cool night air did little to cool the heat in my cheeks. Timothy was becoming more and more comfortable with showing me affection, and in front of my friends no less. How was supposed to explain to them what I couldn’t even explain to myself?

As we spotted the lit neon sign of our favorite bar in town, Aria tugged me close.

“Evie, seriously, what’s going on between you and Timothy?” she asked. “Are you two…”

“Are we what?” I challenged her to finish that question, but she allowed it to just linger there. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

Lucas interjected with a playful grin. “Complicated? That’s the universal code for ‘I have no idea where this is going, but I like it.”

Aria shot me a skeptical look. “There’s more to this than just ‘complicated. Are you sure you’re not catching feelings for him?” she finally said aloud.

I sighed stopping just as we reached the bar’s entrance. I turned to her with a pout. “Aria, let’s not make this the

focus right now. We’re here to celebrate, remember?”

She looked me up and down, then with a sigh, finally relented. “Fine. Let’s get you a drink, lawyer


As we entered the lively atmosphere of a nearby bar, the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation provided a distraction from the lingering questions. The night unfolded with us laughing and falling over eachother, and sour mood affectively disappearing with time.

Still, my thoughts would occasionally drift to Timothy, how he’d seemed determined to take me out somewhere. My heart began to flutter as I recalled the gentle touch of his lips on my cheek, as if it were the most natural thing

in the world.





Emergency calls only

Chapter 209





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