The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Jonas' diminutive frame clambered up the crisscrossing steel jungle gym. His tiny silhouette was plastered against the metal skeleton of the structure. He was now the equivalent of ten stories high, a mere speck clinging to the bars as the wind whipped fiercely around him, threatening to dislodge his fragile grip.

Suddenly, his hand slipped, and his body plummeted downward. “Jonas!” Natalia's voice burst forth in a panic, her already anxious heart plunging into an abyss as she watched Jonas fall.

Thankfully, Magnus was quick on his feet, slapping a hand over Natalia's mouth and whispering urgently in her ear, “Shh, don’t distract him.”

As it turned out, Jonas had merely lost his grip momentarily and swiftly caught onto the lower rungs, regaining his composure.

After witnessing the harrowing scene, Natalia was drenched in cold sweat. Her heart thundered with the fear of what might have been had Jonas not managed to hold on. And yet, the courageous boy continued to ascend, his slender frame swaying in the wind, drawing tears of worry from Natalia's eyes.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Natalia turned on her heels and fled the scene, knowing that if she stayed a moment longer, she'd surely beg Jonas to abandon his training and come home.

The close call had also set Magnus’ forehead glistening with sweat. Thankfully, his composure kept him from shouting out as Natalia had. Only when he saw Jonas complete his task, turning danger into triumph, did he realize his back was soaked with cold perspiration. Watching his son persist in his upward battle, Magnus couldn't help but swell with pride. “That's my boy,” he thought.

Before Magnus could share his pride with Natalia, she was already stumbling out of sight. With a shrug of resignation to Richard, he said, “Women, you know. Their hearts break too easily. I'd better go and comfort her. Could you keep an eye on Jonas?”

Richard nodded with an understanding 'OK' gesture, reassuring Magnus as he went after Natalia. Magnus caught up with Natalia, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they left the training facility together.

Back at the inn, which was a far cry from the luxury of five-star accommodations they were used to, Natalia insisted on staying close to Jonas. Magnus, feeling out of place amid the modest surroundings, said nothing, simply comforting Natalia, “Honey, training is tough, but the safety measures are top-notch. Don’t worry. Once Jonas is done, I'll bring him back here so you can see he’s alright.”

Natalia nodded, and her resolve was firm despite the nightmarish ordeal. “Now, get some rest,” Magnus urged, holding her close in bed. “You need to be fresh for tomorrow's visit to Jonas.”

That night, Natalia’s sleep was fitful, haunted by visions of Jonas scaling the towering steel structure. At every stir of hers, Magnus would gently soothe her back to sleep.

Regret gnawed at Magnus as he watched over Natalia, second-guessing his decision to expose her to the raw intensity of Jonas’ training.

As the night deepened, exhaustion took over, and Magnus drifted off with Natalia in his arms.

The next day, Natalia rose early, careful not to disturb the slumbering Magnus. She slipped out of the inn, the countryside's tranquil air filling her with inspiration to paint the training grounds where Jonas had labored the day before.

Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Before a breathtaking backdrop of rolling hills, Natalia set up her easel with practiced grac anktbegah)'"' peintiggunder'the'c ear blue sky. Her concentration was unbreakable. Her brush strokes captured the scenery’s essence, and her emotions flowed onto the canvas. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Richard, clad in camouflage for his morning run, was entranced by the sight of Natalia painting the sce . He approached, restenfized by her Honeraish\tess and the way the wind teased her long hair. From behind, he watched, not wanting to disturb the angelic scene before him, as Natalia brought the rugged beauty of the landscape to life on her canvas. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Natalia was so engrossed in her sketching that she didn't notice the figure that had quietly approached her from behind. Sh added.

fing{ strokes, sghintag the picturesque park scene before her on the canvas. As she stepped back to view her work, she turned and was surprised to find Richard standing there, watching her with an unreadable expression. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Natalia remembered that Richard was Jonas' mentor. With a polite smile, she greeted him, "Good morning, Mr. Richard."

Richard was momentarily lost for words, captivated by Natalia's sweet smile. For a fleeting second, he felt as if no words in his vast lexicon could do justice to her beauty.

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